jmlmj on "auto logout in custom child theme"
Hi there, I'm looking to create a situation whereby a user who is logged in via a specific IP is automatically logged out after N number of minutes of inactivity. Is this possible? I know that there...
View Article5ngua on "2 wordpress install share the same users database"
I have 2 wordpress + buddypress + bbpress sites running independently but I want them to share the same users database. Just like users will use account to login... What's...
View ArticleM1chel on "creating a custom field that outputs a list"
Hi, I'm building a site for a client and trying to make things as simple as possible for him through a customized user panel. In a blog post which will actually be a product page for his products I...
View ArticleMark Wilkinson on "Custom Capability for Custom Post Type"
I thought this would be easy and actually maybe it is, but after lots of searching it does seem rather complicated and difficult to find help and a solution. Here goes... I have a site that am using a...
View ArticleIvan Jaquez on "Clickable Custom Header Image For Each Category"
Hello guys! Is there a plugin or method to get unique header image for each category, all clickable to an specific url,not just the home page? For example: Dog training header linked to an external dog...
View Articleshiasapir on "Display custom taxonomy based on custom meta box selection"
I have a custom post type called "deli" and I have a custom taxonomy for this cpt called "deli-brands". For "deli" cpt I created a meta box (select radio) with two different options "imported" and...
View ArticleNovaSev on "Filters....I think..."
So I'm using the wp_login_form(). All of it's working swell but... Here's my issue - I want to change the class that is automatically populated with it's submit button. I've done so by just changing...
View Articlesixfootjames on "AND and OR query in WordPress wpdb"
I have read through the entire wpdb and ezSQL so I have a very good understanding of what the wpdb class can do...essentially wpdb is to SQL what jQuery is to Javascript! I am not an SQL developer but...
View ArticleRichard Bui on "Showing all thumbnails of an attached post"
So I found this code in the support forum here and it does 95% of what I want, but for the life of me, I can't figure out the last 5%. So here's the code I'm using: It...
View Articlewilkyboy2 on "Custom Wordpress author names"
Hi All, I am migrating my school's Online Newspaper from Joomla to Wordpress, and I am trying to modify the theme (Twenty Fourteen), so that it uses a metadata key value as the display name for a post...
View Articlevbmark on "How to apply "Pretty Permalinks" to standalone page?"
I have turned on "Pretty Permalinks" and it works great. However, I created a standalone php page, e.g. cars.php and right now it shows up as: How can I make it show up...
View Articlemalkah on "remove rel=nofollow from bbpress"
Hi Is there a way to remove the rel=nofollow from bbpress posts? thanks
View ArticleIllustrateMyDesign on "Contact Form-Admin Only Section"
I was wondering if there was any contact form or plugin with a section that only the admin can access, like an "office use only" section. For example a contact form with a "hidden section" that only...
View Articlevbmark on "How to insert data into custom meta table"
Hello, I have a custom meta table I created named carsmeta. I copied the table structure from another meta table. How do I insert data into this table? I tried using add_metadata add_metadata(...
View Articlewedideas on "How can i save a Wordpress checkbox array in a widget?"
I'm writing a plugin/widget that will enable a user to pick some specific posts from a list of checkboxes returned from a WP get_posts query. I've written the following code but for some reason I can't...
View Articlerachelbilski on "Password Protected Posts only for Logged Out Users"
I have a number of posts, most can only be viewed by a logged in user, but some are password protected for both logged in and non-logged in users to view. I need to have the password protected posts so...
View Articleced1870 on "customize the admin screen of a plugin"
Hi I'm new to wordpress and I'm playing with my new toy :) I'm trying to create a plugin, it is ok for the first steps. Now I have menu entry with a specific post_type and when editing the items I...
View Articlejeich on "get_queried_object no longer working with pre_get_posts and pretty...
Hi! We are experiencing the category issue referenced here -> We applied '3.8.1' and the issue is still unresolved. The custom query is operable with the...
View Articlealisalem on "Only Admins and the post author can view a post, is it possible?"
Hello, I have a site where my clients click on New Order icon then fill up some form (jquery) and this order will be consider as a post so the orders look like this:
View Articlebenutzerfreund on "Loading template twice - how to do it?"
I have a template that I'd like to use several times on a page. I use include( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/ads.php'); and this works for the first instance. But on the second it doesn't. Apparently...
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