Mads Phikamphon on "SQL query surveillance"
Hi, I need to check how WP/Woocommerce queries the database, so we can make an administrative tool for our shop. So is there a way to view/log how WP/Woocommerce queries the database? For example a...
View Articlespinosa2 on "Link to lightbox with different pictures"
I am using a portfolio grid plugin to list my projects. It lists small thumbnails that can either link to a regular link or open up a picture in a lightbox. The only problem is that the lightbox...
View Article_alexsmith1 on "Need help coding a Twitter share button"
Hello all, I need a bit of help creating a Twitter share button for my site. The one I'm using via the coding found on Twitter's dev page ( is very close to...
View Article5ngua on "is it possible to host wp-content on other sever?"
Hi, I am not going to change wp-content, just leave it's path and structure. I just want to host it on an other sever, it that Ok? Thanks,
View Articleterrace_29 on "Thumbs In Front Page Widgets [sticky]"
I'm using the tribbiani theme, I've made more than several attempts at contacting the author of this theme, however I've heard nothing back and after the amount of time...
View Articleseyedrezabazyar on "Limit posting by authors"
I would limit my posts by author Made at any time be able to send 5 Posts Can you help me? my site:
View Articleonirisweb on "wp_is_mobile doesn't work with my theme"
Hi there, It seems that I have a conflict with wp_is_mobile function and my theme which is OneStudio. I would like that some parts appear only in the mobile version, that's why I want to use this...
View Articlegnarayan on "Inserting the random number generator shortcode properly"
Probably easy but I'm failing: I'm using this plugin to say something like "11 people used this information today." But the...
View Articlenorasp on "Php mistake with plugin"
Hi there! I've recently installed a payment module plugin. It seems to be working perfectly except for a little bug that really annoys me. Just a second before being redirected to the tpv or payment...
View ArticleJoe Hesse on "Query from non-wp database"
I have another database on my server besides the wordpress one. I want to do a query on a table in this database and have the result of the query appear in a wordpress page. I know MySQL and can pick...
View ArticleAgilityJeff on "Find a user's ROLE"
My client has purchased a poorly written Plugin which meets their needs pretty well, but leaves me with needing to do so additional coding. I have had difficulty finding an answer in the documentation...
View Articlemschadegg on "Wordpres TinyMCE button, will not open window"
I have a problem when trying to make a plugin for wordpress TinyMCE editor. I will have a button, that opens af dialog window, where I can pick some links. The button shows fine, but nothing happens...
View Articlemagician11 on "confirm email address"
Hi, Where would I begin by customising a form submission that first emails the person who submitted the form a link to check to confirm their email address. I.e. "click here to confirm your email...
View Articlejokr on "Permalink for custom feed not found"
Hi all, In a plugin I would like to add a custom feed. I have done this as follows: add_action( 'init' , array($this, 'init_function')); public function init_function() { add_feed( 'custom',...
View Articletfola on "Help!!! (Plugin) Infinte scroll not working"
Help Infinite scroll plugin not working for steam 1.0 theme, tried and tried, plus i am not that savvy but not dumb Any help will be appreciated...Here is the link to the theme below...
View ArticleFuckGettyImages on "how to avoid getty images in feeds and posts"
Given the complete douchebaggery of Getty images and their c*nt attorneys, is there a way to refuse to serve getty images on my website?
View Articlejasonkwall on "proper syntax for using page_id"
I have a child theme installed and a custom css file that I am using to make all of my edits. Currently I am trying to reference a certain page... page#825-2, it is a page not a post. I am trying to...
View Articlestiffymcspliff on "Problem with add_feed"
I'm building a plugin to provide XML feeds for my Roku channel. I have the custom feeds working fine, but when I create new categories they work fine when I visit them in my browser, but when I use a...
View Article5ngua on "host wordpress database in an other server"
Hi, I wonder if we can host wordpress database (mysql) in an other server which is not the server storing the content (source code, uploads files, plugins, theme...) Will that make any performance and...
View Articlemagootim on "FORCE_SSL_ADMIN"
I'm trying to make my admin section a bit more secure by using define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true); I've put this line of code in my wp-config.php file fine. I understand that this then tells the browser...
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