swedish boy on "date_i18n and timestamps"
This was a bit puzzling to me, but date_i18n doesn't adjust to local timezone as one would think. If you set your timezone in wp-admin to GMT+1 this is what happens in the following 2 examples. Let's...
View Articlejay patel on "plugin conflict with adminlogout"
i have created a new plugin for my wp blog , but when the new plugin is activated and i try to log out, wp shows a blank screen and don't let me log out. when i deactivated my new plugin i successfully...
View ArticleTakius on "Add class to a anchor"
Hello, I want to add class for all my anchor, but i dont have any clue how to do it. More precisely, i want this : <a name="RefDeLAncre"></a> become this: <a class="Ancre"...
View Articletonyzeoli on "Exclude categories and set primary category for post on homepage"
Hi, We're trying to solve an issue for a client project. The business rules are the that the editor can publish a post to multiple categories, but only display one of those categories in a flag on the...
View Articlehopetommola on "Custom Fields in Quick Edit View"
https://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Action_Reference/manage_posts_custom_column I want to activate "Custom Fields" options in quick edit view, much like this page shows how to show the "sticky"...
View ArticleDoodlebee on "AJAX search for adding links/media"
Hello all :) I'm trying to figure out what WordPress is using in the admin area for the AJAX stuff: a) when you click the "media" button the popup window shows , and b) within the window, you can start...
View Articlecoldpumpkin on "Change generated HTML code from "Add Media" button"
Hello there. When we're inserting an image to a post, by clicking the "Add Media" button, WordPress generates a certain code, being: <a href="image_url"><img src="image_url" alt="image_name"...
View ArticlechuffORG2000 on "embed HTML5 interactive animation in Category"
Hello, I've done a ton of searching on this and no luck, plus I'm much more of a graphic designer than web designer, so please forgive my noob-ish understanding of code. I can get it to work in Pages...
View Articleidledae on "Simple Feed Alias, Help!"
How do you create a simple URL alias to an existing feed URL. Ex. I have this URL: http://my.example.org/category/something/feed I want the same feed to work at this URL:...
View Articleedow on "Remove text field from comment form"
Hi, I would like to remove the text field from the comment form. The idea is that users can vote if they like the post or not. The like/unlike option must be done with radio buttons in a custom field...
View Articlegahcarving on "How to change Virtue Mobile style.css"
I have tried a number of things that didn't work, tried '@media handheld { {color: green; }}' in the style.css Am i going down the wrong road? Looking forward to some thoughts.
View ArticleA31 on "Nested Select Menu"
Hi, I am really struggling to get a second dropdown / select box to be automatically populated and I hope someone here can help me find my mistake. Before moving to Wordpress, I have been using the...
View Articlemarathonmilk on "Display slideshow, if not display featured image."
Hi there I'm using a slideshow plugin which generates a slideshow and outputs a shortcode to use it in the theme or post. I've added a custom field to posts where that shortcode can go. What I'd like...
View Article2005casemore on "Installing Installation Code For A Web Form"
I have a web form to put on my site and I have the HTML code to install it. How do I do this
View Articlenetbie on "Tags and Categories Hack help"
I am using this code for display the Tags inside one category <?php //get category name $catname = get_category(get_query_var('cat'))->name; //get all tags in this category...
View ArticleShootingStar83 on "child-of [x] category in CURRENT post"
I found this code to show sub categories of [x] category and I like it, I just need to make it working as "Show sub-categories of [x] category IN CURRENT POST" because I'm going to paste this code in a...
View ArticleTorpedox on "Plugin-Development"
Hello, I am developing a plugin for Wordpress. It's my second one and I am facing the following issue: I added a menu for my plugin in Wordpress-Backend. I have also added an Icon to this menu....
View Articlejacob0601 on "Related Posts by Multiple Tags"
I was curious if was possible to display related posts by multiple tags. The site I am working on has about 5 tags per post. Most posts have 1 or 2 tags in common. The related posts I'd like to show...
View Articleibetthisispublic on "Show only post from selected category"
Hi. I have searched for about 10 hours now and even though I've found some category template hacks out there, the ones that kind of work still don't fix the problem. The same problem/behaviour goes for...
View Articlechrismichaels84 on "Custom Taxonomy public or private?"
I have created a number of custom post types (stories, authors, reviews, and news). Stories acts as a master or primary for the others. I have also created a custom taxonomy for "stories" called...
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