chaos_cb7 on "View only domain name for links"
I've been looking for a while but I'm only coming up with link shortners like What I'm trying to do is make it so that when I psst links into a post only the domain name is viewable. Currently...
View ArticlesNniffer on "Add argument in consultation"
Hey guys, a new project I have the following code to fill an option, which is running normally while listing all data. <select name="agent_id" id="agent-selectbox"> <?php $agents_args = array(...
View Articlesimonp820 on "Edit comment notification emails"
Hi, I'd like to be able to edit the content of the comment notification emails sent to a post's author when someone comments on their post. Any ideas where I might need to look in order to do this?...
View ArticleUltic on "Nextgen - Galleries and thumbnails simulatanously"
Hello! I'm using Nextgen Gallery version 2.0.65. I have my albums/galleries displayed in the sidebar with the help from a short code. When I click on a gallery, the sidebar is replaced by the...
View ArticleHowdy_McGee on "Adding Styles to TinyMCE 4.0 (WP 3.9)"
With the introductions of TinyMCE 4.0 comes a new, nice Format Select which has a few categories: Headers - Header 1 through Header 6 Inline - Bold through Code Blocks - Paragraph through Pre Alignment...
View ArticleRobodashy on "Database custom table issues - incorrect result displayed"
I tried to put code in the backticks like it says, so just ignore any ''s that look out of place (unless it's blatantly not me trying to do that) First things first: I've spent most of today going over...
View Articlebadincite on "Function to grab all images from page and display specific...
I want to grab all images from a page and display them a specific resolution width="100" height="150" anyone have one?
View ArticleNCCJon on "Search in CategoryDiv in Add new post"
Hi, I have been doing a lot of research for this but cannot seem to find a solution. I need to add a searchbar to the admin Add New Post page in the Categories selection section (categorydiv), since I...
View Articledfaltermier on "How to add fonts to the Font Family menu in the WP visual...
Hello gang, I just upgraded to WordPress 3.9. As a result, I can no longer use the [visual editor] plugin Ultimate TinyMCE ( to edit posts, pages, etc. It...
View ArticlePaulHaydock1982 on "Next / Previous links updating div content"
Hiya, I'm trying to modify my current theme and I've run into an area thats got me stumped. In my main blog box, I'm using the following code: <!--POST SECTION--> <div...
View Articleetstinson on "Woocomerce adding single product info to category page"
I'm trying to highlight a single product at the top of my category page. I've added this code, which I just took from the content-single-product.php, to the archive-product.php file. <?php global...
View Articlegucio666 on "How change media library tab?"
How change media library tab, because I would like to have default upload without tab. Thx. Maybe any spipped somebody have got.
View ArticleSnaphaan on "Unserialize serialized data in wp_options"
I need to extract the data saved in my widgets from wp_options for comparisons and other uses. As far as I understand the data needs to be un-serialized and that is the function of get_option(). But I...
View Articlestonylake on "get_the_content without url from embedded video"
For a kind of search function I need the posts text without html tags and without embeeded stuff. Currently I use $text = get_the_content(''); $text = apply_filters('the_content', $text); $text =...
View Articlegucio666 on "How change order submenu in admin panel??"
I would like to change order in my submenu on admin panel. How can I change it? Thx for reply.
View Articlemanex on ".mo files are not loaded in plugin"
Hi, For some weeks I have been developing a plugin for my website, and as the website's content is in many different languages I thought I would do the same with the plugin. So, while I was developing...
View ArticleChristopher411 on "Admin form entry not showing on page"
I am a bit of a novice so bear with me. I have an admin form for product lines and the entries on those forms show up together on a product page. <div class="product_page_entry<?php if ($odd){...
View Articlewinock2014 on "widget with related post on a category and there tags"
i need a related post widget in my wp website, a widget with related posts from a categorie and the result of five posts with the permalink. After the title of the widget and befor the results i need a...
View ArticleWillbbz on "Disable plugin "inactive" in plugin editor"
When you edit a plugin within the editor and save it, it will sometimes change from active -> inactive This means any changes made in the editor are no longer applied after the file has changed to...
View ArticleKassandra_P on "Change Sort Order of Image Attachment Pages"
Hi, I'll try to break this down as clearly as possible: I have several galleries. The images in each gallery are sorted (alphabetically by last name) according to the image slug. When you click an...
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