mindfl0w on "SQL qiery to get all posts without featured image"
Hey Guys! I'm trying to write a query to list all posts that DO NOT have a featured image. Trying to modify this one, but no luck so far:...
View Articlethestripedone on "Echoing a link to the oldest post in a navigation menu"
I'm putting together a webcomic page for a friend and am having trouble figuring out how to link to the first post. (That is: the oldest post, not the most recent) Currently I have the following in...
View Articlebigswp on "Can set_post_thumbnail be used like this"
I have a folder in: wp-content/uploads/sites/2/thumbs/ (this is a multisite) that is being used by a plugin to display images on the front page. I would also like to use these same images as "Featured...
View Articlenemci7v on "Show tags belonging to custom taxonomy"
I created a custom taxonomy called "portfolio" and added the tags column to the custom post type using: register_taxonomy_for_object_type( 'post_tag', 'portfolio' ); After I add the tags widget to the...
View Articlewinwindoe on "Production Variations add to woocommerce product page"
I am trying to use this block of code to add variations to my product page but when I do it causes mulitiple add to cart buttons under my products after add to cart has been selected. Is there a way to...
View ArticleMajklas on "flexslider to load few images at once"
I was wondering if any (now I'm using flexslider) plugin or gallery script could do this for me: if picture is less than x px, then it would load another fitting picture in the same box. So to say, I...
View Articlejuliusav on "How to add for each script in wp_footer()?"
To pass 508 compliancy tests, I need to add a <noscript> for each script being generated in the footer. Is there any way to do this dynamically?
View Articleacrane on "get_adjacent_post with multiple hierarchal categories"
I have a portfolio (CPT) that uses hierarchal taxonomies. Some projects are in more than one category. I want to be able to click to the next/previous project in a specific category (that i've passed...
View Articlealev on "Wondering if this can be done"
I need to create a page or a post but it I only need to see page no header or footer Is there a way to get this done?
View ArticleCJ123 on "Replicating Jetpack Portfolio Layout on Archive Page"
Hi, First of all, thank you to everyone for all your help! I've been reading these forums for 10 years now and this is the first time I haven't found the answer I've needed. I am using a child theme of...
View ArticleGaki on "Product Quantity Dropdown Color Change"
I am not quite sure where to ask this but i will try here first. This is one of the last color changes i need to make to my site but i cannot figure it out. I would like to change the color of the...
View ArticleAthertle on "Check user GUIDs"
I'm running a WordPress site that has giveaways. It randomly picks from the WordPress users that have entered and it rewards them. However, I'm trying to figure out how to make it so that I can access...
View ArticleAthertle on "Check user GUIDs"
I'm running a WordPress site that has giveaways. It randomly picks from the WordPress users that have entered and it rewards them. However, I'm trying to figure out how to make it so that I can access...
View Articlejatin_khatri on "How to add read more link in testimonial widget"
How to add read more link in testimonial widget 1. install testimonial widget plugin 2. add shortcode in page : [testimonialswidget_list char_limit=200 hide_title=true hide_email=true hide_url=true...
View ArticleToddWelch on "WP-Members Email Only Password Reset Using wpmem_pwdreset_args"
I noticed in the new version of WP-Members you can use the filer wpmem_pwdreset_args to only require a email to reset the password. Does anyone know how to do this properly? Unfortunately the...
View Articlekeh3084 on "How to remove menu(navigation),header&footer in specific template?"
Here is my theme's template. <?php global $javo_this_single_page_type; $javo_this_single_page_type = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'single_post_type', true ); /* Single Item Type Fixed */...
View Articlenick_the_lew on "Add css class choice in 'Add Media' modal"
Hi all, There has been legacy posts about this from a few years back that I have found but nothing seems to work in current Wordpress. What i need to achieve is some code that put in either a drop down...
View ArticleToni on "clueless about array parameter errors"
I do not know if this is the right place for my question. It is not a good question, but I am worried... I have had WP for over a year for various sites. I now run two MultiSite installs. All my stuff....
View Articlecontactaidandelaney@gmail.com on "Convert months to different language"
Hi, I have a dual language website. Rather than use a language plugin I just copied the site, put it on a subdomain and manually convert the language. I know this sounds like a lot of work, but I was...
View Articleskromta on "Applying a filter to a markdown post"
First of all, I know nothing about wordpress development so I'm probably missing something pretty basic. I'm using the JetPack Markdown plugin, however I want to runt a simple filter (a search/replace...
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