wdlyons on "Correct metgod to include wp-load.php"
Hi, I submitted the plugon and received the following email back from Wordpress: Including wp-config.php, wp-blog-header.php, wp-load.php, or pretty much any other WordPress core file that you have to...
View ArticleHontoNoRoger on "Pagination incorrect for NextGEN Gallery"
Hello, I have a bug, which doesn't display the right amout of image pages for a thumbnail gallery. http://japanblog.jp.pn/bilder/japan-2010/ should have about 51 pages, only 17 are visible. After some...
View Articlealev on "Need you asistance"
Hi A question i have a form that include credit card processing We have ssl but I have a problem pointing page I need to change permlink for one page from http to https (ssl) Any idea hot can I do it....
View Articlegeofflaskey87 on "Woocommerce - Add Shipping Phone Number"
I'm trying to add a shipping phone number to my woocommerce checkout page. I've got the field added with the code supplied. I need to get it to pull through to woocommerce in the admin area, so when...
View ArticleSmebagi on "Export custom post taxonomy categories"
Does anybody have a solution for exporting custom post taxonomy categories. The current Export function in tools allows the selection of a custom post type but will only export those categories...
View ArticleArtika The Bastet on "Paginate reply on any pages same articles...."
Hi, I've found this code http://wordpress.org/support/topic/automatic-split-long-post-into-multi-page?replies=9 and its works greatly on my normal pages showing (by a plugin) the exact number of pages...
View ArticleRDStudent on "Page Navigation Next Prev"
Hello, I am wondering if someone can help me out. I have a custom-page-template that uses this query: <?php // The Query query_posts( array ('category_name' => 'for-sale', 'posts_per_page' =>...
View ArticleA31 on "Nested Select Menu"
Hi, I am really struggling to get a second dropdown / select box to be automatically populated and I hope someone here can help me find my mistake. Before moving to Wordpress, I have been using the...
View ArticleNagytalp on "Display custom taxonomy part as "label on image" @home"
Hi! I have this code: < ?php $p_terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID , 'tagportfolio' ); print_r($p_terms); if ( $p_terms && ! is_wp_error( $p_terms ) ) { $term_links = array(); foreach (...
View Articlebbatie on "Using add_action on login to set localstorage"
I am using the add_action with wp_login to set a localstorage item on login. Its working fine when I try to login at the wp-admin page but instead of going through with the login it goes to the...
View Articlevinoth06 on "Set Cookies on Form Load"
Hi, Am developing a plugin, In that a form will appear as a widget in the website. When user fills and give submit that form should disappear. What I planned is after form submit the cookie will set....
View Articlencj on "Find/replace on pagination using PHP"
I'm trying to do a find/replace on the pagination links using PHP but am having trouble putting this code into a variable so that I can do a basic str_replace command. Can anyone recommend a way to do...
View ArticleSpidermanPuddin on "Custom Select Query doubles posts"
Custom Select query will SOMETIMES double the post. Meaning it'll display the same post twice, consecutively. It only does it on certain term ids. Here's the query $querystr = " SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM...
View Articlegman243 on "Looking for a Google+ Feed Widget"
Hey all, I hope this is the right forum! I'm trying to incorporate a simple Google+ profile feed widget on a clients website. A Wordpress plugin is preferable but after searching Google all I can find...
View Articlespeedwheel on "woocommerce - is_product_subcategory()"
Hello, any body knows how to create a condition for subcategory pages same like is_product_category() in woocommerce?
View Articledermattes on "PHP Value in Nextgen Shortcode"
Hello everybody! I want to call a Nextgen Gallery via a shortcode. In this shortcode i want to put a php value which i get from a custom field. The value and the shortcode work on its own, but the...
View Articlechaos67731 on "Make multiple pages and set template/content on theme...
OK, I have two different code and I need them mixed together more or less. I want to be able to make 5 or 6 pages on a site when my theme is activated. When it makes the pages, I want it to set the...
View Articlesquizeers on "Get the large image of the gallery image"
I am using the following code to loop through the galley images in the post <?php $galleries = get_post_galleries_images( $post ); foreach( $galleries as $gallery ) { // Loop through each image in...
View Articlevinoth06 on "Error on Plugin Activation"
Hi, I have developed new plugin from scratch, At that time it worked fine. But now I have tried to install in another site am getting this error. The plugin generated 130 characters of unexpected...
View ArticleSkyrie on "Widgets in Admin Bar"
Can anyone tell me how I can add widgets to the admin bar? I've created the widget area and added a custom menu to the admin bar (via the add_menu API), but I'm not sure how to add the PHP code to call...
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