Andy Mercer on "Call Media Editor Gallery Page Directly"
I'm calling the WP 3.5 media uploader from a metabox, and have gotten it working to select single or multiple images. What I'd really like to do is call it to the Gallery's page instead though, so that...
View Articlebahrt on "Removing specific images from RSS feed"
Hello, We are starting to work with a customer who's buying our RSS2 feed and we need to send them the full contents of each post. We also want to send them the images included on each post, but as...
View Articlegolazo on "How make to not add article in parent category in wordpress"
How transform parent category in title. I want to add article only in subcategory, and categories appear only as decoration. Ex: Category(5) //You can not add articles Subcategory1(3) //You can add...
View Articleallm on "pre_comment_approved, return values"
I am using the pre_comment_approved filter and it seems the return value of 0 does not function. A return value of 'spam' does what can be expected. Any ideas? This is what the codex says:...
View ArticleJim R on "Trying to pass a WP variable to a file outside of WP"
I'm using jQuery (not a plugin) with HighCharts to create a bar graph based on information coming from my own data table. The data table is in the same database as my WP install. The bar graph is...
View Articlebrianfromme on "Stripped WP on Ubuntu 13.10 can't handle shortcodes"
On a fresh install of Ubuntu Server 13.10 on AWS, I add LAMP stack and enable mod_rewrite. Then install WP 3.8.1 and remove all plugins and themes, except for the "twentyfourteen" theme. With nothing...
View Articlejillianmariegraphics on "Taxonomy Archive - Sort and Filter by Terms"
I've been struggling over this concept for days and am hoping to get some help as I am a beginner at using custom post types. I'm setting up a site to display an inventory of showroom products. Custom...
View Articleflmrms on "Make random posts limited by category" I'm using this plugin to add random posts to a page via shortcode. Currently, it takes the posts from anywhere, and I want to limit it to a couple...
View Articlegrizzam on "$post variables aren't outputting any data inside custom plugin."
How can I use $post variables inside a custom plugin? I've tried: global $post; echo $post->post_title; and: the_ID(); But none of them output any data. How can those variables work inside a custom...
View ArticleAnna Johansson on "Prevent wp_redirect on edited tag"
What I'm trying to achieve is that when a user edits an existing term and submits the changes he or she isn't redirected back to the overview of terms on edit-tags.php, but instead stays on the same...
View Articleelitel on "Send Confirmation link after successful register"
Hi, Where would I begin if I want to send users an Email Confirmation Link after registration? Right now, 1. after submitting registration form, user information will be stored immediately in the...
View ArticleRiccardo on "Force download not working as expected"
On PHP I usually I use these lines of code to force a download: header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream', true, 200); header('Content-Disposition:...
View Articlelemonthirst on "displaying the number of active visitors on a single post"
Hi, i've searched/tested most of the plugins available in the repository for a plugin that can count how many users are online on a single post. I want to display the number of active users reading...
View ArticleValgav on "Soundcloud embed options"
I have some code in functions.php which adds options to my YT links. I want the same for my soundcloud. Is there any way to control this from functions.php? And if possible move adding video-frame only...
View ArticleNasgor on "Custom Post Archive Loop"
Hi, I'm creating a plugin to display Custom Posts in a Web. Almost everything works fine, but I would need to show the archive in alphabetical order and excluded Child Pages from the loop. Don't know...
View Articlepixel016 on "How to update image"
Hi everybody, I have a custom field "upload image" on the user profile page. When the user upload an image, it appear on the wordpress media library and on a featured image on a custom post. So the...
View Articlenewbutold47 on "pass data from a gallery page to a product"
I want to have a link on a product page that directs the user to a gallery of items from which to select the item they want. The selection is passed to the product page either as an image or a...
View Articlerekkette on "Assign Featured Image for Category"
Hi. I'm working on a child theme and I need to have a featured Image (thumbnail) representative of each category. I found a plugin that will do this, but I have a structure I'm trying to work out and...
View ArticleSteven Strand on "Enqueue and use Boxer.jquery from Formstone"
Hi, I am currently working on a one page portfolio and would like to implement the jquery slider "Boxer - Mobile" from Formstone ( But have problems with...
View Articleloiste2 on "Override the Wordpress core function wp_referer_field"
I'd like to override the core Wordpress function wp_referer_field with folowing code: function wp_referer_field( $echo = true ) { $referer_field = '<input type="hidden" name="_my_wp_http_referer"...
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