kazuyoshida on "How to modify a part of a plugin"
Hi, I am totally new to hooks and was hoping someone can tell me how do the following. I have read on hooks, but to be honest, a real life example, I believe will make it a lot easier for me to...
View Articleced1870 on "Best way to have a Pro version of a plugin"
Hi I'm developping some plugins and I would like to have a Pro version for each one that allows to have advanced feature in it. My question is what is the best way to do that ? 1/ I have a free basic...
View Articlegianficaro on "max character help"
on the home page i have the max characters limited for design reasons to keep everything at a same level design so some post are not longer then others but its not counting the white spaces as a...
View Articleigogra on "Custom Ordering Post Link Functions"
Hi, I'm using a custom post type to hold products, each product holds a name via a custom field. When I display the product via its singular template it would be nice to have a next & previous link...
View Articlebuckdanny on "Custom Post Template: How to get the name of the post-template...
Hey, I am using the Custom Post Template Plugin (http://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-post-template/) to style different posts with different layouts. My question is, how can I get the name of the...
View Articlesh090 on "Replacing regular form in php"
Hi Guys I am looking to make some changes to my site which uses appthemes's jobroller theme. Please help me as to what changes should i make to the below php code to call gravity forms instead of the...
View ArticleSnaphaan on "Running jquery inside plugin admin page"
This is a simple piece of jqeury I have picked up from JSFiddle: $('.sample').on('click', function () { console.log(this); var choice = $(this); if (choice.is(":checked")) {...
View Articlebossbowser on "Get post ids by category name"
Hi there, For the life of me I can't work out how to do this one. If anyone can help I will be very very appreciative! Thanks in advance. I have two arrays each containing category names as values so...
View ArticlePat on "Custom Title on Multi-page posts"
Many list sites seem to have this feature where the first page of a paged post is the original title. Let's say it's "10 Reasons Why We Love Wordpress." Then after a short intro, you hit "next page"...
View Articlegrantdailey on "Help With Conditional Background Image, Based on Page/Parent"
Could use a little help with this functions.php hack. I am running a Genesis theme, Agency Pro. I have the following code pasted into functions: // Grant's Conditional BKGRND Images! if (is_page('53')...
View ArticleUltic on "Nextgen - Galleries and thumbnails simulatanously"
Hello! I'm using Nextgen Gallery version 2.0.65. I have my albums/galleries displayed in the sidebar with the help from a short code. When I click on a gallery, the sidebar is replaced by the...
View ArticleSirCharo on "Custom WooCommerce payment gateway redirection issue"
Hello, I'm developing a custom payment gateway for WooCommerce to process payments through NetCommerce (a local visa and credit card gateway). 1- Collecting customer information is Working fine 2-...
View Articlespacibo on "Properties Webportal Datafeed"
Hi Everyone: Im trying to design a solution for estate agents where they can showcase their properties as they come but at the same time I was thinking how make a channel for the datafeed so that at a...
View Articlenixonnotes on "Category checklist in post admin"
Can anyone tell me what to change to make the checklist sub-categories not be indented so far to the right? I am using WP 3.9.1 and the Simple Taxonomies plugin. I noticed the problem back when the big...
View Articlejahmin on "Editing Header.php in Pictorico Theme"
Hi, I'm looking for some help on editing the header.php in the Pictorico Theme so as to insert an image in site-branding.div. By default the theme inserts the site name as text. The .php is below, any...
View Articlearonk on "Setting custom link image as default"
How can I set a specific custom link image as default, so I dont need to change every time and write the url that I want. Thanks in advance
View Articlejacksghost on "List Child Pages of Current Page with get_posts"
Hi all, I'm having some trouble displaying the Child Pages of the Current Page in our Sidebar Menu. We have a hierarchy on our site like this: Classrooms (main menu link) > First Grade >...
View Articlearkdestro on "someone hacked and changed my admin details"
hello admins i am having a big issue, i run a development company. one of my worker used to work in a website named vineyardindia.org he left the company and changed the admin email and the password i...
View Articlennnswordfish on "Update add_image_size() function"
I want to dynamicaly update this function - add_image_size() when value of this variable ( $image_size ) is changed, as in example below. I can achieve that with 'Regenerate Thumbnails' plugin, but I...
View ArticleB on "Change media URLs on upload"
I'm looking to, programmatically on upload, change the URL of a media file to its URL on a CDN. I.e. modify site.com/wp-content/uploads/file.jpg to be cdn.site.com/wp-content/uploads/file.jpg....
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