Websiteguy on "Settings page truble"
I am trying to make a plugin with a settings page, but when I upload it there was an error. This is the HTML: * Plugin Name: Stops Core, Theme, and Plugin Updates Version: 0.2 Plugin URI:...
View Articlecwizards on "Link formatting problem when concacting a variable"
I have been trying to build a list of items with an onClick event but the link keeps on formatting incorrectly! Can anyone advise how to correct this please. $name=$myrows->display_name; ="Fred...
View ArticleSteeven on "Add a coloumn in admin users panel"
Hi How can I add a coloumn in the users table in the admin panel? The coloumn should show content of a specific proporty of the user. The content that I am talking about, is the value of a field that I...
View Articledanishsameer on "Need Fwd Text Button"
Hello Everyone i need little help..i want to insert a button in every post automitcally when any user click that button the text of that post automatcally go to the text area of form which i m using in...
View Articlecom800 on "Faulty text wrap for block items in multi-sentence paragraphs."
Whenever any block item with a float-left style command (div, table, image with caption) is placed in mid-sentence in a multi-sentence post paragraph, what SHOULD happen is that all sentences of the...
View Articledubzzdigital on "Adding a Pinterest button with php code?"
Hi all, I have the website Cottage Flair and I am wanting to add a Pinterest button next to the "Newsletter" one in the purple bar of the homepage. I have tried editing the php functions myself but...
View ArticleGrumpyBum84 on "Simple Menu"
Hi All, I have been working with PHP for some time now and thought I would give WordPress a shot, but I am getting lost on some basic functionality and I have been pulling my hair out trying to...
View Articlehisayama on "secret key"
Hi My name is Hiro. My website is hacked!! Please some body help me... I can not do login. And I can see database, pass word and ID is normal but I couldn't enter the dashboad.. I tried secret key but...
View Articlegerald@wpcustoms on "SQL: change post custom field to CPT post taxonomy"
Hello, the setup is as follow: I have regular posts with a custom field: actor = 'tom hanks' for advanced management I now created a custom post type (actors) and added "tom hanks" as a post within...
View Articleanespa on "How to convert a plugin to API"
Dear friends, I am using a wordpress application & a non-wordpress web site for an activity logging purpose . My need is , I have some plugins in my wordpress APP that must be converted as a Common...
View ArticleCyril Batillat on "Handle field repetition with Settings API"
Hi, I read a lot of stuff about Settings API, but I can't see how to handle this kind of functionnality : I would like to display multiple options (eg: First Name, Last Name), and to be able to clone...
View Articlescdwb on "Custom users.php column to Order by user_meta"
Hello, I've added a new sortable column to the Users.php page in the WordPress admin (Users > All Users). This works really well and the new column is populated by a custom user_meta value. Here is...
View Articlehalben on "Add custom register link to menu"
I'm trying to add a register link when the user is not logged in, it should display the register link in the top navigation. I have the following: if (is_admin() || $args -> theme_location !=...
View Articleshmk on "password_reset hook missing argument 2"
I'm trying to attach a function to the password_reset hook: function my_password_reset($user, $new_password){ /* actions */ } add_action('password_reset', 'my_password_reset'); But it returns me the...
View ArticleHansBlancke on "Custon database don't work"
Hello, I am not a perfect programmer but please help me. I want to post a form to my custom database in wordpress. I have tryed a lot of things and normal it is working but in wordpress it don't. For...
View ArticleAlexanderBeloev on "Recent posts carousel shortcode"
Hello there, First off I want to introduce myself. My name is Alex, I am 23 and I have started learning wordpress a couple of months ago. I wanted to ask you a question about shortcodes. I have the...
View Articleutcwebdesign on "Capability not working for add_menu_page"
Hi, hope fully someone can help as Im pulling my hair out with this one. I have added a custom admin page which works fine as an admin. I have set the capability to "read" so that any role can access...
View ArticleHowdy_McGee on "Post Media Library Default View"
I'm looking for a way to change the default view of the "Add Media" library on every post page. I'd like it to show only images added the the page instead of All of the media library. Either that or Id...
View ArticleFilip on "Order events by custom date (todays date not displaying)"
Hello guys, i was wondering if you could help me with something. i have a snippet displaying a list of upcoming events ordered by a custom field "date". the thing is, events happening "today" are not...
View Articleredletter on "wp_nav_menu() fallback not receiving vars"
I developed a custom walker class to implement the Bootstrap 3.0 menu structure so menus can be edited using the WordPress menu editor. Everything...
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