Bitmaniacs on "Caching custom social share count in WordPress"
I really like having a share counter on my blogposts. I noticed that it actually encourages visitors to share the content themselves. Because there are no WordPress sharecount plugins out there that I...
View ArticleH1cH4m on "Delete Xmlrpc.php"
Hi , i want to secure my wordpress blog against brute forcing with the use of xmlrpc.php file , is there any way to do that , also if i just delete the file , is the blog will work normal or not ?
View ArticleKhornetheGrim on "Add extra, pre-set into to DB with New User"
I am trying to figure out where I would add the code to save additional info to a custom table when a new user is set up. I've spent hours running searches trying to figure out how to do this with no...
View Articlenofishangler on "$_GET['lang'] returns "en" when it is supposed to return null"
When trying to get the "lang" string from a url that contains no "lang" string, "en" is returned. For example $_GET['lang'] will return "en", which is correct. however...
View Articlepolecat on "Tags for custom post_type"
On my website I've some post_type like: services, portfolio etc. For post_type services I've a specific service-tags. When I click on a first inserted tag-service, wordpress gave me a correct post. If...
View ArticlerabbitFoot on "Plugin install Page Templates"
I am writing a few plugins which require Page Templates; 1) Do these have to be installed in the current theme (and others if changed) or is there a shared place I can put them? If require to be...
View ArticlerabbitFoot on "Add new page, etc"
Hi, As my plugin installs (or by admin) i'd like to insert a new page and apply my template to it, then get the page link per the way the install is set up, so it can be redirected by my plugin....
View Articledeyi83 on "virus spam or hacker??? XMAILER"
Hi, my wordpress account is showing me a message like the link below Please, help I can't do any change in any pages now and neither in the pictures. Thanks.
View ArticleChris Barrett on "Search - name="s" change to name="Search""
The WordPress search form has name="s" value associated with the built in search system. As this is also used by the built in Search widget, I assume in the core somewhere is a $_GET['s'] statement. I...
View Articledziner2 on "Style a specific admin link"
Hi,I've been looking for a way to style an individual admin link. e.g. Change the background color of "Plugins" to another color. With many administrator level admin areas having long lists of links, I...
View Articlesocialady on "Mislead by site log in"
Hi there, I was forced to log into this page, however as I tried to create a log in id, it kept me pushing to log in wiht my wordpress login id. So...
View ArticleMichaelNi on "wp_enqueue_style() with php file and css styles (php functions...
I'm just developing my first own plugin; I enqueued a .css.php file and used <?php header("Content-type: text/css"); ?> to specify that the content is CSS via wp_enqueue_style(). However, the...
View ArticlebogdanUlea on "Hacked code inserted in all the php files from my website"
Hi, I have the following problem: All my .php pages from my website has been hacked. A suspicious code has been inserted on first line of my WordPress website. I have changed all the user access...
View Articleaiwa1412 on "Custom menu item potion"
I spent alot of time trying to find custom code for a login/logout buttom for menu. I found some code that works but when I log in the menu bar has admin pages and the logout button gets pushed to the...
View Articlejustbedsheets on "Add description field to quickedit"
I have over 6,000 products that I need to edit product tags for, and I can do that. It would be easiest for me to be able to do that via Quick Edit instead of the Full Editor. In order for me to do...
View Articletoniojst on "disable comment email notification for specific page"
I would like to make the page with id = 2 that do not get notification mail that the message was written because I have on this page of me made to automatically approve comments. so i dont need...
View ArticleKeithAdv on "Help me use bigvideo.js in WordPress?"
I'm hoping someone can break this down so I can understand it! I'm fairly good with css, just a beginner on javascript and php. Not so well educated on when/how to include/import stuff. But I'd love to...
View Articleupdownupdown on "Limit user management within admin "groups""
(Not sure where to post this, hopefully I'm in the right forum!) I'm looking for a way to "segregate" user creation and management in the back-end. In essence, I want to have an admin (or "super"...
View Articletmh2k1 on "Need some very difficult css help"
Hello, I am wondering if someone can help me with some serious CSS customization. My page is: (Password is [ really redacted ] ). I have a stock market ticker in my...
View ArticleThyAmon on "How to restrict a usergroup to be able to post in only 1 category?"
Hello, I am looking to create a new usergroup and I want them to only be able to post in a certain category and not view anything else. Is that possible? I have googled but could not find exactly this.
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