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KennyWithers on "How to change iframe source on page refresh, by post category"

Hello, I have been looking for a way to rotate iframes with ads on my single post page (single.php). I would like these to randomly rotate or change every time the page is refreshed. I searched the...

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larryoscs on "Adding Users to View Private Posts"

I'm working on a site that will allow people to create a private post and I want certain only subscribers to be able to view those posts. Unfortunately, password protection isn't an option, so they...

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ryanparrish on "ClearDB MySQL SSL Connection"

Hello, I want to know if anyone has any ideas about creating an SSL connection to my ClearDB MySQL DB I know I can use define('DB_SSL', true); although, clear DB gives me certificates I have to use for...

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Pete on "Is there a conditional for the second (and higher) page of an archive?"

Is there a conditional for the second (and higher) page of an archive? I only want to display something on the first page of archive.php but not on the second -> nth pages. Thanks

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Pete on "My search.php 'query posts' isn't doing what i'm asking it to"

I have a search.php template I have this code below, I'm asking the loop to only show 2 search posts at a time but it has decided it deserves to show more. <?php global $query_string; query_posts(...

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Jipsu on "Building plugin update api"

I have tried to build own update api, with quite good success. Now I have run a problem. When I add more than one plugin, only one of them gets plugin information correctly. So only one plugin says...

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sophpetekyan on "helppp..."

PLEASE HELP ME. Im new to all this wordpress stuff. the beginning of this year we set up our own site through a host but designing and editing the site was SO complicated. One of our customers...

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dani3bent on "Subscribers Were Mass Spammed"

Our subscribers were spammed 500-600 emails last night - all I am finding in the community forum is information on getting spammed subscribers not our subscribers getting hundreds of spam emails. Any...

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nico80 on "Portal login with remote service best practice"

Hello, I apologize in advance for the newbie question. I did a search and found a lot of information on how to customize the login screen but I am trying to find out what is the best practice in my...

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miles1234 on "How to stop 404 error on NEXT_POSTS() at end of stack?"

I have hacked up each main post (and each category post) so that it includes only an href tag around an image source. The href is to the link provided by 'next_posts()' Clicking on the image displayed...

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wspencer on "wp_update_comment not working"

I've created a custom comment editor and for some reason, wp_update_comment is not working. It returns 1, which means it should have been successful but it's not actually updating anything. Listed...

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yannikin on "Displaying tweets with filter on handle and hashtag"

I am trying to create a twitter feed on the main section of my website. What I'm trying to do is display tweets that are filtered by my twitter handle AND a hashtag. For example, I want to display ONLY...

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PipIWYG on "Custom Discount on Products, modifying price output for variable...

Been hacking away at this for days now, I managed to get some of it working to an extent, but I am a little stuck on modifying the prices of variations... So here's the thing... I am reading a feed...

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jimmycataldo123 on "How to change the woocommerce SKU text on the product...

Hi, The title says it all really. Does someone have enough knowhow to help me with this? I've already tried to change the SKU texts in the woocommerce/single-product/meta.php but that does not work. I...

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ferme marcotte on "i can not access my admin since it was hacked"

My site has been hacked by Tuncay 117. Since then I cannot log in I cannot acces my dashboard i think I have loose all my post and pages. can you help me to recover do I have to change my username ou...

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bogdanUlea on "Hacked code inserted in all the php files from my website"

Hi, I have the following problem: All my .php pages from my website has been hacked. A suspicious code has been inserted on first line of my WordPress website. I have changed all the user access...

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CodeUtopia on "Need help with code to integrate s2member and woocommerce"

Hello WP community, I am trying to build a WP e-commerce site and I have run into an issue. I'll give some background first. s2member is a free plug-in to handle memberships/subscriptions and...

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hleV on "A Better wp_link_pages()?"

Hello. I'm making a theme and I want both index/archive and single post/page paginations to look alike, and they need to have both prev/next links and page numbers. For index/archive, paginate_links()...

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ace2307 on "Help with security"

Hey guys, What are some things I can do to secure my blog from hackers? I have my blog set up so that you must register to comment on any of my pages. Yet, I had a comment from an unregistered person....

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Maruful Islam on "Custom search function to query into Database Table"

I'm trying to design a custom search function that will receive user supplied inputs, query a database table, retrieve rows and display in a page. I need a little idea how would I customize/overwrite...

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