Hi All,
I'm really struggling with this one.
I've installed Woocommence and I've made a few mods to certain tables and written a few scripts to update them which are working fine.
I want to tidy up the admin panel so I can edit the info here instead of having to log into myphpadmin to update the tables.
What I'm having problems with is:
I log into wordpress admin and click on Products -> Attributes, I then click on "Configure Terms" on one of my terms and i'm taken to the next page displaying a list of all of my attributes (e.g. /wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=pa_colour&post_type=product).
This page has a table in with the headings "Name", "Description", "Slug" and "Products". I want to add my column info into this which is called "Includes". This column is location in table wp_term_taxonomy which the above info is also stored in.
I'm ok with PHP but I simply cannot figure out where the headers and info for this page are generated.
Any help would be much appreciated!