I have been looking for a way to rotate iframes with ads on my single post page (single.php). I would like these to randomly rotate or change every time the page is refreshed. I searched the forum and found this very basic php code:
$urls = array (
$rand = mt_rand (0, count ($urls) - 1);
echo "<iframe src='".$urls [$rand]."'></iframe>";
The only problem is that I want to load unique iframes depending on the category of my site. For example, If I have a post about cars, I want car related products to rotate in my iframes. I don't know enough PHP to code it myself, but I believe what I need is something like this:
Category 1 $urls = array (
Category 2 $urls = array (
Category 3 $urls = array (
If post is category 1, display "Category 1 $urls"
$rand = mt_rand (0, count ($urls) - 2);
If post is category 2, display "Category 2 $urls"
$rand = mt_rand (0, count ($urls) - 2);
else display "Category 3 $urls"
$rand = mt_rand (0, count ($urls) - 2);
echo "<iframe src='" [Category} .$urls [$rand]."'></iframe>";
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thank you for any help!