Zilli on "Post Types with custom Rewrite Slug give 404"
Hi. The following code https://gist.github.com/chrismccoy/8825664 will produce a url like: domain.com/videos/funny/cute-dogs/ What I need is: domain.com/funny/cute-dogs/ So, I thought that if I just...
View ArticleNovaSev on "Filters....I think..."
So I'm using the wp_login_form(). All of it's working swell but... Here's my issue - I want to change the class that is automatically populated with it's submit button. I've done so by just changing...
View ArticleLavelight on "[plugin write]Static function error"
Hi everyone :) I writing plugin and i have some problems. Working on localhost - xampp and here check my plugin. Plugin works have 100% correct on my localhost. Problem started when i transfer file on...
View Articlejohnbeardy on "Custom post types, slugs, single-post-type template"
I've a custom post type which is displayed through a single-post-type file. I don't want to display the slug in the URL, and this VIP WordPress hack almost works. "Almost" is because it removes the...
View Articledifimon on "Include and use PHP class into a wordpress page"
Dear all, I have a class in PHP named sample.class.php which I want to include in a wordpress page to exploit its functions. I am using the template twentytwelve and I have installed the plugin exec...
View ArticleManoj Trivand on "How to sort the posts using their post_type"
I am using two custom post_types where i display both of them in the search page. There i need to sort the posts according to their posttype. like if(custom_post_type1) { print all posts under...
View Articlemadsrh123 on "Taxonomy and post types"
I know that there's a ton of threads on this topic, but I can't find any help on this specific issue. Let say I have a movie review site and want to be able to select a film production company for each...
View Articleeveryeurocounts on "Add terms to taxonomy"
Hi, I am writing a plugin using OOP. I have a class (activated from the main plugin file by require_once) to create a custom post type and a hierarchal taxonomy and to populate the taxonomy with parent...
View Articlealisalem on "Only Admins and the post author can view a post, is it possible?"
Hello, I have a site where my clients click on New Order icon then fill up some form (jquery) and this order will be consider as a post so the orders look like this: http://www.mysite.com/order-1...
View Articleionurboz on "WordPress custom post_type"
Hi, I'll using 'sound','video','article','image' custom types. And I did a special new post function without admin panel. I am need, a post in the more type. I'm tested it but array error: /*find...
View Articlejeich on "get_queried_object no longer working with pre_get_posts and pretty...
Hi! We are experiencing the category issue referenced here ->https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/26627 We applied '3.8.1' and the issue is still unresolved. The custom query is operable with the...
View Articlenolash74 on "WP_User search by keyword - lacking wildcard in sql query"
WP 3.8.1 Trying to do a keyword search for user, but the SQL has no wildcards in the LIKE statements in the WHERE part. Is this a known bug? --- ` [query_fields] => DISTINCT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS...
View Articlerobahas on "Can't save meta box input"
Hi - I'm making post meta boxes and I am stuck on the update piece. There is no sign of my meta en the database and I can't see what is wrong with my code: add_action ('save_post',...
View Articlevisiblycreative on "Setting up special content control directly on admin...
I've searched for this for quite a while with no luck, so hoping some of you nice ladies and gents here may have some advice or solutions. I'm going to be setting up a multi-site for an organization...
View ArticleRichardMisencik on "Is register_post_type called only in admin?"
Is register_post_type function only called in admin? I have several custom post types, each in a separate file like cpt-books.php, cpt-movies.php etc. Besides just register_post_type I have code to add...
View Articlekarthiglister on "Datetime Picker for custom plugin pages"
Hi there, I'm new to Wordpress plugin development, i'm developing a custom wordpress plugin which stores, delete and update some records from database. Here i have a (DateTime)column. I want to have a...
View Articlerekkette on "Default Media Slideshow"
Does anyone know about the default media slideshow accessible from the wordpress insert image dialog box? Does WP offer any modifications? If so, how do I access it/modify it without screwing up any...
View Articlevitalvintage on "SYN Media WooCommerce Rewards Plugin- hook: select groups,...
Hello, thanks to anyone who takes the time to help. I have the loyalty woocommerce rewards plugin. I would like to be able to modify it (hook, i think you'd call it) to be able to select from my groups...
View Articlewebbando on "Search Permalink: replace string "?s=" to permalink structure"
Hi, is it possible to change the normal string ?s= to a permalink structure? In particular I need to have the following url: http://www.sitedomani.com/search/keyword1-keyword2-keyword3 instead of:...
View Articleimpolex on "Youtube video output in comments through custom upload plugin"
I'm developing a pluggin for a client that will allow users to upload videos to easily upload videos and display videos for comments. Through the Youtube API users will fill out the video information...
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