wildmank on "Release 3.9.2"
So, ok, I'm a bit irritated after working 30 hrs over the last two days without any notice from WordPress until I received the "email". Granted, WordPress and Drupal have provided a tremendous service...
View Article3Pinter on "remove editor option for userrole author (and lower)"
So basicly if a user is author or lower there is no need for them to have the editor. Im using the latest version of WP in a multisite environment. I have a function that states all the unneeded stuff,...
View Articlerajagopalpalani on "About hooks"
write a hook to add code, which will delete the existing content in any page after 20 seconds, when refreshing the page, same content to be displayed and delete process should be continue. Recently i...
View ArticleKarmaCS on "Altering post display shortcode"
I am currently using the Extensio theme on my site. I had a blog shortcode that displays posts on a page, but only offers a couple of variables. I would like to be able to specify a post category, or...
View Articleprof611 on "Always show the full content feed, even in Firefox"
For several years now, I have been using my own hacked version of feed-rss2.php, so that the full content feed would always be shown, even in the Firefox browser. I know that the original version of...
View ArticleConduciveMammal on "Edit PHP code of the Visual Editor textbox"
I'm trying to add the following code to my Visual Editor so that it effects only that textbox and shows as a typical HTML placeholder containing text that disappears when you click on it: <div...
View Articlejrcayal on "send mail or create restricted access user role? experts advice...
Hi there, i'm a complete newbie here, it's my first time on anything about Wordpress coding (php, wordpress itself) and i'm developing a plugin for a client that shows a weekly sales report for a...
View Articlejvwekken on "Register Page Redirection"
I am running the latest version of Wordpress and Buddypress with a heavily customized version of the DynamiX Child theme. I have also created a custom register page with a custom register form on one...
View Articleharshad dehmukh on "Redirect to listing page after post save"
Hi, Can anyone tell me Is it possible to redirect to listing page after post save instead staying on same edit form? please let me know if anyone has done before. Regards Harshad
View Articlefelideo on "Edit Categories, Tags Front End"
First, sorry for my bad english! Hi, I'm trying create a page to edit categories, tags and custom taxonomies front and. But can't find the correct function to update fields on submit. The code:...
View Articlec13303 on "How to query_posts categories AND and OR at the same time ?"
Hi ! Starting from this : query_posts( array( 'category__and' => array(1,2), 'posts_per_page' => 2, 'orderby' => 'title', 'order' => 'DESC' ) ); I'm wondering if I can make a request with...
View ArticlePete on "Can I get the date/time of a post's updated taxonomy?"
Can I get/echo the date-time that a specific post/CPT's taxonomy is updated/changed?
View Articlemariz_p on "add user notification in bbpress moderation"
I have modified the bbpress moderation plugin since I'm not getting any response from it's author. Please see this link: http://pastebin.com/EMmZK1Zt for my code. Now, my problem is I cannot make it...
View Articlebenwainwright on "Auth cookie not always recognised by my theme"
Hi there I posted the following in the 'themes' forum a few days ago, but I got no replies and just realised that what I am doing here probably falls more into the remit of this forum. I am absolutely...
View Articledavistom on "Per-page ajax configuration in child theme functions.php"
I have a pages only Wordpress 3.9.2 site with a child theme. A subset of the pages require custom stylesheets, javascript and ajax features. I know how to implement all of these requirements via...
View ArticleLesley Ward on "Brute Force Attack"
I appear to be under attack by someone trying to hack my website. :-( I've put in a really complicated password which WP thinks is strong but I'm wondering if there's anything else I can do to stop...
View ArticleAndi Lee Davis on "reset have_posts after unsetting a post"
Hi there, We have a specific event that is scheduled that grabs an alert post and gets certain jobs. This then runs through a function that removes posts from these if they have been sent out to a...
View Articlekeirgarth on "2014 theme need to scale slider"
I am doing a class project and want to scale the slider to fit the images that I have chosen. I am not real familiar with wordpress so any advice would be great. Currently the slider is the full width...
View Articlerealmattbender on "Using an Array as a post title"
I am looking to store multiple elements as an array, and then call them based on one of the element's size. For example- We have a page titled: Pet Assure | Daily Pet Calendar - Smoke (Bloodhound) Jun...
View Article999ghosts999 on "Hacked, cannot enter site"
Hello. My page is hacked and I can't enter my dashboard either I get: An appropriate representation of the requested resource /home/wp-login.php could not be found on this server. Additionally, a 404...
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