danielmain on "Function to add user to post as author once registered"
Hello, I am trying to find a function that I can add to my functions.php file to add a user to a post as an author once that user registers on my site. The only solution that I have found to this was...
View ArticleBnpositive on "Hide Post Edit Modules for User Role"
I'm trying to find a plugin, or how-to guide, for systematically hiding different modules from the post edit window for the user role of "Contributors". For example. Some plugins add additional modules...
View ArticleBourke08 on "Best way to add pages that display individual user meta?"
Hello all, I'm simply looking for some advice on what steps are required to make user bio pages. It's for a networking group I'm in. I'm currently using WP-Members and Member List plugins. WP-Members...
View Articleorizayag on "WordPress Plugin needed, display and mannage ads like Facebook...
hello everyone, i just need u to tell me the plugin name ... i need a plugin that let me upload ads to my blog that display like facebook ads: tiny image, text and sub text, and Monitor the amount of...
View Articleshazdeh on "media_handle_sideload kills the page without any errors"
This is a weird issue. I've made a little function to download an image from an external source and add it as an attachment. Here's the code: function download_image_copy( $url, $desc = '' ) {...
View Articlejeffvand on "Code to Write to Wp-config.php"
I would like to be write some code to add a line to my wp-config.php file automatically. Background: I have about 100 sites that have no revision limitations on them. I would like to use ManageWP to...
View ArticleCory.Nickerson on "Custom Login & WordPress Cookies"
I'm making my own custom login page and functions and just need to know how to write the data for the cookies. I did var_dump($_COOKIE) and came up with this info which is stored in cookies. array(4) {...
View Articlejhawkinssbcos on "Copying Widget From One Theme Inserting Into Another"
I purchased a theme which has a great widget. I want to take that widget and place it into another theme. How? Thanks!
View ArticleMarcelo Pedra on "How can I download plugins from an installed WP to do...
Hi! I'm in a hurry with this situation. I have to redesign one wordpress site where the owners are not willing to give access to the FTP. That said, I need to reinstall several plugins and extract...
View Articleiddeo on "Dynamic menu´s items` names"
Hi evereyone! I´m using worpress in a way that some users need to change pages´ content but being in Editor´s role (and it´s not possible to upgrade this role for them). That role doesn´t allow to...
View ArticleCory.Nickerson on "Hasing User Passwords"
Working on a custom login page. I need to know how to hash the submitted password via the login form to match the password in the database. $user_password = wp_hash_password( $_POST['user_password'] );...
View ArticleAyman on "Passing xml file and skip the first screen on WordPress Importer"
Hi, I'm creating a plugin that is downloading xml file from a remote server to the "local server", but the next step is to pass that downloaded file to WordPress Importer plugin and make the importer...
View Articlewebcabbie on "I need lists of countries/cities for categories you got?"
There is no way someone does not have this List 1 Continents Child List 2 Countries Child list 3 Cities Making a directory. Someone has to have this.
View Articlenickniebaum on "Wierd AJAX/session issue - sessions being emptied on ajax call"
Hello, I have a WP site I am working on that uses AJAX calls to load some view data based on some session data that is set. The problem is, the session data that is set is being emptied after an AJAX...
View Articlecalandry on "Jetpack Subscription Styling"
I am trying to change the jetpack subscription style to match my theme and have been unable to do so. I know nothing of PHP and I'm still learning CSS. I've tried using this format found on another...
View Articlepal8 on "Wordpress and basic Pagination"
What is the most basic pagination solution for WP? Showing default posts and using search results. I've been looking around and found a lot of custom solutions but there must be a core WP solutions on...
View Articlesenseloss on "Is there a plugin to make my blog private for facebook friends...
I want to have a wordpress blog that is completely private which requires login to view it, uses facebook to login, and only allows my facebook friends (even after login) to view the content. I've...
View Articlesfinxbookcenter on "how to customize search results ?"
you can try to use somr xmls http://conexion.ro asa am avut si eu problema cu http://sfinx.me you need to use php mode or try in help center
View Articleajmcfadyen on "Custom Post Types Have No TinyMCE Editor"
Hi Folks! There are no content-editors on the custom post types of a site I am working on. I'm hoping someone can shed some light on what could be causing this. I have tried manually setting 'editor'...
View Articlecurt2008 on "Add nextpage tag dynamically using Plugin Shortcode"
Hi Guys, I'm trying to add the <!--nextpage--> tag dynamically using a Shortcode call, but all it's actually doing is adding it as an HTML Comment instead of rendering it as pagination links,...
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