romualdv on "Woocommerce Place Order Hack"
Hi, I would like to find out how to (and if possible) do the following: On our ecommerce site when we are on the 'checkout' page a customer can select a payment method and then click on 'place order'...
View Articlesiknoidas on "how do Login with query string? Test or user in in DB"
Hello, I wanna create simple query string to check or user is registred in wordpress site or no. I need this for apps communicate with WP DB. How create something like -...
View Articledilipcom2010 on "Does using get_posts() to fetch all the post data affect the...
I'm making a plugin which extracts all the data from wordpress blog when the user activates the plugin and hits my database api. The code I'm using is as under: $allposts=get_posts($args); echo...
View Articlesalihkulangara on "Filter Content for Attachment and Modify it"
I want to do this, just search the content for any attachments, and if attachments, usually the embedded images inside post, show the Custom size versions(that i have defined in functions.php) of those...
View Articlerevxx14 on "Walker to count number of child classes and add number to parent...
I've got a walker that counts the number of the class "break" appear in $depth = 1 unordered lists. I need to add this number as a class to each unordered lists parent <li>, but by the time I've...
View Articlemiowebdesigns on "Extra spaces in vcard download file"
I have a vcard program that I have never used within Wordpress. It is the basic vcard creation that you can find on any website. print <<<END BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 N:$last;$first;$middle;;;...
View ArticleGannet on "Multiple custom Rss Feed"
Hi everyone! I added two custom Rss Feed to a WP site. In wp-content/theme/themename/functions.php I added this lines: add_filter('init','init_feed_1'); function init_feed_1() {...
View Articlealdhaf on "How to apply sliding effect between page ?"
Hi there, I'm quite new with wordpress, PHP, and stuff. i usually just tweak css from theme a little. what i want to ask is, how can i achieve same effect like on this website :...
View ArticleMjedrzejczyk on "jQuery Autocomplete Not Working in Chrome/Firefox"
Hello, I've made use of the code at to add autocomplete to my Wordpress search. (It's based on the tutorial at:...
View Articlemaxita on "can you do me this code, it is possible? (see post by user)"
Hello, Sorry for my english.. Well, how can I do to do this in the sidebar. I just want to see posts from only a single member, by a choice in the user's list 1. I select the user (author) I want to...
View Articlemortonc on "Front end posting overwriting custom meta fields"
I've created this page in my theme which allows users to edit their posts. It changes the information which there are fields for in the page BUT it overwrites all the other custom meta fields which are...
View ArticleProStone on "Rewrite Attachments Page URL"
Hi, how can i change Attachment Pages URL to something like this currently I added on functions.php file the following code function...
View Articleajcke on "wp_list_pages Output Parent and Child Pages"
I've been using the code below to auto display pages and child pages in a sidebar. Our site has a few parent pages and the rest of the pages are all nested within these. Right now the code displays the...
View Articledangleraction on "Blank admin dashboard. Am I using wp_enqueue correctly on...
Hello, I have never had this problem before until I forced myself to use wp_enqueue_scripts. I think it's a really cool way of doing things, by the way. I'm a web designer and beginner at java...
View ArticleLuke Janicke on "How to customize "Insert Media" output?"
I want my editors to be able to use the default "Insert Media" feature but I want to customize the output. By default, "Insert Media" produces something like this: [caption id="attachment_414"...
View Articlerechazame on "Whento use 'init' and when to use a function in functions.php?"
Let's say I want to disable users from viewing the dashboard. I can add the following to functions.php: function hide_dashboard_init() { if ( is_admin() && !current_user_can( 'manage_options' )...
View Articleotti.steinhauer on "How to send a SMS"
Hello, at my plugin I'm already sending automatic mails with wp_mail() function. Now I want to send SMS and I don't know how to do that. I have got via a form the number of a mobile phone and I can...
View Articlejetm3ist3r on "Wordpress site hacked into, DID NOT BACK UP. PLEASE HELP"
Hello, I am new to web development. I created a website and did not back up the theme and content. Is there ANYWAY to retrieving my work? Please help. Any advice is Greatly appreciated!
View Articlehannahhayes on "Adding classes to Woocommerce widget"
Hi there, I'm trying to add the classes 'first' and 'last' to the first and last thumbnails in each row on this page which is using the WooCommerce products widget:
View Articlerakesh 7846 on "how to use grep or findstr"
my site is also hacked my this meta refresh but i don't see the any code <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url="> in the page source of the...
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