jeltoesolnce on "Can I activate|deactivate plugins from console or external...
Hello, I want deactivate and activate one plugin from console, can I do that?
View ArticleUsman Ali on "Saving options on paginated paged"
Hi, Can anyone tell me how can I save options for the fields on paginated pages I mean if some options are changed and saved on one page then other options on other pages don't get disturbed. I created...
View ArticleCraig Ralston on "Using get_plugins() to pass plugin file path to...
A rundown of my issue: I am working with a file that lives in the root along with wp-config.php and such. I am requiring wp-admin/includes/plugin.php and wp-load.php and my goal is to retrieve plugin...
View ArticleKimTasker on "plugin admin page hook has no action ?"
Hi all, I just fell upon this issue while developping a new plugin. It's the first time I see this : when I send a form I have on one of my admin pages for this plugin, I get this error : Cannot load...
View ArticleMoasy on "Custom post type is display a separator"
Hi, I just created a custom post type (based on the Bones starter theme template). Everything is ok except that the admin tab printed add a separator and I don't know how to search for deleting it....
View Articlejoeguilmette on "Add image size to div.wp-caption"
WP is nice enough to add the image size as a class to the img element. however, the parent a and div.wp-caption do not have such classes. As such, one is unable to position or style images differently...
View Articlefox87 on "why my javascript stop working, when include the code in the page"
Hi guys, this is the code - , why this code stop working when include in page on wordpress? What is wrong? Help me
View Articlegpspake on "Upload files to a plugin directory from plugin options."
I'm working on a plugin that requires a certificate to be placed on the server. Right now, users have to manually add the certificate to the plugin directory which requires ftp access. I'd prefer to...
View Articlegstricklind on "Shortcode content appearing before p tag"
I'm working on a simple column short code plugin. The first paragraph within a short code isn't wrapped in the p tag, but the following paragraph is. I've read this article about problems with...
View ArticleTimothy Jacobs on "WP Metadata User Query on non-existent fields"
Hi all, I am using the WP_User_Query class, and the meta search ( meta_key, meta_value, meta_compare ) capabilities. I am trying to do a search for all users who do not have a certain meta_key set to...
View Articlesvibor on "what is meaning of this code?"
hello everybody! I have a question about this code that I found in header.php: <?php cryout_seo_hook(); ?> It is right beneath <head>. Can someone tell me where does this code came from? Is...
View Articletrink79 on "add youtube video title to oembed generated iframe"
For web accessibility reasons I need to have a title on the iframe generated by oembed for youtube videos. i found a hack that lets you specify the title but that makes it the same for all videos. is...
View ArticleVictor on "Dynamically change [site_url] depending on current URL"
Hi, To provide some background, I want to work on 2 domains: - live site, say -, - admin domain, say The origin site is, and is the live site...
View Articleepd on "How to add jQuery smooth scroll"
Hello, i need to add jQuery smooth scroll for scrolling my pages , i want make it without WP plug in. can someone tell how can do it? thank you regards
View Articleivarlarsen on "How to put the woocommerce cart up into the header in the...
How do I get the shopping cart icon into the header of my Twenty Twelve theme? Here is a depiction of what I mean Any help is appreciated. Hope you can help me guys...
View Articlelocph on "Wordpress deleted un-expired transient after post editing"
I set up some transients (expired in 1 day) to save query results on a custom post type (e.g Class). Then, if I go to update any kind of post or user profile, my transients was cleared. My question is...
View Articlejeyreem on "Exclude ID next_post / prev_post"
Hi everyone, I've a little problem and i really need you. I dev a website, and i want to exclude an ID (only use for the home) in next_post/prev_post, i search on the web and i've found: <?php...
View Articlejnrbrle on "no url in onepage template"
Hi, I've made a simple onepage website on reduxframework, with only index page divided into sections. My nav is hard coded into the page. I'm not good with ajax, so this was the fastest solution for...
View Articlerick111 on "Direct registered users to post page"
It has been probably answered before but my registered users (Subscribe2) go to their profile page when they log on. I want them to go to the post page. I can use pluginception for the hook code as I...
View Articlenat@cry on "WooCommerce Different text for add to cart depending on product...
Right so the scene! Would like a different text to appear on the add to cart button. If is in category 'Donation' use custom text of donation But for the rest of the products display other custom text...
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