ahmadaziz0441 on "How do i categorise the category?"
Hey guys, i wanted to know how we can categorise the category, well in wordpress this tool is not available.. but maybe we can create our own codes/plugins to achieve this. I wanted to categorise the...
View Articlewaltervos on "Fetching serialized post_meta fields with XML-RPC"
Hi, I've got a scripts regularly downloading a listing of posts (from a custom post type) and some associated post_meta via XML-RPC. All was working fine, until I wanted to include an additional field...
View ArticleSauLustig on "Embed Picture"
I am trying to explain my problem. Users can generate pictures on my page and share them on social media platforms. If anyone clicks the pictures from there, they get to the total link of this picture....
View Articlemehdimor on "Secure wp-admin"
Hi, I'm using a plugin that is showing me how many people failled to login as administrator and they give me they country (especialy from italy). I would like to know how to protect my login page or...
View Articlevaldirljr on "Add title tag inside the gridview , in media library"
Hi, I trying to add the tag title in Grid View, when i'm in media library. I see in wp-includes/js/media-view.js, line 4629, when this js gets the title. I will not edit the core of WP, but i tested it...
View Articlekieranreeves on "wordpress get_field IF statement"
<li><span class="icons orange fa fa-check"></span><?php echo get_field("reason_6"); ?></li> How can i get the above line into an if statement where if the field is empty...
View Articleyekxmerr on "Need Help on WP_Query"
Hello, I've been struggling to get a custom wp_query for my new template and i need your help. On the single.php, i need to display the previous published post (based on the current post date) from the...
View ArticleAA88 on "Albums and Sub Albums"
Is there a way to have sub albums be listed in a parent album and only display parent albums on the main page until the user clicks the parent album they want to view? Then the sub albums will display...
View ArticleIvan Privalov on "[Plugin: Events Manager] Define Event Manager categories"
Is there a way to conditionally define the Event Manager's category through function.php for displaying a different sidebar? Structure: http://tutor.com/courses/introductory/ - is the EM category...
View ArticleGueno87 on "Modification Mantra Portfolio Metro Wordpress theme"
Hello everyone, I run this blog : http://le-blog-du-syage.org/ . In order to create this blog, I had used the Mantra Portfolio Metro Wordpress Theme...
View ArticlePete on "How to convert this snippet to taxonomies instead of categories"
Hi... How would I change this snippet of code so that it outputs a list of the child taxonomies from the current custom parent taxonomy rather than categories. This will be outside the loop in...
View Articlejoshjosh on "Permanently hide post from logged-in user once user has viewed...
Hello, all. I'm looking for a methodology that would result in a post being permanently hidden from a specific user who logs-in and views the post once. I want the post to disappear after the user has...
View ArticleMTWK-IDG on "jquery .position().top undefined when in wordpress"
I've built a content slider that works perfectly on my local computer but within wordpress it's stumbling on the following: var begin_position = jQuery("#individual_story_wrapper").position().top; I'm...
View Articleikkes23 on "Product categories ordered by..."
Hey guys! I am creating a webshop using wordpress and woocomerce and now I am introducing the product categories widget in the shop section and I would like them to be ordered differently than they are...
View Articleguarriman on "How to handle the domain of the petitions (editing 'index.php'?)"
Working with WordPress 4.0.1., I'm trying to handle the domain of the petitions. For that, I started to edit the file 'index.php' of my theme, and print "My domain is: " . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];...
View Articledhirlinger on "get attachment post id to display attachment custom field data"
Firstly, I know that this question or those similar to it have already been asked. And yet I have been banging my head against the wall on this for days. Thus, I am posting my first question. I have...
View Articlejustawebbie on "getting different sidebars in footer"
I am new to WP but giving it a try on making my own child theme from Twenty Thirteen. I am trying to get a different sidebar for category, tag, and page. It does not work for the news category. I have...
View Articlejack_10310 on "Display Title as Caption"
I almost a newby to wordpress and all the programing world but a person have asked me to make a page for her with all her products , the thing is , i need to show costumers the product code so they can...
View Articleachurch on "hack my subpages"
Hey guys… anyone know why the mobile version of my site has the subtitle "boîte de viagra"? That's not what is on the web and I need to remove it. Any suggestions?
View Articlekeith_e on "Using $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']"
Hi I have two websites with exactly the same layout and structure, one is in English and the other is in French. I have put two buttons on each site to swap between the two. So if a visitor is on...
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