Hi all!
I'm using the theme Realtr from Templatic.
I'm making an estate site, and I wanted to know if anyone could help me - here's my problem:
In the right sidebar, I have a pricerange option, called "Pris Niveau" - it works fine as it is, but it has to many options.
My vision:
Instead of one drop-down with 30 options, I would like to have 2 textfields, so that the customers can enter the minimum and maximum pricerange - I just can't make it work! Can you guys help me? please!
<label><?php echo SEARCH_PRICE_RANGE_TEXT; ?> : </label>
<select name="srch_price" id="srch_price" onchange="" class="fl select">
<option value=""><?php echo SELECT_ALL_PRICE_TEXT; ?> <?php _e("in","templatic");?> <?php echo get_currency_sym();?> </option>
<?php echo get_price_range_dl($_REQUEST['srch_price']);?>
I really nees your help...