Manan on "WordPress Custom Post Type Query"
I have this query for custom filed values (array based values): <?php // args $args = array( 'numberposts' => -1, 'post_type' => 'villa', 'meta_query' => array( 'relation' => 'AND',...
View Articlepixelkai on "Remove thumbnail dimensions from wp_caption"
i am using the following code in functions.php to get rid of the inline thumbnail dimensions generated by wordpress :) // Remove inline width and height added to images function...
View Articleadragt on "Nav Menu Item Linking to Today's Posts"
Would it be hard to have a link in the menu that always gathered the posts/events for the current date? So you could have a link that just said "Todays' Events" and it would just link to whatever...
View Articleclickmac on "Adding Drag and Drop for user uploads"
if their is any such plugin, i don't think it would be for free
View Articlefrengo70 on "sticky post"
Hello. I have a little problem that the theme designer can't resolve. In the middle of page there is a boxed named "areaonoff" that show the latest 5 news of the...
View Articlejellesn on "Contact Form 7 - jQuery checkbox"
$(document).ready(function() { //Hide the field initially $("#hide3").hide(); //Show the text field only when the third option is chosen - this doesn't $('#nieuwsbrief').change(function() { if...
View ArticleRiccardo on "Force download not working as expected"
On PHP I usually I use these lines of code to force a download: header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream', true, 200); header('Content-Disposition:...
View ArticleHidoshi on "Echoing PHP inside of PHP with a link"
My familiarity with PHP is a little rusty right now. I'm trying this: <?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { echo ("<div class="content-left" style="background-image:url( '" . $image_url[0] . "'...
View Articlehovida on "WP_Query - Meta with Arrays"
Hey guys, i try to work a little bit with meta_query on the pre_get_posts action and i have a little Problem. I have a custom Post-Type "news". On the edit-page i had added a custom meta box. Here the...
View ArticleFi Fi P on "JQuery Trouble"
I have been looking through a lot of documentation for this and really need a good clear tutorial if one exists. I have made the move from Dreamweaver to Wordpress and would like to implement some...
View ArticlePiotr on "Dynamically adding forms and options"
I'm continuing my work on a Wordpress site that uses forum posts as content (more on this can be found here and here). After creating news section which takes first post of every topic and turns it...
View ArticleAle12 on "adding 'author_id' as part of register_taxonomy parameter- How to"
Hello, Hope you all well. I would like to have a list of taxonomies by author. I searched google and WordPress forum and There are couple answers which were closed. However, it does not fit blog's...
View Articlejosh5723 on "Load New Header File On Certain Pages"
I've searched a bunch on this issue and have found many people giving different advice. I will only need 2 different header files for my site, the original and the new one I've since created (titled...
View Articleadeizasama on "Reassigning post thumbnail issue"
Hi, I'm working on a site and I'm trying to make it search through the images in the post to come up with a post thumbnail. The thing is, when you add the image to the post while creating it, it picks...
View Articlerobthirlby on "format of user_email field"
Is there a legal hack to change the validation of user_email fields to allow say rob<> or rob( I'm unclear why the validation via is_email() is so restrictive...
View Articlekmadrid on "Media query question"
Wondering if there is any way I can use a media query to construct a new window or tab url if the user is accessing via mobile, versus a modal pop-up if the user is accessing via monitor. I've tried...
View Articlemerlin867 on "Add a waiting time for admin"
Hello everyone, First, I would like to apologize for my english. I'm french so it's not so easy for me. For my problem I did a little research. but frankly I'm not sure what I'm looking for exactly !...
View Articlerapportdesign on "New User Notification Email Include Name"
I've modified the New User Notification Email to include address details entered during the shopping cart of WooCommerce, but I also need to include the first and last name. The following code will...
View Articleonyudo on "What's the best way to directly link to a post's file attachment?"
I have a portfolio where there are a series of thumbnails. Clicking on a thumbnail leads to the portfolio post's permalink (i.e., the_permalink(); ). Attached to each portfolio post is a PDF file. What...
View Articlearmaniworld on "autofill form from another on my site"
I have two forms my site, one on the homepage and one on the "search results page" i am using a plugin to create the homepage form (wp custom fields search) and the search results form is done by...
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