Hi, I'm sure this is just a simple matter of knowing what the action is, but I've so far not found it.
Have a plugin. Need to create options page. Options page is added via
function sexycalAdminMenu() {
add_options_page('Birthday Calendar Administration', 'sexyBdayCal', 'manage_options', 'sexyBdayCal', 'sexycalAdminOptions');
add_action('admin_menu', 'sexycalAdminMenu');
That part works beautifully, but I want to add some JS which I obviously only want loaded when the options-general.php?page=sexyBdayCal is active.
I'm having trouble figuring out which add_action I need to use to accomplish that. I'd prefer to add it in the head and not the footer, just because I'm a purist snob.