golazo on "Error mysql_real_escape_string() in wordpress"
I have next code for create account and insert post in database. Problem is, when i logged an i try to submit new post, apear this error: Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be...
View ArticleLuke Janicke on "How to customize "Insert Media" output?"
I want my editors to be able to use the default "Insert Media" feature but I want to customize the output. By default, "Insert Media" produces something like this: [caption id="attachment_414"...
View ArticleIsidoros Rigas on "How to disable images? (0.domain.com)"
Hello world, I have a techblog and I want to create an image-free version, something like 0.domain.com like 0.facebook.com, because I usually use large images. My friend complained that his data (30MB)...
View Articlealiput on "Adding extended_valid_elements to Tinymce?"
I need to add extended_valid_elements : "span[!class]" to the tinymce configuration file, but I don't know where to find this or how to implement the syntax. Can someone shed some light for me please?...
View Articledavidmaxwaterman on "hacking tags cloud to only show terms assigned to this...
Hi, Disclaimer: I'm no expert on 'driving' wordpress via the UI, but I've been tasked to make changes to the UI and a few other bits and pieces, and I've done that mostly by hacking away at the code,...
View Articleaaronpatty on "shortcode_atts returning indexed arrays instead of associative"
Thanks in advance for your help! Given the following shortcode function definition: add_shortcode( 'bros_data', 'bros_data_shortcode' ); function bros_data_shortcode( $atts, $content = null ){ echo...
View Articleflogen on "Make post title sit on top of featured image?"
Hey. I just installed the Editor responsive theme, which I'm happy with overall. The one issue I have is that the featured images sit on top of a post, followed by the date and author, followed by the...
View Articles3korea48 on "plugin that removes from menu, and another plugin that puts it...
there's a plugin that adds the item to the menu. I wrote a plugin that removes this from the menu, but it appears that my plugin might have been called earlier that's why it was superceded with the...
View Articlejohansenkristian on "custom fields with do_shortcode error if empty"
Hi I'm using a the plugin Collapse-O-Matic for my custom fields.. Everything works perfect when there is content in the custom fields. But some of my posts don't have any custom fields. Then I'm...
View ArticleSFGolfer on "Access database outside of WordPress 3.9"
I have been using the code below in a custom .php file outside of WordPress. The code worked without any issues until upgrading to 3.9 or 3.9.1. define( 'SHORTINIT', true ); require_once(...
View Articlekennydowuk on "customizing messages by product category in woocomerce"
im trying to detect a product category when the user adds an item to the cart in woocommerce. So that they get a different 'added to cart' message depending on the product they add the idea is that if...
View ArticleBest Credit Cards Canada on "Insert Ad or Image At Top/Bottom of RSS Feed"
Hi! I just started my website http://www.bestcreditcardscanada.com and was thinking that in the future it would be nice to include an ad at either the top or the bottom of all articles that are read...
View ArticleSkyNetworks on "Adding Thumbnail Images to Pages Widget"
Hi Everybody, Not sure if this is the right section to put this in, but I've managed to tweak my functions.php file to add thumbnails to the 'Recent Posts' widget that displays recent Blog Posts in my...
View Articledanishsameer on "Need Fwd Text Button"
Hello Everyone i need little help..i want to insert a button in every post automitcally when any user click that button the text of that post automatcally go to the text area of form which i m using in...
View Articlesipy23 on "Resizing Related products/ more than 4 col"
I need to resize or make the Related products smaller by making them be 5 or 6 on every product page (at bottom)for example: I have tryed to edit the Theme Functions, tryed adding a custom CSS, but it...
View Articlenicgios on "New plugin configuration policy"
Hi all, I wrote a set of functions and I want to package them as a plugin, but I have a problem. Many functions calls a configuration function which stores some general variables (I avoided global...
View Articletaylorshain12 on "Editing Child Theme..."
So I created a Child Theme from the 'Landline Theme' - using the 'One-click child theme plugin' - and I can't seem to create any css changes to my site - I copied the style code from the 'developer...
View Articlerevxx14 on "Great, free idea for a mega menu plugin. Someone please make it...
After hours and hours of fighting with nav walkers, I thought there needed to be a better way for web developers to create mega menus. After thinking about it a bit, I've come up with this: Wrap second...
View Articles3korea48 on "How can i add a button in post area for shortcode"
It is very tedious to write shortcodes esp when using mobile. Is there a way for me to create button in post area (post and pages) that when clicked, will insert the shortcode automatically?
View Articlebterich on "Strip characers from tag names"
Hi, I'm looking for a way to strip the frst two characters from all tags being displayed. I have added $tag_name = substr($tag_name,2); to category-template.php, which has worked for the side bar...
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