morningmist on "Warning: call_user_func_array() errors"
The website I am working on got completely deleted and then we uploaded a back up then we have had these function errors. Suggestion how to fix? Here are the errors: Warning: call_user_func_array()...
View Articleclementt on "Categories for Pages and permalink"
Hello, I found a good plugin to integrate the categories for posts which are actually pages : Although, I am now looking for a way to change the permalinks for pages so they...
View Articlemotionblue on "Need to associate categories to a page"
I have the following sitemap: Home (Page) About (Page) - Who We Are (Page) - What We Do (Page) Media (Page) - News (Category) - Videos (Category) I set up the menu in the above manner and its working...
View ArticleFxam on "Custom Order Portfolio Filters Marble Theme"
Hi, I need help changing the order in which my portfolio categories appear on my site. I have learnd that it is possible to: 'orderby' => 'slug', changing the...
View Articleameraz on "How to include sticky posts in 'Blog pages show at most' X number...
I'm using the default Loop Code. I've set the 'Blog pages show at most' option in Settings > Reading to 11. In my home page -set to show Latest Posts- whenever I mark a post as 'Sticky' it's being...
View ArticleErawkz1 on "Displaying RSS from specific bbpress topic, ect"
Hello there! Its been hours hours of research so thought Id ask for advice. What Im trying to do is to use some way, perderably throght a widgets, to display recent topics or threads on my right...
View ArticleDiraen on "Add a new admin menu linked to a Private Custom Help System"
Hi ! I've several authors on my blog and want to allow them to find all the writting instructions they need in the same private page. I don't want to use a plugin. I've all my private pages. I've added...
View ArticleDoodleDogCody on "Conditionally adding shortcodes"
I use a plugin on a lot of my sites that modifies the normal [gallery] shortcode. On a current site, I would still like this to occur on every page on the site except for a specific post type. I was...
View Articlemiriamfalk on "ok to put this javascript into my index.php page?"
I am an affiliate marketer. My website is A company I want to work with has requested that I prove my ownership of the site by temporarily adding the following JavaScript to my...
View ArticleSaraGraybill on "Image slider only showing image title on first image"
I am working on a slider and I have added the image title to each image. The problem is only the first image in the slideshow is showing the title. None of the rest are. Here's the code: <?php...
View Articleeruna_msl on "Publishing a post with Jquery"
I am writing a plugin where a click on the publish button is intercepted with jQuery in the admin. After clicking operations are performed using a timer to prevent timeouts. At the end of the operation...
View ArticleLysaGreer on "Odd Draft Posts Appearing"
Yesterday, I logged into my site, and noticed that there were 8 draft posts, all with the same category chosen, in my posts dashboard. I checked with my VA to see if she had logged in and done this,...
View Articlejesseslam on "Using conditional tags in a child theme functions.php file"
Hi, My client's website is using Jigoshop and I need to add some conditional code to the functions.php file to show a link to a size chart only in certain category IDs just above the add to cart...
View Articleprahladyeri on "Unable to override pluggable function wp_mail"
A couple of days ago, my wordpress blog hosted on openshift suddenly stopped sending me mails and notifications. Until now I'd never bothered how wordpress handled mail sending since they always...
View ArticleJosiah Sprague on "Using Data from a Google Spreadsheet"
I've Googled for this, and I can't find exactly what I'm looking for. I have a Google Spreadsheet that contains data that needs to be automatically published on a client's Wordpress site. Previously, I...
View Articlethatposhgirl on "Adding a stylesheet link to a submenu?"
Is it possible to link a stylesheet in a submenu? I've tried wp_resgister_style() and wp_enqueue_style(), but it doesn't seem to be working. eta. I mean an admin submenu, if that wasn't clear.
View ArticleNipon on "Adding placeholders in comments form"
I added placeholders to the comment form using the following code in comments. php and it works just fine. <?php $comments_args = array( // change the title of send button //...
View Articlebtb84 on "editor wysiwyg disappears for non admin users"
hi guys, hope here's the right section for that. I have the known issue of the disappearing buttons on the wysiwyg editor. I've already tried editing the config.php, changing the php memory allowed and...
View Articlealm36 on "Enlarging Logo Size in Header"
In the openstrap theme on my website, there is an option to add your own logo to the site. I did so, but it is much too small. When I try enlarging the logo in the code, it makes the whole page too...
View ArticlePete on "How to automatically assign a specific author to a custom post type"
How would I automatically assign a specific author to all custom posts assigned to a specific custom post type? Any help appreciated :) Pete
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