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Educated Savage on "Carriage Return in Tagline"


Hi there!

I would like to create a tagline with multiple lines of text. In the below website, I'm using

.site-description {width: 850px;}

to force the text to wrap, but I would really like to have a blank space between the first and second lines and to also make this more responsive by inserting the carriage returns instead of forcing a width.

Alternatively, I might need to create an additional function or something to introduce an entirely new element to format in it's place, but I don't know how to do that.

Any help you can give is deeply appreciated. The site is http://myappstat.educatedsavage.com.

Thanks so much!

MikeB12 on "Unique featured image sizes for posts"



I want some posts to have a different featured image size on the homepage than others. For example I want some posts to have a featured image that is full width on the homepage while the rest to be their standard size. What is the best way of achieving this?

I'm using the Genesis Platform.

Thank you!

My website is dev.panachic.com/blog

stvnzion on "audio playlist"


im not using a plugin and i want to know:

1. how to add download button on an audio playlist
2. how to do it force downlad


Timama on "Custom "wp_login.php?action=lostpassword""



I've got a custom registration form which works. Then, on this form, I have the "forget password" link. This one is not working very well. The "forget password" form is OK with its design; enter a login or email address to receive an email and to change the password.

I have 2 cases :

If the login is empty or false
If the login is right

I have the following code :

//traitement des erreurs de connexion
$errorlost2 = false;
if ( !empty( $_POST ) ) {
    $user_login = $_POST['user_login'];
    $user = username_exists( $user_login );
    echo 'user_login =' .$user_login; // renvoi bien le login
    echo 'user =' .$user; // renvoi bien l'ID du user si login exist
    if ( $user == NULL ) {
        header( 'location:lostpassword' );
        $errorlost2 = true;
    } else {
    <div id="check-lostpassord" >
    <div class="titre">
        <h1> <img src="<?php echo $cheminsite; ?>/images/lion.png" alt="lion"> <?php echo $lang['TITRE-CONNEXION']; ?>      </h1>
        <div class="titre-underline"> </div>

   <div class="connexion-lostpassword">
    <div id="box-lostpassword">
            <p class="message"><?php echo $lang['lostpassword_message']; ?></p>
                <div class="error">
                    <p id="lostpasswordform-erreur2">
                        if ($errorlost2):
                        echo 'TEST';
                            echo $lang['lostpassword_error2'];

            <!-- http://club-d-affaires.de/wp-login.php?action=lostpassword -->
            <form name="lostpasswordform" class="lostpasswordform" action="<?php echo site_url('wp-login.php?action=lostpassword', 'login_post') ?>" method="post" id="lostpasswordform" >

        <br class="clear"></br>
          <p id="text-form">
            <label for="user_login" ><?php echo $lang['lostpassword_login']; ?>*:<br />
            <br class="clear"></br>
            <input type="text" name="user_login" id="user_login" class="input" value="" size="20" /></label>
            <br class="clear"></br>
            <br class="clear"></br>
           <?php do_action('login_form', 'resetpass'); ?>
            <p class="submit">
            <input type="submit" name="user-submit" id="wp-submit" class="user-submit" value="<?php echo $lang['lostpassword_envoyer']; ?>" tabindex="1002"/>
            <?php $reset = $_GET['reset']; if($reset == true) {?> </br></br> <p> <?php echo $lang['lostpassword_confirm'];?></p>
            <a href="<?php "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']?>connexion/?langue=<?php echo $langue; ?>" >
            <h2> <?php  echo $lang['lostpassword_connect']; ?> </h2>    </a>        <?php } ?>
            <input type="hidden" name="redirect_to" value="<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?>?reset=true" />
            <input type="hidden" name="user-cookie" value="1" />

       </div> <!-- fin box-connexion -->
    </div> <!-- fin connexion -->
</div> <!-- fin connexion -->

The problem is at the beginning of <form> :

Point 1 - Error message, if login is false or empty, works if I have :

<form name="lostpasswordform" class="lostpasswordform" action="" method="post" id="lostpasswordform">

Point 2 - Send an email, with the link to modify the password, works if I have :
<form name="lostpasswordform" class="lostpasswordform" action="<?php echo site_url('wp-login.php?action=lostpassword', 'login_post') ?>" method="post" id="lostpasswordform" >

The action="" is the problem here. How can I have point 1 and point 2 working at the same time?

Many thanks for your help

Guido on "Required (custom) field in WP dashboard"



Is there a way to use default WP validation for a (custom) input field in dashboard? Field should not be empty when pressing submit.

Why not hardcode validating in my file?
Because I notice there is some kind of validation already present, for example the maxlenght variable triggers a popup when not entering enough characters.


odie2 on "front page query_posts limit posts only on first page"



If answer for my question is somewhere, please link me solution. Do not know how search for it.

Problem is I would limit main page posts limit to 5. But when on page 2 and following, have default limit to 10. However, when I write it with is_paged() 5 posts (from first page) are missing.
Could I for example start from certain post number for use in is_paged()?

Why I would do it? Well, I am displaying slider and partners only on front page when ! is_paged(), so there is too much content with 10 posts.

Thanks in advance!

carpsicor on "Rendering Issue with image linked to gyroscope on mobile/tablet device"



Hi wordpress people,

I am in the process of getting my site together but am struggling to find someone who can finish the coding for me. I have had someone code a plug in so that you use the gyroscope on your phone/tablet to view the image. you can double tap the image to enlarge and move arounf etc, or you use the gyrozoom option. this way you move your arms through the air and can attempt to conceptualise where i stood to take the image.

so far it is stable in apple and top of the range android. the guy i was using only had a ipad mini and so it works of in that. if you look on a phone though it has issues. the main one is that when you hold the phone up to the horizon you are looking at the top of the image. to view the horizon of the image you have to point the device about 30-40 degree below your own physical horizon. in ipad mini the horizon is where the horizon should be on the image.

there are a few issues i need to get sorted to have a working model. does anyone know someone who can code and help with this. i have been using elance.com to source freelancers but they have all struggled.

MikeRogers on "Developing a plugin, need a little help"


(I hope this post is in the right forum, if not please let me know and/or move it as needed. Thank you.)

I've developing a anti-bot/anti-spam plugin based on Vinoj Cardoza's great "Captcha Code" plugin:


(I've contacted Vinoj and although we tried a few things, we weren't able to resolve the issue I'm having, so I thought I'd try here.)

I've got the plugin working almost perfectly, with one exception. The captcha code can be set to appear on the Login form, the Register form, the Lost Password form, and the Comments form.

The problem is that the captcha code section appears properly on every page except on the Comments form. On that page/form the captcha appears to lose the style(s) applied to it.

Vinoj suggested that this might be because the twentyfifteen theme uses a style that sets the table width 100%. Setting the table style to 'auto' didn't correct things, nor did setting it to a variety of fixed widths (200px, 300px, etc) and trying a 'min-width' and/or 'max-width' setting.

The other default themes also show the captcha distorted/broken, so I don't think it's a theme issue.

One of the things that I think it might be is that the Comments section of the original captcha code includes these lines:

// for WP before WP 3.0
add_action( 'comment_form', 'include_captcha_comment_form' );
add_filter( 'preprocess_comment', 'include_captcha_comment_post' );


/* Function to include captcha for comments form > wp3 */
remove_action( 'comment_form', 'include_captcha_comment_form' );

(One is for versions under v3 and one for versions over v3)

Although I've looked at the remove_action, add_filter, and add_action functions, but I don't know what they're doing in the context of his code.

You can see the form appearing properly here:

And if you login you can see it broken here:

(You can login using 'demo' as a user name and 'test' as the password.)

Thanks for reading this far, lol.

Can anyone give me a hint as to why the captcha form only appears messed up on the Comments form?

Funkphenomenon on "Sidebar nav: Show children and siblings when on 2nd or lower levels"


For this question I tried about 10-15 scripts and 5 plugins, but all fail when you're on a grandchild page.

For a website with sometimes 4 levels of pages I would like the sidebar to show:

When on a 1st level page:

  • Current page as menu heading
  • Children of the current (1st level) page.

When on a 2nd level page:

  • Current page as menu heading
  • Siblings of the current page, and the current page itself.
  • (If they exist) Children of the current (2nd level page), but not the children of 2nd level siblings

When on the 3rd level (grandchildren):

  • Current page as menu heading
  • Siblings of the current page, and the current page itself.
  • (If they exist) Children of the current (3nd level page), but not the children of 3nd level siblings

A plugin called Flexi Pages Widget has been doing this perfectly for the past 4 years, but it conflicts with WPML and Flexi Pages hasn't been updated since 2013, so that's why I'm looking for an alternative.

The majority of alternatives do not show the grandchildren on my site, even when the solution indicates that it should. Some plugins that didn't work for me:

I also have a bunch of other scripts I got from blogs and Stack Overflow topics, but the sources below looked the most promising. However, theset still fail at displaying children when you are at the 2nd level (i.e. 2nd level doesn't show grandchildren):

With the site I'm working on, most if not all solutions for 3 levels or more (incl. all plugins) keep showing the 2nd level siblings when at 2nd level or 3rd level.
When at a 1st level page, Esmi's solution shows the whole page tree, including grandchildren. So, it is able to determine that it has grandchildren. But when you go to the 2nd level, the tree is trimmed to 2nd level siblings, while I'd like to see the current page's children, too. And maybe even it's grandchildren.

I'm on WP 4.1.1 with theme Hybrid, and I paste the code in a PHP Code sidebar widget, and if necessary in functions.php.

Can anybody tell me how to show the current page's children, siblings and ancestors in the sidebar, for sites with 3 levels or more?

betadog on "Italicize a certain word across the whole site"


Say I have a site for a company called BrandMaster and they want to have the second word in their brand name to always be italicized. Can I write something in my function.php to do this automatically?

With my rather meager PHP skills I was able to pull this off:

// Italicize Brandmaster
add_filter('the_content', 'brandmaster', 99);
function brandmaster( $content )
    return str_replace('Brandmaster', 'Brand<i>Master</i>', $content);

This works but only for the_content. How can I extend this to sidebar content, titles etc.?

efuller on "Unique featured image sizes for posts"

sidharth 10 on "implement the Wordpress login using SDK in android"


I am developing an Android application in eclipse using ADT_Plugin. I want to implement Wordpress login using SDK like Facebook and Twitter login.

I have searched in Google but I am not getting the solution what exactly I want. So, please help me to implement the Wordpress login using SDK or Plugin into my App.

Thanks in advance.

jumeirahgolfestatesvh on "Ayyildiz Tim Hacking Group"


Hello all, I would like to inform that Turkey's Ayyildiz Tim hacks many sites in different countries including our websites here in UAE yesterday March 30,2015. They create their own index.php and delete the wp-admin folder. In the index.php they show information about their propaganda about religion and politics. What is weird is that our company websites are not intervening on what they are fighting for. Furthermore, they are spreading their tactics in social media. They are posting there the websites they hacked. Right now I am having a problem in accessing the wp-admin of one of the website although I made already a fresh copy of the wp-admin. I am still inspecting our websites.

       <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ayt-wgt.hostingsiteforfree.com/assets/js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ayt-wgt.hostingsiteforfree.com/assets/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ayt-wgt.hostingsiteforfree.com/assets/js/jquery.cycle.min.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ayt-wgt.hostingsiteforfree.com/assets/js/jquery.parallax.min.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ayt-wgt.hostingsiteforfree.com/assets/js/jquery.backstretch.min.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ayt-wgt.hostingsiteforfree.com/resimler/scripts.js"></script>
      <script type='text/javascript'>

On the other hand, below are their links to social media and their website:

<li><a data-placement="bottom" title="Facebook" class="fa fa-facebook" href="https://www.facebook.com/AYT.International.Force"></a></li>
                        <li><a data-placement="bottom" title="Twitter" class="fa fa-twitter" href="https://twitter.com/ayyildizorg"> </a></li>
                        <li><a data-placement="bottom" title="Contact" class="fa fa-envelope" href="http://www.ayyildiz.org/"></a></li>

They are spreading chaos and cyber crimes. Nevertheless, I am still fixing their attacks.

dune1982 on "function and if check in php"


Hello guys,
I tried to make a function that changes what is written in a variable.
See code:

function wc_change_billing_country( $order ) {
	if ($order->billing_country = 'DE'){
		$order->billing_country = "Germany";
		return $order->billing_country;
    if ($order->billing_country = 'CH'){
        $order->billing_country = "Hurliburli";
		return $order->billing_country;
	if ($order->billing_country = 'A'){
        $order->billing_country = "Austria";
		return $order->billing_country;


but this function seems to always return the first if case (DE)
what did I do wrong in the code?

ChaseC on "Is it possible to auto-populate a page with tagged content?"


My organization publishes RocketSTEM magazine and we are exploring creating a new complementary feature, but we are not sure if what we want to do can be accomplished in WP or not. So here I am asking for your input.

The simplest explanation is we'd like to create a topic page (not dissimilar to an Author's page) and have some base information and widgets on the page, with the remainder of the page auto-populated with content from our magazine that is about the same topic.

As an example we might create a bio page about Buzz Aldrin with a widget showing his twitter feed. Photos, videos and stories that we have tagged Aldrin from our own magazine would also need to appear on the page in the proper areas. What this means is everytime we run anything on Aldrin in the magazine, we'd want it to automatically be added to his page without doing any more human interaction than the setting of a keyword tag.

Obviously we'll have to hire a WP developer to create the coding for it, but first we need to determine if it is even possible. Thanks for any feedback.

p. f. on "mixing facebook and blog posts content on the posts defined page"


As far as I know the page you define as your posts page (in the theme) is just a placeholder. The theme itself takes care of putting your recent posts on the page.

Now ... I need a mix of classic posts with some facebook content streamed over a plugin (with shortcode and all).

The Theme is https://wordpress.org/themes/fruitful/
and the pluging used for fetching the fb content is The Custom Facebook Feed - https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-facebook-feed/

The posts and facebook content shold not be mixed (as coming one after the other according to the date posted), but can rather be in two different sections underneath each other.

Would be glad if someone can help me with that.

photocurio on "Can I assign a category template just like a page template?"


I realize that I can make template files such as category-xxx.php. But I have a site that has lots of categories, and I only need three different templates for them.

I'd like to add a custom field to the 'edit category' page, and use that to select the template that will display the category archive (Advanced Custom Fields can add custom fields to categories).

That would be similar to how page templates work. It would eliminate a lot of unnecessary files and duplicated code.

ugurege on "Web Master Tools Suspected hacking Alert"


web site : http://kiralikotovar.com

suddenly i have seen report in my web master tools account , hacking alert. And below three URLs have been imported into my website , i dont know how ?? these URL are linked to another website.. Is there any one can help me about this ? Below is also Google spam message in my account and those three URLs.


Google has detected that some of your pages may contain hidden text or cloaking, techniques that are outside our Webmaster Guidelines.
Specifically, we detected that your site may have been modified by a third party. Typically, the offending party gains access to an insecure directory that has open permissions. Many times, they will upload files or modify existing ones, which then show up as spam in our index.
Sample URLs:

potentdevelopment on "Search Query s="


Were building a custom search plugin using pre_get_posts. Is there a way to override the s=search+string in the function? Having the s= search value is causing issue with the search results.

k3lk0m on "keep post visible but remove access to it"



So far I've been managing fine by searching for the custom stuff I needed and editing the css for my theme but this seems to be a bit more specific and I can't find it anywhere.

I am making a web based on a gallery theme where each image represent a post (Im using featured images). The thing is I only want some of those images (posts) to take the user to another section and the rest should just show up but not be clickeable.

So my question would be how do I disable the access to certain posts?

Thanks a lot!!

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