Jon W on "Showing only the last 3 comments for a post / page"
For my mobile theme I wish to show only the last 3 comments for that post (or page) and the new comment form. I added this code to the comments.php <?php $args = array( 'number' => 3, 'post_id'...
View Articlezapping on "unknow page access"
On our google analytics account actually we are seeing some sort of access to non-existing pages from Philippines. How can it be checked if its some sort of an issue or hack.
View Articlekikimarie123 on "Share Content - External Links Generate Excerpt Thumbnail"
Is there a plugin out there that allows you to insert a link from any site and then it generates a thumbnail and excerpt. Just how when you insert a link on Facebook or LinkedIn, the thumbnail from the...
View ArticleSV_ChrisM on "PhP web service"
I'm working with a Woocommerce install and I want to have a remote .NET server create coupons on our web store on command. To this end, I'm trying to set up a PhP web service that will create a coupon...
View Articlejasonsweb on "wp_localize_script"
Hi! I'm trying to get a like script running on my blog. This is a part of the code, which I placed in my functions.php: wp_localize_script('like_post', 'ajax_var', array( 'url' =>...
View Articlepcg4m3s on "Post a new comment using XML-RPC from java Android"
Hi, for my Android application I need a way to post comment to a wordpress forum. In my test main I do: public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub String xmlRpcUrl =...
View Articlegerberto on "Shorten image URLS by removing /wp-content/uploads/"
Hi – I am trying to hide or shorten the URL of files or pictures uploaded to the /wp-content/uploads/ folder. By default in WordPress if you upload an image, pdf, etc and insert it into a post or page...
View Articlevimes1984 on "Woocommerce purchase note?"
I think i am missing something glaringly obvious here: I am trying to include the pruchase note in the customer-completed-order.php so the customer recives the note along with the pruchase...
View ArticleMatthewRuddy on "Image Resizing Function - An Alternative to Timthumb"
Hey all. I've been working hard on updating my plugin the 'Easing Slider'. A fairly massive update is on the way, and being a slideshow plugin image resizing is always a hot topic. I had been using...
View Articlecelo1910 on "this appearing erro_log"
hello people can someone help me this error appearing frequentimente how can I resolve this error [20-Jun-2013 05:50:04 UTC] Error WordPress database Lost connection to MySQL server During query for...
View Articlemaustin89 on "Exclude a custom post type from HTML sitemap"
Hi guys, I created a page template for an HTML sitemap based on Yoast's post here: The below snippet is used to display custom post types in the sitemap:...
View Articlepaulhume on "Page Protection Password"
I have a need for the password to time out a lot quicker for protected pages in a wordpress site. In older versions of WP I would edit the wp_pass.php file to achieve this. After the 3.4.1 update WP...
View ArticleHubert Nguyen on "Is it possible to know the page type when "send_headers"...
Hello, I would like to setup custom HTTP cache-control headers depending on the type of pages. I thought that I could use the "send_headers" action hook to do that, but unfortunately, it seems that...
View ArticleWillBontrager on "How to reverse effect of wpautop() and wptexturize() on...
I have a short code with multi-line content. Functions wpautop() and wptexturize() are applied to the shortcode content before my plugin gets a copy of it. The content of this shortcode: [shortcode]...
View Articleeveryeurocounts on "$wpdb Inner Join"
I am trying to create a array of postdates where the post meets a custom taxonomy criteria (location) this will also be modified by a form element (will be using Ajax hopefully) but im stuck on...
View Articlegombroo on "Custom post types and "fatal error: require_once() " message"
Hello, I've registered some custom post types in my child theme. They are included in the directory: libs/posttypes.php and looks like this: <?php add_action('init', 'mamepro_init_posttypes');...
View Articleikosweb on "How to separate data in wordpress metabox?"
just created a kind of long metabox using a tutorial at wptuts but I am lost in two things: The output of the metabox displays all data grouped (ex. in grouped checkboxes they are all in a whole even...
View ArticleDelarnMini on "Login form problem"
I've made a login form in my fixed-top navbar with The Bootstrap theme. It works, I get logged in, but every times I hit F5 or refresh I get booted out and have to sign in again.
View ArticleantpowerWD on "Videos Upload"
Hi, I'm building an app with wordpress, I've got a videos upload configured in wordpress in functions.php and present as its own seperate upload on the dashboard. The videos page is pointing at...
View ArticleDubai Web Design - on "Solution to display recent posts...
<?php $db_username = '#######'; $db_password = '#######'; $db_database = '#######'; $blog_url = ''; //base folder for the blog. Make SURE there is a slash at the...
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