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ramooch on "Keep params in url when navigate?"

Hi, i have this link that i use in an email marketing http://plancero.net/citroen/?utm_source=BAODATA&utm_medium=email&utm_content=C3BERLINGO&utm_campaign=DARC Got a form that tells me the...

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Free269 on "adding separator"

Hi, I'm working on a new theme based on the twentyfourteen theme. I want to add some dot separators on the main navigation menu. So I rewrote this line in the head: <?php wp_nav_menu( array(...

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elelel on "Having to prove I'm human when I log in? Have I been hacked?"

Hello I'm a wordpress newbie but I've taken time to try to protect my site from hacks and I'm constantly reading and trying to take it all in. Anyway to my point. I know you can get plugins which make...

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Free269 on "Add sidebar to tablets - using my own custom twentyfourteen theme"

Hi guys, I'm working with the twentyfourteen theme.. changing it to what I would like it to look like.. so using the mobile view, I disable the view of the sidebar by using this: if (wp_is_mobile() ==...

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a4jp.com on "Can someone see why my inspiration menu drop down doesn't show up?"

I made my own child theme to a theme and now it looks nothing like the original but I some how turned off the drop downs of the top main navigation. I can see the bits in the code so they are there but...

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AliceWonderFull on "Prepared Statements"

http://make.wordpress.org/core/2012/12/12/php-warning-missing-argument-2-for-wpdb-prepare/ Says prepared statements require two arguments. I don't understand something, it looks like it requires you to...

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garciasanchezdani on "wp enqueue scripts don't work"

Hi all, I'm using it in a single post, like this: add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wp_add_unit_scripts' ); function wp_add_unit_scripts() { global $post;...

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HuddersfieldH on "Calling information from database into tables."

Hi, I'm wanting to have a table on my site that allows me to see the sub directory, blog id and mapped domains in a table. So far I've got how to show the blog id and directory from main domain, but...

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Alvaro on "Remove "category" word from URL"

Hello I am trying to create an SEO friendly URL structure for my website. I an trying to have an URL witohut thr word Category and parent category name for example I have the below category structure...

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AvWijk on "[Audio Embeds] Automatically create download link?"

I'm maintaining the website of a choir and I use the Insert Media functionallity to insert MP3 audio to a post. As you al know that looks something like this: [audio...

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dotnet630 on "How to add Video Meta Data while using Yoast Seo Plugin"

Hi all I am using Yoast SEO Plugin for the SEO, But i am in need of adding Schema code for the video pages of my site, Yoast is having a paid plugin for video which i cannot afford,whats the best...

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brian1037 on "Prevent the "Cheatin' uh?" error over CURL"

I am working on an API for a WordPress site. Basically, an external application (not made using WP) is able to send JSON to a file I made (api.php) and inside that file I load WP (using wp-load.php),...

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peterk900 on "Load cookie value into search box"

I want to use Wordpress to provide help information from another (non-browser platform) system. This system can set a cookie - can someone start me of in the right direction to create a button/link on...

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CroiSciento on "Post thumbnail in $_POST array?"

Hello, I'm making a basic php basket and i'm trying to retrieve different informations. So far so good I got the title, the content, the permalink everything is working at intended. But i'd like to...

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zebrastribe on "Exclude categoies from wp_list_categories?"

Hi all I am using this from the codex: <?php $taxonomy = 'category'; // get the term IDs assigned to post. $post_terms = wp_get_object_terms( $post->ID, $taxonomy, array( 'fields' => 'ids' )...

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Olly343434 on "Can't load my script in WP"

Hi, I have been trying to add a scriptto my site that depends on jquery, but I can't get it to work. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you. Here's what I have in my functions.php: /*Adds...

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I'm setting up P2 theme so that the post field displays in category pages. I can get the category id from the page and all I want to do is simply add it to the post form. In the post-form.php file,...

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Slimmons on "Adding link to resume's in database from Resume Submissions and...

I have a plugin called Resume Submissions and Job Postings, and I really like it. In the plugin there's a way to send someone an email of the submission, and right now it sends a text email with a pdf...

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AliceWonderFull on "Add JS to admin panel"

Hi, I'm sure this is just a simple matter of knowing what the action is, but I've so far not found it. Have a plugin. Need to create options page. Options page is added via function sexycalAdminMenu()...

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jasperg on "adding mark up to woo commerce product categories"

I have been trying to style my product category list but to do so means I need to add a some mark up to them. Ok just to sum up what I want to achieve seeing as I have been doing this for a week and...

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