joosep on "Add color palette to post edit."
Howdy people, I dont know where to start with this thing. I want to have a color palette when I am adding or editing a post and later get that color and use it in the post. Any pointers ? Thanks in...
View Articlepixel016 on "wp_generate_attachment_metadata does not work"
$filename = get_user_meta($userID, 'image_profil',true); $wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype(basename($filename), null ); $wp_upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $attachment = array( 'guid' =>...
View Articlecoinpixels on "Change Font Size Depending on Content Lenght"
Hey, If the_content lenght is more than so many words I could like to change the font size. Is this possible? I would normally give it an attempt but have no idea how to accomplish this.
View Articledavisshaver on "One feed, two queries – problem with scheduled posts"
I have an RSS feed configured to show the 20 most recently modified posts. However, I'm facing an issue where posts scheduled far in advance do not get included in the feed, as they do not appear as...
View ArticlePiotr on "Dynamically adding forms and options"
I'm continuing my work on a Wordpress site that uses forum posts as content (more on this can be found here and here). After creating news section which takes first post of every topic and turns it...
View Articlesatrap on "Replacing the "Post" title with a universal custom text in in...
Hi everyone, Let me explain what I mean... Example: Current setting: Home > Make Money > How to Make 10 Dollars Fast: Ridiculously Easy Method! Somehow changing what it shows as the title of the...
View Articlelokust on "Sort comments by custom field (dropdown)"
Hi, I'd like to use a Wordpress page to enable customers to leave reviews (standard comments form with an additional custom field for user to select the product they'd like to review). They can also...
View ArticleVajrasar Goswami on "save_post not working"
In order to create (or update, whenever a post is updated) a unix-timestamp meta, I used following code to fire on save_post. I pasted this code in functions.php. But I believe this is not working, as...
View Articlebenutzerfreund on "Loading template twice - how to do it?"
I have a template that I'd like to use several times on a page. I use include( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/ads.php'); and this works for the first instance. But on the second it doesn't. Apparently...
View Articlebrosenblatt on "Customizing Post Titles to be a form"
We have a job board on our Wordpress site that utilizes a designated JOBS custom post type. I'd like it so that we could edit the title field to be a dropdown/text field of three different choices...
View Articleolyma on "Turning Off Open Sans for the 3.8 Dashboard"
I’m looking for a way to turn off the Open Sans font in the admin. I’m already using the code below to force the admin area to use a different font: function betterfonts1() { ?> <style...
View Articlebelinde on "Detect begin and end of an automatic update"
I'm developing a plugin that manage filesystem's write permission (it's called AutoCHMOD). The problem is that when the protection is enabled no one can write on the disk (you can choose some directory...
View Articleharknell on "Paginating Archive using "weekly" type"
Is there a way within WordPress to add a pagination "next" and "previous" links to an archive page set with the "weekly" type? I can't find any info on this anywhere, and adding the standard template...
View Articlealemieux on "Lightbox URL's not working"
I have a custom theme and I'm using a simple JavaScript Lightbox effect to display a modal with a list of links to some PDF files. Each item in the list can be added in the WP admin for that page. The...
View Articletruheart on "Change item order for +Add menu in the admin bar"
I hope the title makes sense. Basically I would like to know how to change the order of the items a user sees when he clicks on the "Add" button in the admin bar. For instance, say you have a couple of...
View Articleloudrake on "Admin wp_check_browser_version"
Where is the list of browser versions that is being checked against to determine if a dashboard_browser_nag is shown?
View Articlejavawpscript on "How to have a different favicon for each page"
What i would like is to have specific favion's on each page. I have currently got All in one favicon installed.
View Articlehovida on "WP_Query - Meta with Arrays"
Hey guys, i try to work a little bit with meta_query on the pre_get_posts action and i have a little Problem. I have a custom Post-Type "news". On the edit-page i had added a custom meta box. Here the...
View ArticleJayKayBe on "Import custom post table to wordpress and keeping IDs"
I am standing in front of a problem I can’t really see how to resolve. I am about to transfer a website which is written in PHP to wordpress. There’s really not much complicated about this but one...
View ArticleMagicFire on "Redirect (or rewrite) to main page without 404 error"
Hi, I need to be able to keep wordpress on main page but also to keep the full requested URL (only for some special url). Example: would lead for wordpress to load main...
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