I've created an options page and I'm now trying to call one of the inputs in my theme. It's currently only showing the first letter, though.
The input section for the field is
'Station Name',
array($this, 'create_an_id_field'),
public function check_ID($input){
$mid = $input['station_name'];
$mid = '';
return $mid;
public function print_section_info(){
print 'Enter your settings below:';
public function create_an_id_field(){
?><input type="text" id="stationname" name="array_key[station_name]" value="<?=get_option('station_name');?>" />
and the I'm referencing it by:
<?php $station_info = get_option('array_key');?>
<h2><a href="mystation.com" title="Station"><?php echo $station_info['station_name']; ?></a>
I tested by inputing WXYZ in my options page and it saves. But, then I only get the letter W on the link.