I have found earlier requests on this Username appearing in the URL but no real answers & most were 4 to 5 years old - so here goes again:
PROBLEM: Posts are created and display the Nickname (Not Login Username) yet when you click on that Nickname to see a summary of all the posts by that person the URL that appears reverts to:www.??????/author/username/
ISSUE is this gives the "hacker" your real Log In Username. Yes I know we all should have good passwords but as a general WP user I could not believe this is a standard WP code action.
I have just last night had many attempts to hack in at Log In (protected by All In One WP Security & Firewall) and was amazed they had my Username to attempt to crack in (NO it is not Admin!).
That prompted me to think they had cracked into my DB to get the username, then I found via searching the Forum some notes about the problem and sure enough I check my site and bingo the Post Summary for a nickname provides the Username...!!!!
I saw there is a Plug-in SX_Username is this the ONLY OPTION or am I missing some standard WP code/setting issue?
Any help much appreciated.