lykkelille on "Change my "If password required" function. STUCK!"
I am desperately trying to change this message: "There is no excerpt because this is a protected post" on the index page into showing the actual password form, WITHOUT having to click into the actual...
View Articlewarner8720 on "Changer woo-commerce product search url"
Hello and merry Christmas. I've look and looked on here and google but not found any thing off help, is it possible to change the URL off woo-commerce product search, so that the results are still...
View Articlehashtagnofilter on "Adding shoppable products to BLOG, not commerce site!"
Hey everyone, This is my first time posting on here so I really hope that there is a sharp mind out there with far beyond my understanding that can offer me some insight. I'd like to feature shoppable...
View Articleselnomeria on "text is not put in tags ( in VISUAL editor, after clicking...
hi. i have installed some plugins, but now, when in VISUAL EDITOR (or even HTML), after clicking enter, and then switching to HTML, there are no <p> or tagsa,and also, the published content is...
View ArticlePetruTiglar on "Help adding field to search filter"
Not quite sure where to post this, If someone could direct me in the right place it would be much appreciated. I'm currently working on a Property Listing website for Australia. the functions that came...
View Articlejavawpscript on "How to have a different favicon for each page"
What i would like is to have specific favion's on each page. I have currently got All in one favicon installed.
View ArticleContortion on "How to get category slug or ID in core functions.php"
How can i get the category slug in core functions.php for use in the function wp_upload_dir()? I have tried all the following without success //$uploadcat = get_the_category_by_ID(2); // works but need...
View Articletasko on "wp_editor Link Question"
Hello, Is it possible to hide/remove the "Or link to existing content" section from tinyMCE (link button)?
View Articlesesin on "Someone Hacked My Web Site"
Hello, someone hacked my web site. I want to enter to admin panel but there is no login form. What should i do?
View Articlerikay on "Help needed: Adding YouTube parameters to oEmbed function"
Hi there, I want to add these youtube parameters ?rel=0&?wmode=transparent&iv_load_policy=3&showinfo=0&vq=hd1080 to the youtube iframe that is created with the oembed function. For...
View ArticleMadern on "Searching for mod sections of entry"
Hi! I'm searching for mod or something like that, which allows me to create a sections of each entry. I mean something like on: where each game/mod had a download...
View Article5ngua on "Simple custom login plugin"
Hi there, First of all, sorry for my bad WP plugin knowledge. I just want to create a simple custom login following this guide because I do not want to add the code whenever the theme is updated. This...
View Articleefromm on "HELP! Custom URL image"
I purchased a Theme that has a custom section where it suppose that I must just upload images of my clients and the theme does the rest: ( it's very easy to add client, just go to 'Clients--> Add...
View Articlekskerp on "WordPress Menu Question"
Happy Holidays! I have been using the Namaste! LMS plugin to build an e-learning course, but have found out that due to how the plugin is written, assignments cannot be added to the WordPress Menu...
View Articlesventje on "hack or virus?"
I got a mail from a friend asking me why he is receiving emails from our site through the contact page. He send me one of them and yes those are spam. the thing is that I have a captcha installed, and...
View Articlechaos67731 on "Make multiple pages and set template/content on theme...
OK, I have two different code and I need them mixed together more or less. I want to be able to make 5 or 6 pages on a site when my theme is activated. When it makes the pages, I want it to set the...
View ArticleJoseSegue on "Double underlined words in posts that are mouse-over ads"
My posts are getting too many words that are orange and double underlined, and when moused over show an ad. They appear whether I publish via IE or Chrome. These "ad words" don't appear in "previews,"...
View ArticleSascha_77 on "Bigger description field in Nextgen Gallery Uploader? Solution...
Hi folx. I figured out how to expand (and word-wrap) the very tiny description filed in the nextgen gallery uploader. Open the file: wp-content/plugins/nextgen-public-uploader/npu-upload.php Find the...
View ArticleSpidermanPuddin on "Custom Select Query doubles posts"
Custom Select query will SOMETIMES double the post. Meaning it'll display the same post twice, consecutively. It only does it on certain term ids. Here's the query $querystr = " SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM...
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