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nexxoz on "[HELP] Upload to MEDIA library"

Im currently working on a plugin to my project and i want users to be able to upload images to the media library the problem is that the code dosen't make a thumbnail image or add watermark by the Easy...

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andy999 on "Sort users by meta_value_num"

Been trying some things to output some users and sort by a meta_value_num, but nothing I try works and I can't find anything online about it. This one's a real challenge. <?php $args = array(...

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MI on "WP Query - odd/even and post types"

Hi, I want that odd and even posts would be different post types in one loop. How can i make it work? Here is the test query, which i think should work with getting odd and even ones, but how can i...

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colinsp on "My get_results query not returning any results"

Anyone got any clues please? I expect I have done something stupid. //Assign users to studies as authors global $wpdb; echo "Started"; $wpdb->show_errors(); // First get the profiles $result =...

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Sonyc-11 on "Customizing Add New Part"

I want to customize Add new post part where I want user to enter basic information based on my form and things like that, I also want to add JS there for validation and other purposes P.S its urgent,...

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Free269 on "What is the best way to improve in wordpress development"

Hi guys, I'm new to Wordpress, working on a website for about 2 months. First built my own theme and learnt how things work from this level (file structure, basic functions, responsive mobile design,...

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joaoimai on "Hide a specific category from page navigation"

Hello. I have a category that I wanted parallel from the main blog. So I didn't want it to appear on the page navigation buttons. Only when it is at the category page. Anyone know the easiest to do it?...

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tojihi.com on "how add custom feild in metabox quickedite in wordpress admin...

hi all of my website post have four coustom feild like price,pages,size and year and i have edit all this ... and i want to edit all in quickedit section... is has a sulotion...!!!?

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nicgios on "plugin dependencies and configuration"

Hello, I'm writing a plugin that create some pages with custom templates in a private area and deals with Custom Post Types. Trying not to reinvent the wheel I've found plenty of standard plugins that...

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plasmax on "Smooth Scrolling"

Hey guys, hope to be in the right section. I'm building a wordpress based website, all the theme is nice, responsive and modern, but I don't like when I scroll down with the mouse wheel because it's...

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chalax212 on "Problem in wtiting custom wifget"

hello.. i'm jay, i currently learn how to develop website using wordpress. i really love wordpress with tons of plugin and theme available out there, i just learn how to write my own custom widget. my...

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Chrisago on "Display specific category items."

Hi all, Any suggestions on how to display specific category items from the portfolio? Instead of 4 random items from the whole portfolio I would like to post 4 related portfolio items with the main...

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erpatton on "Active Directory - Grant/Restrict Access to Content"

Hello WordPress gurus! We have a client who is wanting to be able to restrict/grant access to pages on a WordPress site for certain groups in their Active Directory. Do you know of any plugins that...

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BrutaTroN on "PHP Coding Help"

For some some reason i can't get this code to work on my site. It works fine on my other site and i checked and the widget is accepting PHP coding. Can anyone help me out? I person made this code for...

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sjbmaine on "Limit user registration to a fixed time limit"

I need to set-up Subscribers to only have access to the site for four days from the time they registered. Can anyone advise how I might do this? I am using the WP-Members plugin to limit access to the...

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David on "Wordpress Media Manager 3.9 - default Create Gallery"

Sorry for my English. Media Manager. I need that in the admin edit page, when the user clicks on “add Media”, the default in the new frame will be “Create Gallery” and not “Insert Media”. I think, that...

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PearlsMedia on "Disable other back-end plugin's javascript files?"

It seems that wordpress is loading always Javascript resources of all plugins, despite I am only opening a specific back-end plugin. That leads to quite some trouble as some Javascript is colliding or...

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otti.steinhauer on "How to send a SMS"

Hello, at my plugin I'm already sending automatic mails with wp_mail() function. Now I want to send SMS and I don't know how to do that. I have got via a form the number of a mobile phone and I can...

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Elli_K on "Allow basic html formatting in custom user profile fields"

Hi! I set up a custom textarea field in the user edit profile screen using this tutorial: http://sumitbansal.com/scripts/adding-custom-user-profile-fields-in-wordpress/ Now, how can I set it to allow...

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xymalf on "Syntax error"

// Then you actually have to declare the functions that will generate the pages/page content. function boj_menuexample_settings_page() { echo "<h1>Settings Page</h1>"; } function...

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