Christine357 on "twentytwelve_entry_meta() Change"
Hey guys I am trying to change the following function just to reword how it displays the entry_meta for posts: function twentytwelve_entry_meta() { // Translators: used between list items, there is a...
View Articleuser256 on "Twentyfourteen two columns"
I'm trying to turn the blog on twentyfourteen into a two column layout, not sure where i'm going wrong. Any tips Cheers
View Articlemariz_p on "add user notification in bbpress moderation"
I have modified the bbpress moderation plugin since I'm not getting any response from it's author. Please see this link: for my code. Now, my problem is I cannot make it...
View ArticleJohn on "Adding custom button code to a simple lightbox link"
My question, I am trying to add a custom button to a simple lightbox link If you look at the link below and switch to LIST VIEW(look at the second listing called "Drag and Drop") you can see the button...
View ArticleMarkLidstone on "Adding Image to end of last line"
Hey Gang, maybe you can help me. I'm trying to add a tiny image to the end of the very last line of a post. I've got the function built so the image appears after each post, but my problem is, it...
View ArticleFeyisayo1 on "How To Create Plugin For My Theme"
Hi, my wordpress website has really been giving my visitors mobile optimization issues that I had to get a mobile theme specifically for mobile users. Now, the problem I'm having is the shortcodes in...
View ArticlePiotr on "Looping posts with content from different database"
Hello, My problem is a bit complicated, but I'm kind of new to WordPress and I'm still learning PHP, so maybe I can't see the solution yet. Here's my situation. I'm running a community forum on which I...
View Articlelwynne on "Adding More than One Custom Settings Field"
I am using the code below to add an extra field in my settings. I am attempting to add a second field (while keeping the first) and I'm unsure what the proper way to do so is. Any help?...
View ArticleOdai Athamneh on "Widget Options Saved, But Not Displaying On Site"
I'm fairly new to WordPress development. I created a simple plugin that displays author info as a sidebar widget when viewing a single post. I've been working on an update, trying to add options to the...
View Articleweirdrat on "how to eliminate google-fonts totally"
hi, can anyone please help a non-scripter like me to get totally rid of google-cloud-fonts in the wordpress-hardcode ? Not only deactivate them - I found several scripts for this - but what do I have...
View Articleolddocks on "Issues with select box in options page?"
i am trying to use selected() function in my select box, inside my wordpress theme options page. The problem is with numbers it works but it is not working comparing strings. Note that below if nothing...
View Articlelwynne on "Automatic Page Generation Error"
I use the code below to generate a page called 'Disclaimer' if there is currently not a disclaimer page on the blog. This code works well. The problem is that if a user deletes the 'Disclaimer' page,...
View ArticleEliot Akira on "Show custom post types in dashboard activity widget"
Here's how I got to show custom post types in the dashboard activity widget. Copied & pasted the function wp_dashboard_recent_posts (from wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php) Changed it slightly to...
View ArticleCrashdownload on "php_self problem"
Hi! I hope some one could help me this problem i got. I hav med a plugin that sends and deletes information to and from a sql server all within the same php page. the "add" form works as it should and...
View Articleromualdv on "Customer Registry (portfolio type) Page"
I'm busy working on a wedding registry website. What I want to achieve is to create a custom page with the following details of our wedding couples that register on our website (customers) that will be...
View Articlelimbworks on "Trouble with custom styled MailChimp embed form"
Hello there, I have a MailChimp form issue and would appreciate any help from the WP community. I am using an embedded MailChimp form I copied from my MC control panel. The form works fine until I add...
View Articlegenzki on "Long Permalink on Backend"
Hi Guys, I would like to ask if how to modify a long URL to not to be broke up on the Creating of Page/Post? Sorry for the bad english. Please see the Example. Ex. (I want to be like this)...
View ArticleMirrorDesigns on "Auto Populate a set of pages"
I am very very very new to wordpress and PHP, I am currently setting up a page that I only activate new members on. What I am wondering is, if there is a way to set up my site so that when I add a...
View Articlegerard749 on "`onclick=”window.print();`"
Hi, I am using <a title="Print Screen" alt="Print Screen" onclick="window.print();" target="_blank" style="cursor:pointer;">PRINT BUTTON</a> on my website. (a WordPress responsive theme)...
View Articleryansigg on "Quick method for adding Child page from Parent"
In the never-ending hunt to make WP even easier and quicker for clients, I'm looking for a method to add Child posts/pages/CPTs from a parent page (I've searched the forum, but it seems almost every...
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