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hannamyluv on "Redisplaying $_POST data"

I have a form and it has checks in place that make sure that required fields are filled in. If the checks fail, the user is redirected to the original form. I use the $_POST data and re-fill in the...

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redhorizon0289 on "JS error UndefinedID in function preventing content loading"

Hello group, I have an issue with JS on specifically the contact us pages or Contact 7 form pages in our website. Using Firefox error console I can see an error on the page which I assume will keep the...

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MiKeZZa on "When free shipping available don't show other options"

Is it possible to make (in Wordpress with WooCommerce) the shippingcost dropdown/radio button disappear when 1 of the options is 'Free shipping'? This because of when people pay more than € 100 they...

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Aureola on "How do you translate ( __('string') or _e('string') ) strings...

Hi, Surely I have made some typical newbie syntax error but I have tried just about everything. I would like to send off the words 'Read More' to the PO Editor for translation later; these words reside...

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TCBarrett on "Default custom post column to 'off' in screen options"

Is it possible to add a custom column to a post type with a default setting 'off' (unticked) in screen options?

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nissimziv on "Bulk delete images while still using them as thumbnail (featured)"

I would like to delete all the images that were uploaded to posts and pages of a Wordpress site, while still using them as attachments/thumbnails (as featured images). That’s why, I can’t bulk delete...

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kmurrayfrgraphics on "Javascript not functioning properly on wordpress"

A few weeks ago I added this javascript to my website and had it properly working on my website, but now it seems to not be functioning. http://working.frgraphicsolutions.com/services/ The script is...

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Kevin Kwok on "Reference post thumbnial without it linking to post"

Hi all, I have a need to reference my post's featured thumbnail. I was able to display it no problem with the use of <?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?> However I notice it links to the actual post it...

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starapple on "Alternative to query_posts to get categorie and posts info"

Hi and a great day to you. I've been using with the desired results, query_posts() in the home page of a theme I've been writing, to return specific categories and their posts with titles, permalinks...

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bicounet on "Disable Admin Bar"

Hello, I have WP 3.7.1 and I would like to remove the WordPress admin bar that appears at the top . Someone can delete? I placed in the theme functions.php file: remove_admin_bar function () {...

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beltex on "moved wp-config, cant find wp-settings"

Hi i wanted to use an plugin for creating pdf files and i have a reason to choose this specific one. This plugin needs wp-confi but i moved that outside root, so i change the location in the script....

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wen.wainwright on "Customising a theme"

[Moderator Note: Topic title modified. When you start a new topic, use a good topic title.] First of all I posted this in a lower level area and I apologize for re-posting it. I would delete it if I...

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Christiaan Conover on "get_current_screen() throws 'undefined function' error"

I'm trying to use the get_current_screen() function in my plugin, but I'm getting an "undefined function" error from PHP when I do. I looked around to see if that function was deprecated but it doesn't...

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rboord on "wp_mail “from” header concatenation trouble"

So I've got a problem with wp_mail sending from the wrong e-mail address. I want it to come from a specific user in this case. My code to get the user's e-mail works, because it echoes properly in the...

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Walton on "One set of custom meta fields not showing in post"

I'm working on a theme for teachers with a custom post type, lesson plan. For example: http://www.englishadvantage.info/testblog/lesson/writing-good-toefl-paragraphs-quickly/ The info on the right:...

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bublick on "How to debug theme?"

Not long ago I had a trouble with my wp site on nginx. Now I understood what is the error kind of. It appears on just published posts in wp editor. The page isn't loaded at the end and jQuery isn't...

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victor_jonsson on "Best way to create a css file dynamically"

Hi there! What would be the best way to dynamically generate a stylesheet in a theme? I can think of three different solutions: 1) Having a separate file in theme and assume where the file wp-load.php...

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theMikeD on "will wp_delete_attachment delete all images sizes too?"

The codex doesn't indicate this so I'm wondering if anyone else knows: There are two basic types of images: the original uploaded image, and the image(s) derived from it for things like thumbnails etc....

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mrapi on "Hook on download link/accessing menu"

Hi ! I'm new using Wordpress.In my site I have a menu that links directly to a setup file,for downloading.I want to hook an action/filter on writing a function that inserts into a database the time...

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PGrizz on "Adding a custom field in addition to Post Name to Permalinks?"

By default WordPress takes the page title you enter in the editor and makes it into a permalink. This title is usually also the h1 of the post. If I keep the default title in the editor as my h1, but...

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