Jason Ho on "How can i add something after body tag by a plugin?"
How can i add something after body tag by add_action? THANKS
View Articlepicus on "Request for another php function"
Hi, pardon the probably stupid question but I'm a newbie to plugin development. I need to do a sort of product catalogue. I've prepared the mysql tables, the db accessor php classes and the domain...
View Articledannymh on "Using $_GET variables as a shortcode attribute"
Hi, I am writing a plugin and considering using shortcodes to accomplish this, information is going to be passed from page to page. In doing so a variable is going to be passed and I want to take that...
View Articlehasanrang05 on "add_filter with get_search_query executing 4 times"
I am trying to get search query string to submit custom table and count how many time these string searched my table column id(int), keyword(varchar), count(int) everything i made my way but problem is...
View Articlechadev on "Meaning of code"
Could anyone please tell me the meaning or implication of each line of code? Thanks $excerpt = preg_replace(" (\[.*?\])",'',$excerpt); $excerpt = strip_shortcodes($excerpt); $excerpt =...
View Articleolddocks on "Adding a color picker to theme options page"
i wrote a tutorial on how to add a color picker in your admin theme options page, the easiest way. Here is the link:...
View Articleflatrader on "Has my site been hacked ? or Not ?"
Hello all ! I've had a website up and running for over a year now and after installing a firewall plugin, I notice on the reports, IP's from non-registered members trying to access my admin section. Am...
View ArticlePeter Wilson on "Browser Tab Description"
I will start by saying that I am totally new to all this so please bear with me. I have developed a Website using Theme: Twenty Twelve and have the Wordpress SEO plugin by Yoast. This has helped me...
View Articlejules_thestar on "error in plugin development"
hi am new to plugin development, i have red few books.I would like to develop my first plugin for social sharing,but am getting few errors in following code. <?php $social_sharing_toolkit = new...
View Articlespeedster on "Search results in subpage"
Hi, I would like to show search results in a specific subpage. Is it possible to "embed" search results generated by search.php in some subpage template? Thanks.
View Articleappleisle on "Post Author URL displays Username NOT Nickname"
I have found earlier requests on this Username appearing in the URL but no real answers & most were 4 to 5 years old - so here goes again: PROBLEM: Posts are created and display the Nickname (Not...
View ArticleMrurka on "Displaying parent, sub and sub-sub Categories, each on different...
Greetings all! I have some data that I need to categorize in 3 parts. For example, one item may be in Category "Farm Products" / sub-Category "Dairy" / sub-sub-Category "Cheese". I am looking to have...
View ArticleLuke Janicke on "Walker class for comments"
Can anyone point me to any good (and by that I mean slightly “For Dummies”) guides on using a walker class for comments? I just started writing a callback function to customize wp_list_comments() and I...
View Articledcurran on "301 redirect and redirect_canonical conflict"
I have run into a problem with some 301 redirects. I have a few 301 redirects set up using the simple 301 redirect plugin and they work fine when the site is not using www. however when www. is...
View ArticleAlphaGolf_fr on "Adding a version number to CSS (and JS) files"
I'd like to append a build number to the CSS and JS file names of my plugin, instead of ?ver=3.8, so that the latest version of the files are sent to the browser with new releases of my plugin. As per...
View ArticleSam on "PHP script for Ipad PDF download"
I reviewed 10's of link with many offered soultions but have not made any inroad. I have a simple php script header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate,...
View ArticleLuke Janicke on "How to REALLY customise comment_form()?"
Using comment_form() you can customise most of the comment form using arguments or filters. But what you can’t customise is the HTML that wraps the whole comment form. Namely… <div id="respond"...
View ArticleJason Ho on "Problem with last_post_redirect_load_plugin_textdomain!"
Hi, i want to use last_post_redirect_load_plugin_textdomain on a plugin but when i use code $plugin_wp_content_plugin_dir = dirname(plugin_basename( __FILE__ )); function...
View ArticleAidanG on "Creating a search query"
[Moved to Hacks forum] Hello, I'm using a search mod called Advanced Search (read more on it here: http://wpadvancedsearch.com/) and essentially what I want to do is push my search from one page - the...
View ArticleBloggingStudio on "Jetpack sharing - Error code: -32601"
Hi All, I am trying to add facebook and Google plus connections in sharing settings. Getting below error message. Earlier, I had facebook connection but tried to change it. Now it doesn't work. Error...
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