The Travel Thread on "Related posts without plugin in loop.php"
Hey all, I've been able to call related posts without a plugin, however I can't seem to get it in the right place. when i add the code to single.php it shows up very bottom of the page, after the...
View Articlevahost on "Modify primary nav URLs on-the-fly by adding parameter"
I'm relatively new to creating filters, and consequently pretty weak in my understanding of how to create and use them. I'd appreciate a little guidance on how to create this one. In this case, I want...
View ArticleDominikGX on "Prevent Wordpress from generating default image sizes"
Hello, I want to stop WordPress from creating images in lower image sizes. Allthough I tried to set all parameters in Admin panel -> Settings -> media to 0, my ftp server shows me, that wordpress...
View Articledarksider59 on "Movie info in post"
Hello, I've been looking for over 1 week now about how to add movie info in a post. I've seen a wordpress website doing it but some steps are still no clear. I tried custom taxonomies for adding fields...
View Articlevishnudath on "Set WordPress to Use Default images in all existing posts...
wordpress automatically resized every image and make images like this and uses the same url to show image in WP Posts! -- i already got...
View Articlefw_w on "Can't receive $_POST or $_GET var in WP Plugin"
Hi I'm trying write a wp plugin and want to post a form using HTTP POST. The problem is I can't receive $_POST when submit my form in plugin's class. It works outside my class only. I hooked the...
View Articlekosackenzipfel on "Plugin/Widget Coding - document.getElementById doesn´t work"
Hello! I have a problem creating a plugin/widget for wordpress. In the part of the code where the backend-form is created "document.getElementById" doesn´t work. I can read the fields of the form but I...
View ArticlePete on "simple = - / x calculations with 2 custom fields"
simple = - / x calculations with 2 custom fields Would anyone have a simple piece of code that calculates and displays a simple mathematical calculation (=-/x) between 2 custom fields? Thanks heaps
View Articlenicearma on "Changing status code of wp_ajax_*"
I'm trying to change the status code of the result of call with ajax some function wp_ajax_* example wp_ajax_make_error, but i dont if is possible and if is possible how to do it.
View Articleduffmen on "Delete Post From front Page ( With Wp-admin restriction )"
Hi there. Could someone help to solve problem: I need that my authors to be able to delete their own posts from frontend. I use the function to do this: function wp_delete_post_link($link = 'Delete...
View Articleicetek on "html entity problems with xmlrpc python."
If I try to send HTML through post.content via python Wordpress xmlrpc it scrambles up and renders & html entity characters breaking HTML entirely. What could cause this and how do I fix it?
View Articlewinkm89 on "tinyMCE 4: access to elements in an iframe opened with...
Hi, I'm currently trying to write a custom tinyMCE plugin for WordPress and I have a problem: I open a new editor window (iframe) with the following code: { url:...
View Articlejmevz on "Display Responsive Ads on Shop Page"
Hello, I'm running WP 4.0 with the Fruitful theme and Woo. I'm wanting to modify the Shop archive page so that a banner ad is displayed horizontally between every 5 rows of products (728*90 banner)....
View ArticleFred the man on "Generating qr code with google chart + download it from...
0 down vote favorite i'm working on plugin for wordpress, which can automatically generate a qr code with google chart within each posts in the wordpress backend and download the qr code, because i...
View ArticleStephen on "Timthumb to native Wordpress image resized thumbnail"
My old line I'm trying to replace is as follows. <img src="<?php echo bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/thumb.php?src=<?php echo...
View Articlecoderdj412 on "WP_Query empty when using tax_query"
I am attempting to query a couple taxonomies via a custom post type: venues. Using the example, I came up with this query but, it comes up empty: $args = array( 'post_type' => 'venue', 'tax_query'...
View Articlemichelle.oswell on "Pulling out caption from post image"
I have an old plugin that I like (Drop Caps), and for the most part it works well (see my site. The biggest problem (and I've seen this with newer, similar plugins) is that on posts where the first...
View ArticleSolange4 on "Redirecting Virus"
Yes we have been having a problem with this web site: [ Link redacted, please do not post that here ] redirecting us from our own web site. Our own web site is: We cannot...
View Articlerkapoor45 on "Is my website hacked?"
I am seeing this ad from the website Webcare360 on our website The Voice of Nation and I dont know what caused my website to show these unwanted ads? I feel like this is because of some of the plugins...
View Articleben83 on "How to get two thumbnails sizes in a custom loop ?"
Hi everybody, I need help to set two differents thumbnails sizes; A big one for the last article, and then, normal ones. Here is my custom loop, in order to identify the last post as "featured". Right...
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