olehellhound on "Toolbar Roles"
Hello, I'm creating a plugin and I got the idea to create menus in the WP Toolbar for my backend pages. I've added a user as a subscriber and want for the menu that I have created to appear in the...
View Articlejp2112 on "Best practice for updating readme.txt"
I would like to know what is the best practice for updating documentation when there are no updates to the plugin itself. I have an updated FAQ section for my readme.txt due to issues identified in the...
View Articlegemonon on "ImpressJS theme integration quirk"
Hey there, I am trying to get impress.js to work well with wordpress and am running into a weird issue I can't figure out. You can see the working implementation here:...
View Articlemcwolf00 on "How to build a feature like this?"
Hi all, I am using the latest Wordpress, and I want to build this function in my site: 1. There is a form at the front-end, that user can insert their height, weight, age and gender. After they click...
View Articlezaone on "User auto log out based on role"
Hello, is there any way to automatically log out a user based on his role? I mean, if a user has the "No role for this site" role set for it, is there any way to log him out automatically when he tries...
View Articlezozopelli on "colorbox make title a link"
In colorbox, make the title a link to the post. The wordpress link needs to be dynamic. Colorbox is grabbing the thumbnail and title. How do I get it to add the url. The link would close the colorbox...
View ArticlealirezaChimeh on "showing especial category of posts"
HI all in my wordpress theme (monaco) there is a slider that shows all pictures summery of main posts (main page). how can I show info of especial category in slider? the code for summery of the post...
View Articlebramwittendorp on "MySQL database installation is not working"
For my first WordPress plugin I chose to make it my self difficult because I want to use a new table in the WordPress database installation. However if I install the plugin the database tables are not...
View Articlehyoon01 on "How to loop through PAGES in custom Navigation Menu"
So for my website, I am making it so that the content of each page in the current navigation menu would be displayed on the main home page. So main question is, how would I write the query so that it...
View ArticlePressnoob on "Amazon Product API plugin that retrieves the list price and the...
So I really want to make a plugin like this: http://www.convertazon.com/demo/ except without the cheesy loading bar and other stuff. I'm just wondering if anyone has any experience creating Amazon...
View Articleliiam on "Call Custom Field inside shortcode or php within the template"
Hi I am using the Simple WP Shopping Cart They offer short code and php options for inserting a button which is: <?php echo print_wp_cart_button_for_product(’PRODUCT-NAME’, PRODUCT-PRICE); ?> or...
View Articleclickmac on "Adding Drag and Drop for user uploads"
if their is any such plugin, i don't think it would be for free
View Articlemullion on "Create/Edit user without Email Adresse"
Hello, I need to be able to create/edit user without email adresse. I tried to find how the wordpress core works. But it's kind of very complex to simply remove all the "required validation" for the...
View Articlekeyrun00 on "How to add PHP code and HTML code in admin bar?"
I want to add php code like <?php wp_loginout($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); ?> to my admin bar. Is there any possible way? and also, is there anyway to add html code in admin bar? Thanks for your...
View Articleitsprecious on "Admin Email in database of Version 3.5.1"
I hope this is the correct place for this question. I'm not a developer, but can find my way around the database of my site. I purchased a domain and installed WP directly from GoDaddy's platform. From...
View Articlecredo61 on "Add a tinyMCE plugin + WordPress functionality"
Hi, I've added a button to tinyMCE which loads a php file into the iframe. Actually it's a shortcode manager and I need to use some wordpress functionality such as translation functions or getting...
View Articlemrpritchett on "Category image display"
I am using a script found at http://wpdevsnippets.com/add-category-tag-taxonomy-picture/. However, I cannot get the writer to answer a usage question, so here it is: How do I use this script with a...
View Articlejohnlanglois on "How to Check cart for Simple Product"
In WooCommerce 2.0.12 I have a filter, add_filter( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation), that does not need to run if the product being added is a simple product. Is there a variable I could check or a...
View Articlerocknets on "How to add plugin menu to available widgets page"
I have created my own custom plugin - a very simple one to learn with. I have activated it and it is showing as active. My question is... How do I make the plugin available in the available widgets...
View Articlemagootim on "FORCE_SSL_ADMIN"
I'm trying to make my admin section a bit more secure by using define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true); I've put this line of code in my wp-config.php file fine. I understand that this then tells the browser...
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