GeneralHavok on "Add input to Comment form"
Need a hand. I'm not a noob, but I'm puzzled by the instructions/tutorials I've found for customizing a WP comment form. Quite simply, I want to add an input to the comment form. Seems like the...
View Articlefireflip on "Relate Images to Posts, Advice?"
Hey! Can anyone point me in a direction to the best way to dynamically relate images to a post? I would like to be able to upload images using the media library, tag the images with an assortment of...
View Articlemaxgoldberg on "if someone modifies a premium theme can they then re-sell...
Are themes covered by gnu? What about plugins? Or is it just the core?
View Articleonerock on "Custom Search Function for plugin update"
I am relatively new to WordPress and have never coded a plugin. I thought that this would be a great place to get my feet wet. :) I am working to update the "NextGEN Gallery Search" plugin...
View Articlepieterw3 on "Div around Comment text"
Hello, i would like to have a div around my comment text. the current setup is a <p> around the comment text. i found that i might need to edit the wp_list_comments() but i have not been able to...
View Articlewilirius on "Uploaded image is being resized to the same size as full"
When I upload an image of say size 940x300 it is being resized by wordpress with the extension 940-300. This is completely unnecessary and also creates a worse image because the full size image IS...
View ArticleTHE MOLITOR on "Publish scheduled/future posts in 3.5"
Hi there, I'm using the following code in my functions.php file that sets posts with a future publish date to the "published" status (instead of "scheduled"). Everything worked perfect until updating...
View Articlemrfraz on "get last comments | with pop-up link"
hey, i found a code snippet for last comments on a static page: but i use comments only with a pop-up. <?php comments_popup_link('0 Comments', '1 Comment', '% Comments', 'comment-link-top',...
View Articlehungken on "Only display featured image of the first post"
I want to know how to displayed random post like image below: That is, the code will display a list of 8 random posts, but only show the first post featured image and...
View Articlevimes1984 on "widgets admin page and js inside widget..."
Ok so here's the question: I have registered a custom widget inside of my functions.php, the widget has custom js inside it the code is as follows: /* * *Ajax loaded gallery for sidebar *Note tis will...
View Articlemrfraz on "Get Term-ID"
<?php $meta = get_option('select_name'); if (empty($meta)) $meta = array(); if (!is_array($meta)) $meta = (array) $meta; $meta = isset($meta['77']) ? $meta['77'] : array(); $value =...
View ArticlePanagiotis Angelidis on "How to remove the comment form"
Hello I am trying to remove the comment form from posts or pages without any success. The concept is via a plugin’s shortcode the users could remove the comment form. Any ideas of how this could be...
View Articlecscott5288 on "Adding a admin menu item that links to a URL"
I understand that I can add an admin link which links to a page generated by a specified function, but I just want to link to a URL (not a page generated by a function). Specifically, an Edit view of a...
View Articleedw!n on "wp_dropdown_pages() with parents disabled"
I wnat to use wp_dropdown_pages() the get a select with all pages within the site. But for all pages that have children, I'd like the <option> to be disabled, because these pages don't have any...
View Articlejamieschmid on "Help me brainstorm a way to sort the items in featured areas?"
Here is the setup: I have a CPT Projects, and a taxonomy of Featured Areas. Each project has a slideshow. I'm using an ACF repeater to set the slides on each project page. It works awesome, by the way!...
View Articlemajestsick on "I made random redirect post on 404, but seo help please"
I have made my 1st php code and I think its amazing lol probably not, it goes to a random post but in a much better way if you go to a 404 on my website and type some jiberish after a "/"...
View Articleatomicfuze on "Including a page in multiple custom menu drop downs and both...
I'm including a page in multiple top level custom menu items and both main menu items highlight when you visit the page. Basically the last two main menu items are "Buy Now" and "Minting Process" Under...
View Articlemrfraz on "echo wp_get_attachment_image"
foreach ($files as $att) { echo wp_get_attachment_image($att); } Need a little help.. for if empty.. echo.. nothing. Thanks!
View Articletstrebeck on "Display menu for pages under specific directory"
Here's the basic structure of my site: Section 1 - subpage - - sub subpage - - sub subpage - subpage - - sub subpage - subpage Section 2 - subpage - - sub subpage - - sub subpage - subpage - subpage -...
View Articlekristarella on "wp_get_attachment_image_attributes filter not working"
I've seen this filter in a few places on the net and I've looked at the core WP code, as far as I can see this should work, but it doesn't work at all. function remove_img_title($atts) {...
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