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Cliff on "How to loop ads until end of page"

trsakhilk on "To add a custom product from another page to woocommerce cart"


So i have a page where there is a customisable product and i have created all the settings so that all the prices and everything is calculated in this page itself. So when one clicks on the Add to Cart button is it possible to send all these values to the woo-commerce cart to facilitate the checkout process and the shipping process etc.
The product cannot be created inside woocommerce hence i had to create it outside the woo-commerce environment. But i really need the rest of the things like user account, cart checkout and shipping to be inside woo-commerce.
So guys is there any way to do this.

Thanks in advance.

ChrisSchutte123 on "Woocommerce shipping costs plugin"


Hi there!

We have an online-music equipment store that we are about to launch, there are just a few more issues that needs fixing.

One of the issues are that we just can't find a plugin that meets all the requirements regarding our shopping cost.

We need a plugin that could do the following:

• Calculates rates according couriers formulas and surcharges (volumetric weight and distance)
• Compares calculated rates and chooses cheaper rate for client
• Adds the rate to checkout and says which courier is being used (i.e. R99 - DHL )
• Adds the courier charge to the checkout fee
• Notifies the shop admin on the order as to which courier service to use
• ability to add parameters per courier(i.e. 0 - 10kg R99, 11 - 30kg R149 etc.)

We did try the table shipping plugin, BUT its not exactly what we need. Can anybody advice as to what plugin could do the above or any kind of solution?

We would really appreciate the help!

toneburst on "Peer-Review For Wordpress Plugins"


I've been writing Wordpress plugins for some time, now, but I'm not a professional coder, and have no formal background in programming.

I was wondering if there is any formalised peer-review process for Wordpress plugins, because I'd really like to have someone with a more rigorous approach to Wordpress development cast an eye over my work, and suggest improvements, or point out security holes etc.



Mike_Oberdick on "Display Thumbnail from Child Post in Hierarchy"


I have a hierarchical taxonomy that is called album. It is structured as such: Paintings->2014->Flowers. Eventually "Paintings" will have several years (i.e. 2013, 2012). I have a page where all of the children are listed. I'd like show a thumbnail for each of those folders from a child descendant. So for example, using Paintings->2014->Flowers, I'd like to get a thumbnail from Flowers posts to show as a thumbnail for the 2014 folder. As you can see now it's not working properly.

Here is my taxonomy-album.php file.

Dimu on "Change unfiltered_html for specific users"



My editors and authors cannot embed twitter because of the unfiltered_html. I'd like to give them this capabilities but I do not want to install a role capability manager plugin cause last time it massed my roles.

Is there a way to do this in a different manner?

ahmad239 on "WP_Query search parameter wont return results when using complete word"


i am trying to capture the search query parameter 's' and use it in wp_query, so if i have a post named 'this is a test post' and is searched with 'pos' keyword it will return the post in the result,
but if i searched using 'post' keyword it will return nothing.

this is my search query

$keyword = urldecode($_GET['s']);
$searchQuery = new WP_Query( array('s' => $keyword) );

Marcin on "WordPress on GIT"


is it possible to use Git with Wordpress? Do you know any good tutorial described step by step?

I did it this way:
I installed the wordress on server i.e.

Then I copied all files from to my local folder and I created a project in Netbeans from Existing Source(my PC). Any changes in files are uploaded to server straight a way.

After all I pushed project to WordPress Repository.

Another developer Cloned the project from repository into his PC and it is connected to WP database located on have the same post, plugins setting and so on). So we use the same database.

It works but:
If developer B makes some changes they are imedietly uploaded into So in practice Developer B overwrite files of developer A and vice wersa. It's like skipping a GIT.

I need some help with it.

adamhollister on "Need to access post_meta on 'Publish'"


I have a CSV import that populates post_meta in posts of a custom post type when it runs and Publishes those posts.

I am building a plugin that grabs data from a postcode field (added by the CSV) and then updates the posts location in GEOmyWP using that data.

Currently the CSV import works and publishes the post, but the location doesn't get set until I manually go in and update each post.

I am attaching my function to the 'save_post', 'publish_post' and 'updated_post_meta' hooks, but at the point of 'Publish', the post_meta required doesn't seem to have been created yet (I've logged whether the postcode post_meta is empty or not, it shows empty on publish, but not empty on update)

Which hook should I be using in order for my function to run just after the post_meta has been created in the database so that it has that data on Publish rather than just on Update.

ionurboz on "How to disable auto wordpress emmed script"


How to remove this script in the wp-footer:


wp_deregister_script( 'wp-embed.min.js' );
wp_deregister_script( 'wp-embed' );
wp_deregister_script( 'embed' );

Do not work -.-

gapcguy on "Paginate articles question"


I'm attempting to paginate articles from a WordPress installation I am attempting to connect to a one-page responsive template. I'm not looking to wrap my template around a WordPress install for security reasons.

Here's a screen shot of what I am currently getting. All but the first entry is currently statically coded.
image is here

<div class="col-sm-8">
<div class="blog-listing clearfix">
<div class="row">
<div class="item col-md-6">
<?php require('blog/wp-blog-header.php'); ?>
global $post;

//code is derived from codex, "get the last 3 posts" section.
$args = array( 'posts_per_page' => 3 );
$myposts = get_posts( $args );

<div class="image">
      <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark"
title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>">
      <span class="btn btn-default2 btn-small"><i class="fa fa-file-o"></i> Read More</span></a>
	<?php the_post_thumbnail( $size, $attr ); ?></div>

	<div class="date">
	<div class="ribbon"><?php the_time('j M') ?></div>
									<div class="info-blog">
	<?php foreach( $myposts as $post ) :	setup_postdata($post); ?><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a><br />
<?php endforeach; ?>

        <?php the_excerpt(); ?></p>
        <ul class="bottom-info">
	<li><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i><?php the_time('F j, Y') ?></li>
	<li><i class="fa fa-tags"></i><?php the_tags(); ?></li>
</div><!-- END BLOG ITEM -->

<div class="item col-md-6"><!-- BEGIN BLOG ITEM -->
	<div class="image">
	<a href="blog-single.html">
	<span class="btn btn-default2 btn-small"><i class="fa fa-file-o"></i> Read More</span>
	<img src="http://placehold.it/750x580" alt="" />
									<div class="date">
	<div class="ribbon">17 Aug</div>
									<div class="info-blog">
	<a href="blog-single.html">DIY: A Garden Rose Bouquet</a>
	<p>If you've always dreamt of carrying a bouquet of old fashioned garden roses down the aisle, but your budget doesn't quite match up to the dream, try this!</p>
									<ul class="bottom-info">
	<li><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i> August 17, 2015</li>
	<li><i class="fa fa-comments-o"></i> 2</li>
	<li><i class="fa fa-tags"></i> Bouquet, Flowers</li>
</div><!-- END BLOG ITEM -->

	<div class="row">
	<div class="item col-md-6"><!-- BEGIN BLOG ITEM -->
	<div class="image">
	<a href="blog-single.html">
	<span class="btn btn-default2 btn-small"><i class="fa fa-file-o"></i> Read More</span>
	<img src="http://placehold.it/750x580" alt="" />
									<div class="date">
	<div class="ribbon">30 Jul</div>
									<div class="info-blog">
	<a href="blog-single.html">Wedding Cakes: What's Trending?</a>

        <p>Find out what's hot in wedding cakes this year;<br>we've asked a few of our favorite cake designers<br>to weigh in!</p>
									<ul class="bottom-info">
	<li><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i> July 30, 2015</li>
	<li><i class="fa fa-comments-o"></i> 1</li>
	<li><i class="fa fa-tags"></i> Wedding, Cake, Trends</li>
</div><!-- END BLOG ITEM -->

	<div class="item col-md-6"><!-- BEGIN BLOG ITEM -->
        <div class="image">
	<a href="blog-single.html">
	<span class="btn btn-default2 btn-small"><i class="fa fa-file-o"></i> Read More</span>
	</a>								<img src="http://placehold.it/750x580" alt="" />
									<div class="date">
	<div class="ribbon">26 Jul</div>
									<div class="info-blog">
	<a href="blog-single.html">Destinations for our honeymoon</a>
									<p>Looking for a gorgeous, exotic place for your destination wedding? There are about a million reasons why Huatulco, Mexico is the perfect spot...</p>
									<ul class="bottom-info">
	<li><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i> July 26, 2015</li>
	<li><i class="fa fa-comments-o"></i> 2</li>
	<li><i class="fa fa-tags"></i> Honeymoon, vacations</li>
	</div><!-- END BLOG ITEM -->

The issue I am having is that if I have multiple posts with this particular setup, the only thing that gets added is a blog entry title immediately below the first one.

What I am attempting to do is make all of the blog entries follow suit with what I have posted above. Could someone please be so kind as to point me in the right direction as I don't even know where to start (This is literally the first day I have ever used wordpress).

Oscar Abad Folgueira on "Simple plugins for review and learn to develop"



I'm learning plugin development in WordPress. Until now I have developed in Drupal.

I learn more with examples and I'm searching for simple plugins that I can review and learn with them.

Do you know some of this simple plugins?

Thanks and regards...

snor512 on "How to add a css class style atribute to links generated from wp_get_archives?"


For one wordpress custom theme what i am developing,

What do i have to do in order to get: <a class="archive_link" href...> instead of: <a href...>

from the wp_get_archives function for an aside widget?

In functions.php i have this:

function sxo_widgets_init() {
    register_sidebar( array(
        'name' => __( 'Primary Widget Area', 'sabercomer' ),
        'id' => 'sidebar-1',
        'before_widget' => '<aside id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',
        'after_widget' => '</aside>',
        'before_title' => '<h1 class="widget-title">',
        'after_title' => '</h1>'
    ) );
add_action( 'widgets_init', 'sxo_widgets_init' );

And in aside.php template i have:

    <?php wp_get_archives( array( 'type' => 'monthly') ); ?>

Thanks in advance!

ashikai on "Display filenames in Media Library Grid View"


Ok, so I had a website where I wanted to display filenames on top of each image thumbnail in the grid view for the media Library browser. I found this snippet: http://xplus3.net/2013/09/26/add-file-name-wordpress-media-browser/ , tried it, and for the life of me could not get it to work without breaking the media browser entirely (clicking on the add media button would do nothing).

In a desperate attempt, I altered the Media-template core file by adding

<div class="filename">
{{ data.filename }}

underneath the image thumbnail call.
This worked for WordPress 4.2 and 4.3, but with the upgrade to 4.4 I cannot for the life of me get the filename to display on the thumbnails. I would revert back to 4.3 and use my old core file, but it got lost in the site launch and now I'm stuck.

This http://i.stack.imgur.com/6yMIX.png is an image of what I'm trying to make happen.

If anyone has any idea why my hack no longer works, or if there's a better way to handle this, please let me know!

Thanks in advance for the help!

(also if this is the wrong subforum for this, I'm sorry!)

jabbersquat on "Featured Images with new Responsive Images srcset"


I am calling for the featured image on the post page of my site and want that image to be full width of the browser, so I am uploading a 2000px or larger images. Yet with the new responsive image feature in 4.4 Clifford, the srcset limits the highest width image to 1024px wide, no matter if I change the settings in the media settings. ie:

<img width="2400" height="1060" src="img.jpg" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" srcset="img-300x133.jpg 300w, img-1024x452.jpg 1024w" sizes="(max-width: 2400px) 100vw, 2400px">

I am having issues with the codex of this new feature. Does anyone have a way to hack this new feature so that that the 1024w image is the full image?

qco on "Extending or Overriding Playlist Templates"


In the interest of not unnecessarily creating additional scripts or potentially introducing incompatible conflicts with built-in scripts, I'm working on trying to find ways to extend or override the templates and functionality created by the built-in [playist] shortcode, and it's associated Backbone.js based templates/functionality. In doing so, I've ran into a couple of problems, most likely due to being unfamiliar with Backbone.

I'm wanting to be able to create video playlist pages that can utilize the built-in [playlist] shortcode, but split the playing video and the playlist items themselves out into separate elements. I want the videos to remain in the main content area, and the playlist to show in the sidebar, or another defined area. I've gotten as far as overriding the shortcode to point to custom script and template definitions, and duplicating the wp-playlist.js file and wp_underscore_playlist_templates function, to at least, initially, modify the layout and data structure, but now, since the playlist is outside of the main Backbone view, I'm running into problems maintaining the functionality of jumping to new videos.

Has anyone worked with modifying the template files or creating customizations of the default playlist in this way?

Niki Bilejn on "Theme check - TGM plugin"


Is there any example how to fix this theme check info:

INFO: class-tgm-plugin-activation.php The theme appears to use include or require. If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead.


svenell on "Hide menu when clicked outside or anywhere"


Hey everyone,

I've been looking to solve this for a while now. I also found similar cases but still couldn't fix mine.

I'm trying to close/hide the mobile menu dropdown when the uses clicks outside of it. I don't know too much about coding (besides CSS and HTML) so I may have a stupid miscue somewhere. Hope you guys can help me out?

This is the website: http://www.thomasbachmann.berlin

Here's my code:

<script src="js/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>

    $("#main-menu-wrap").bind("click", function(){


jmb597 on "Using Query string parameters in store locator plugin"


Hi, I am using the store locator plug in and am trying to have one search box that will go to a results page vs. staying on the page for the results. Anyway, I have it going to the results page, but all results show up so the search isn't going through the URL. I found many threads about this and they all say the same thing but I can't find where to do this.

It's not working because I still have to set the 'querystringParams' : true,' and the 'fullmapstart' to true as well. I have no idea where to do this. I have looked and looked. Does anyone know if I have to add it myself? Obviously this is a question for only those who have used this plug in. I don't know what code I'd put up here for help. I will do anything you need. THank you so much!!!!

Nikodemsky on "Dealing with wp-embed(4.4) output"


So i'm using new wp embed feature for post embedding(copy&paste link to post) and i wanted to remove featured image from it, since it was messing up whole embed output.

Custom CSS classes does not react in any way with it, i've tried using:
.wp-embed-featured-image img
class with body, !important, single etc. and nothing happened.

I removed few lines with div's from embed-template.php in /wp-includes/ folder and it works, but there has to be better way to handle that. Function with filter or something will work too.

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