Gretings all.
Right now i use wordpress and in my post i can add a Video by entering the Youtube address into a Custom field called "video_url" and then it outputs the video on my site wich works easy, here it is:
<div class="video">
$meta_value = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'video_url', true);
$url = parse_url($meta_value);
$id = 0;
if($url['host'] == ''){$id = ltrim($url['path'],'/');}
else if(strpos($url['path'],'embed') == 1){$id = end(explode('/',$url['path']));}
else{parse_str($url['query']);$id = $v;}
echo '<p><iframe width="540" height="355" frameborder="1" allowfullscreen="true" src="'.$id.
'?version=3&theme=light&fs=1&rel=0&cc_load_policy=1&iv_load_policy=1&modestbranding=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="600" height="355">
However i am tring to add this Modification here in wich adding the video link custom field will also bring back the youtube video title and descripiton,
$video_id = ’48J_DIZBNyE’;
$video_info = simplexml_load_file(‘’.$video_id.’?v=1′);
echo $video_info->title . ‘<hr>’; // title
echo $video_info->content; // description
Could anyone please help me implement the bottom code with the top piece of code !!
Mucg respect