on my blog i have a couple of categories (each representing a specific country i have traveled). For each of these main categories, there are a couple of child categories (for each city/place i have traveled).
There are no posts assigned to the parent categories, all posts are included in child categories only.
Now when i am browsing the categories page of one of the parent categories i will recieve all posts of the child categories (i.e. http://garnienicht.de/category/thailand/ will show all posts from subcategories like http://garnienicht.de/category/thailand/bangkok/)
All these Categories pages just display one post per page, to make the archive readable a little bit like a book.
Thats exactly what i want the categories pages to be, just with one small issue, so here my question:
i want to add a dynamic page in front of all these posts, just like a sticky entry which is genereated dynamically and introduces the parent category. More specific:
on http://garnienicht.de/category/thailand/ there are now 23 posts/pages, whilch are correctly displayed in the wp-pagenavi.
I want to add a dynamic entry as page 1, so the new count will be 24 pages, where the first post will be displayed on page 2.
Oh, because i will add categories "on the road" with limited internet access, its essential for me that i dont have to "hard-code" anything like a sticky post for each new category.
The dynamic introducion could be either a php condition in the category.php of my twenty eleven child theme, or speacial content template which will display dynamic content instead of a real post from the database.
I just dont have any idea how to change the query to add this "first page" on each category, or if there is even a better way to do realize this.