tnoguchi on "Display Groups of Custom Posts by their Custom Taxonomy Term"
Hi, I'm trying to output a portfolio page composed of sections of CPT post thumbnails organized by their custom taxonomy term slugs. While it's easy for me to output the terms associated with the...
View Articlesyced on "No data in $_POST"
Hello, I'm writing a front-end function where a user fills in a form. But for some mysterious reason it doesn't send any data through $_POST. This is my material: - I have two WordPress running at one...
View Articlewebwerk on "[Plugin: WordPress-to-lead for Salesforce CRM] Additional form...
How can I have more field types (radiobutton, checkbox, drop-down,...), added to the 3 (text, textarea, hidden) that are available? Thanks
View Articleuser256 on "Plugin settings page outputing whitespace underneath"
I'm working on a plugin unfortunately the custom settings page is outputting a large amount of whitespace underneath and I can't figure out why. Anyone able to throw me a...
View Articleamosglenn on "WP_Query doesn't seem to filter with meta_query"
I've added a loop to a template used for a single post, but WP_Query doesn't seem to filter the posts collected according to their meta fields I created two custom post types: "issue" and "article"....
View Articlebjarvis2785 on "Manually changing post status via MySQL command"
Hi All, I recently paid a developer to code a system for my new website that does some stuff when a post is changed from 'Draft' to 'Published'. I now have a problem, that he's left us with an...
View Articlemak1wp on "Category select function within page builder post loop"
Hi, I've been working with a page builder plugin from site origin which is capable of listing a post loop (via widget) and arranging the posts in order of date, post ID, comment count and others but it...
View ArticleBerg25 on "Submit button comment redirecting"
Hello anyone reading this and sorry if I'm posting in the wrong section. I'm currently trying to build a website where the comments are all on 1 page. The problem I'm having is after you submit a...
View Articlejalefkowit on "Overriding display_element in Walker class?"
In my process of learning how to work with the Walker class, I've come across a lot of online guides (including in generally high-quality venues like these forums and StackOverflow) that encourage...
View Articlequeenielow on "Allow user to edit/view/create their own page only"
Hi There, Is there a way without hacking the core to only allow user to edit/view and create their own page in the Dashboard, so they are not able to view other pages that is not created by them?
View Articlejnwry on "Add menus to admin using custom taxonomies"
Hello, I'm developing a plugin for e-learning. It is laid out as courses->lessons+evaluations+final exam. So I have figured out how to register_post_types as custom tipes (my_course) and add...
View Articlesicktb on "Add a comment field"
Dear all, Im trying to ad a custom comment field that works the same as the "Message" field. I found all topics and tutorials. But my php skills are not realy updated. What did i add? I put 'test'....
View Articlelyndonr on "Media Library View Defaults to "Uploaded to this post" Function"
I found a nice fix to make this happen in the feature request forum This bit of code for functions.php...
View Articlenormcaruso on "page database / portal"
Was curious if anyone knows of a way to create this functionality. I'm wondering if custom taxonomies will do it. Basically I'm looking at adding a Games database to my website. Similar to what IGN...
View Articlecyarema on "Geolocation Redirect"
**Note, tried to put this in WP-Advanced, but couldn't post there** A previous programmer at my company did this coding to detect user location (on mobile) and direct them to the nearest pharmacy...
View ArticleStashCat on "Post (on BuddyPress) with Java"
Hey guys, I'm fairly new to the WordPress forums. Anyways, I need to check and post status updates, etc. on BuddyPress through Java. I'm not too familiar with these things, so please give me the...
View ArticleCrash"">jhuston1989 on "Pluggable.php Permissions Being Changed -> Crash"
I am having a problem where the pluggable.php permissions are being changed from read/write to read only sporadically. I am asuming this is some sort of hack as the website is running fine with no...
View Articleczetzl on "Daily Subscription Email Spam"
About a week ago, we notice spam going out in our blog's daily subscription email. The email is automatically generated, we're not sure using which plugin. After doing a security scan in Go Daddy, we...
View ArticleDavid Hunt on "How to add access keys to wp_nav_menu"
I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, but I thought I'd share the relatively painless way I came up with to add access key attributes to the output of wp_nav_menu(), for improved website...
View Articlekmack176 on "Keep admin header/menus from refreshing??"
Hey guys, I'm new to this forum and couldn't find an answer to this anywhere. I am trying to design a customized CMS based off of wp and am pretty happy with the results. However, I would really like...
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