roelof on "Can this be done with wp_archive_get"
Hello I found this I like them but it seems that there are many errors in it. So I wonder if the same can be done with filters and...
View ArticleUmbercode on "Custom infinite scroll and archives/search"
I have a file (loop.php) which contains the loop (while (have_posts ... endwhile) Next I have an index.php, archive.php and a search.php. All of which contain get_template_part('loop'). In my...
View Articlesenyoraangelica on "Cant get php to work inside shortcode content"
I tried several solutions from looking at similar questions within the site but it won't work me. =( Please help. This is an excerpt from my original code: <form action="" method="get"> <input...
View Articledearlydemented on "Shortcodes for recent posts"
Hi, all help is appreciated! I'm struggling to set up my "home" page. I only want to display the 4 recent posts of each category there. This shortcode works fine: [home_posts heading='Reviews'...
View ArticleSpikeTheLobster on "Database Create View"
I'd like to create a new view in my database but I can't seem to do it actively, through a php function. I can't find any info on doing this, though there's plenty on making tables. The only support...
View Articletrecoolz on "Plugin if statement not working"
Hello all I'm developing a simple plugin to show some social icons based on options. I have used if statements successfully before now with no issue. The following code is causing me problems: <?php...
View Articlemstrdh on "[WooCommerce] Add custom fee in Shopping Cart"
Hi! I had a difficult task, so I need your help, guys. I need some fixes in shopping cart. 1. If a customer buys less product that costs less than 1000kr, then 200kr needs to be added to the price. The...
View Articlenorrist on "Delete rss feed"
I discovered that I have two rss feeds. One that ends in /?feed=podcast and the other ends in /?feed=rss2. I want that one that ends in /?feed=rss2 deleted. I found it by doing a simple google search....
View Articlekuckovic on "Search price range"
Hi all! I'm using the theme Realtr from Templatic. I'm making an estate site, and I wanted to know if anyone could help me - here's my problem: Problem: In the right sidebar, I have a pricerange...
View Articlegerard749 on "add date, function.php"
Hi, I put the following code in my child themes function.php file: add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode'); function displaydate(){ return date('l, F jS, Y'); } add_shortcode('date', 'displaydate');...
View ArticleTheXero on "Setting the Secure flag on cookie wordpress_logged_in"
Hey I know this affects version 3.x as well, but this has bugged me for a while. On an SSL wordpress blog, even using the 'SSL Wordpress' plugin, the secure flag is not set on the wordpress_logged_in...
View ArticleFarlif on "Add "async" by script-loader.php"
Hi, loading times become more important every day. Therefore I'd like to load the jQuery.js in the header with an "async"-tag. The registration of the jQuery is done by wp-include/script-loader.php: //...
View Articlepstanev on "How to add user page with my plugin"
Hi I want to add userpage with my plugin i try like 10 different functions ,but non of them work. Here is picher of what i want to do when my plugin is on:...
View ArticleMatt McFarland on "how to auto rotate iPhone image upon upload using...
Hi all, I've been struggling for the past 2 weeks trying to figure out how to do this. I run a community based site for a client where people upload images and the images are then posted to the blog....
View Articlenathangoldstein on "Custom Image Size Patch 3.6 Update"
Hi there, Recently working with wordpress 3.5, I came across this patch : ...which solved the problem of custom image sizes defined by my theme not resizing...
View Articlenicnack on "adding variable/array to script"
Hi! Below is a script that creates a widget area. Any widget that is added into this area is contained within a simple <div></div> tag. I need the script to generate a unique ID per div...
View Articlezhulongzheng on "load-{$page} action not work,other actions only work on...
In my plugin, I want to do some operation on both post-new.php page and post.php page,or another way of saying when I add a new post and edit a existed post. So I use the...
View ArticleMatthewRuddy on "Image Resizing Function - An Alternative to Timthumb"
Hey all. I've been working hard on updating my plugin the 'Easing Slider'. A fairly massive update is on the way, and being a slideshow plugin image resizing is always a hot topic. I had been using...
View Articlejeffersonpowers on "Add post tag name to single post body class"
I am searching for a way to add each post's tag to its single post body class. I specifically need the tag name to appear as a body class (an article class or anything farther in won't help). Is there...
View Articlewebwerk on "[Plugin: WordPress-to-lead for Salesforce CRM] Additional form...
How can I have more field types (radiobutton, checkbox, drop-down,...), added to the 3 (text, textarea, hidden) that are available? Thanks
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