onyudo on "What's the best way to directly link to a post's file attachment?"
I have a portfolio where there are a series of thumbnails. Clicking on a thumbnail leads to the portfolio post's permalink (i.e., the_permalink(); ). Attached to each portfolio post is a PDF file. What...
View ArticleJumpringer99 on "Make a page title in two colors"
I want page titles of three specific pages to display two colors. The solution may be a php statement replacing a string with css. I've tried this several times with no luck... for example: <?php...
View ArticleUnsober on "Mass Publishing Posts"
Hellow, Guys. I need some help with clear one thing. I need to publish all of my posts( 15.000) at once. I try some scripts with changing post_status to "publish", but it's not the same as button...
View Articlediggim8 on "A very complex or simple?: One WordPress with many domains"
Somehow the modern book of answers (google) failed me for the very first time, i will come back to why in a sec. MY STORY: It first started with an opportunity given to me, some guys needed help with...
View ArticlePiotr on "Using one function for two scheduled events and a form"
I think this is going to be difficult to explain, but I hope someone will understand. ;) I'm building a plugin that queries data from a non-Wordpress database (a forum) and inserts it into Wordpress as...
View Articlezvonano on "No access to page some period (need code)"
Hi everyone, I was wondering how to make code for my Wordpress page... When I open one page, and then when I close it, how to make that I can`t open it again for some period (for example 30 minutes)....
View Articlewalshie1987 on "Woocommerce - How are the attribute tables generated?"
Hi All, I'm really struggling with this one. I've installed Woocommence and I've made a few mods to certain tables and written a few scripts to update them which are working fine. I want to tidy up the...
View Articleisraelj5 on "php if statement"
I'm having trouble figuring out a way to show my logo under my h1 header ONLY on my home front page. I want to display a navigation menu in my current logo's location on all other pages. If anyone...
View Articleameraz on "Modifying Post Type Archive Query"
Im using the following code to modify the 'posts_per_page' parameter of a Custom Post Type & Custom Taxonomy Archive, problem is that it is also modifying the Main Blog Page (is_home) query:...
View ArticleRcalonge on "Plugins not running jquery"
Hello, I am developing my own theme from scratch but I am quite new in this. I installed the plugin "Drag & Drop builder" from Themify and I tried to insert a image slider, but apparently it's not...
View Articlecyclopse on "Shortcodes not working"
Hello i am using company theme and in that i added visual composer but when i added a tabs shortcode it showing tabs but not showing the content of the tabs but when i switch to default theme it start...
View Articlestackaruk on "How to edit wp-activate.php"
Currently when I add a new user account they are directed to wp-activate.php This page currenly has all the web pages listed and linked. I would like to get rid of this and maybe customize the message....
View Articlebsapaka on "how to modify core function the_meta()"
I am trying to modify the_meta() so that numeric custom fields are displayed with commas and dollar signs. Where do I modify the core function without changing the core file? Do I use functions.php?
View ArticleRay@swaggest.com on "How to have TAGS show on my posts"
Hello everyone, I'm trying to find a way to have TAGS show up on my entries. For example, if you see this page http://www.swaggest.com/lego-the-simpsons-set/ you can see the category "live" right under...
View ArticleMads Phikamphon on "Plugin upload, location of the readme.txt file"
Hi, I have uploaded a plugin (http://wordpress.org/plugins/adv-stopwatch/), but for some reason wordpress.org cannot find my readme.txt So can anyone tell me where in my /trunk/ etc. file structure I...
View Articlemoocow1452 on "Curating Posts on Geolocation"
Hello there all, I'm new to Wordpress, have a little more of a handle on PHP, but am currently in a bit over my head. So, I agreed to help my friend with a PHP addon to Wordpress that allows you to...
View Articlecharlyanderson on "Add additional menu"
I ALWAYS struggle with WP Menu's, just can't get my head around them.... I am working on a theme that only supports one menu so I need to add an additional menu. The menu code is:- <?php $args =...
View Articledgstr on "Exporting WordPress User List"
I need to export my wordpress' users list to Zoho CRM or Google Docs. Is there any way to do this? I have already searched a lot, and found Wordpress and Zoho integrations, but no one about exporting...
View Articledesseloch on "WP_Option to big for "srb_" raw"
Dear all, I've a big problem with WP_OPTION table in my DB , that become very big 100MB automatically in 6/7 days. There are to many row like these: option_id option_name option_value 123580...
View Article5ngua on "changing uploads folder in an old wordpress site"
Hi, By saying old wordpress site I want to mean a wordpress site that already has posts with image published. Now I want to rename and move the uploads folder to the subdomain. I use wordpress...
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