ndh01 on "Filter for Media Library to load different image size other than...
By default, the media library loads the Medium image size defined in Settings> media. I would like to set it to one of my theme post thumbnail sizes. Is there a filter for changing which size is...
View Articledmsman on "Search by State/City or Zip With Radius"
We are in the design stage of putting together a database containing houses which we want to be searchable by street address or zip code. Essentially a site visitor will enter city / state OR zip code,...
View ArticlePadmarok on "My Website Gets Hacked Often"
Im Running an Entertainment Blog Moviesrok.com and my blog is often attempted to hack. Whenever i try to login to my Wp-admin panel even if the password and username is saved in the browser i have to...
View ArticleRancca on "Custom authentication issue with wp 4.0"
Hi, I have implemented a plugin that replaces the built-in authentication with checking authentication from another application I have. I followed instructions from...
View ArticleJaneJW on "Please Help! Add Publicize code to "Text Widget"....."
I would like to add Publicize code to my "Text Widget" so text widget posts in my sidebar will link to Facebook and LinkedIn. Will that work? Can you help? Thanks, Jane.
View Articleswamini on "Unwanted data and scripts on web pages"
Hello All, Few days ago our site went blank. Then we restored it with the old copy and was working fine. When I view the page source of the web page it has unwanted data and unwanted links which we...
View ArticleRatethetrainers on "How to make short codes default on every page"
Im using the GamePlan theme by Envato Market. By the time I finish my site, Im going to have roughly over 10,000 pages. Each of these pages is meant to give a person a star rating (using the multi-star...
View Articleedow on "How to show nearby locations with latitude and longitude"
Hi, My website has multiple (custom) posts types. Right now they're activities, accommodations and restaurants but in the future there will be more. Every post has a custom field with the...
View ArticleWaishon on "Own Permalinks"
Hello :) I want to make a custom Permalink for my Plugin and show custom content there. ?read=article -> /read/article Or does anyone know how to make a page, where I put the content in dynamically...
View Articlelilts520 on "creating an external link field to images in media library"
Hello, I am new to php. How can I add a custom field within the media library which would allow me to assign an external url to images? I would then want to tell wordpress to get that link within the...
View Articlejoehark on "how to copy a theme from another site?"
I have found a WP web site with a twentyeleven theme that would be a good starting place for the extensive customizing I will need to do. Is there a tool that will download that theme without FTP or...
View ArticleArioman on "Display image or text only in shortcode ( only for a few post)"
hi , after i unsuccessful in put video shortcode to my short post , i decide to put a preview image of my video as image in short post and then show video player ( put shortcode) in full post now i...
View Articlesuzannaabdul on "Site hacked by Burak Aydin"
Hi, I believed my site was hacked by this guy by the name of Burak Aydin. I logged in to my site today and noticed that my theme has been changed without my permission. This guys have free themes here...
View Articleeldimentio on "Tips on how to add push notification support on post published"
I have my WordPress installed on DreamHost and I want to add the code needed to send a push notification to the Google servers for my Android app (this just requires curl to POST the info the Google...
View Articlemikeyhoward1977 on "Admin Dashboard Widgets"
Hi, Odd question perhaps but I have been playing with this for hours and can;t for the life of me figure it out!!! So... I have my dashboard widget all running fine. The widget is split into 2 - the...
View ArticleAdrian Toll on "apply_filters the_content not triggering oembed even in the...
I've been trying to get a custom wysiwyg field to output as it normally would when using the_content(). To this end I've been passing the contents of the custom field through apply_filters using...
View Articlelizbeck001 on "Then and Now Gallery - Can I add this to my WP site?"
Hi WordPress community, I found a pretty cool photo gallery that unfortunately doesn't have a WP plugin version (https://github.com/ryanpitts/then-and-now-gallery). What is the easiest way to use this...
View ArticleSamad on "I need to add more user info to get_currentuserinfo()"
I'm working on a new custom membership plugin. How can I redefine get_currentuserinfo() function or create a new filter on it so it pulls more user membership data such as current user plan etc.. What...
View Articlesvobodasite on "Display Console menu in Frontend"
Hello! For one of the my projects there was the need for close integration between the dashboard and the front end of the site - display left console menu on the front end. How to do it? P.S. Sorry for...
View Articlebxwebber on "Stop playlist audio player automatically?"
Hi! I've created audio playlists using WP's core mediaelement player. When playing selections in a list, at the end of the list the player returns automatically to the first selection and starts all...
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