I am wanting to feature on my home page only in an archive type feed, pages and posts (or a category) - using WordPress php and codex
this is the code I have worked on to date for the functions.php file of my theme
function child_before_loop () {
global $query_string;
if( is_home() )
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'page',
'post__in' => array(19)
$categoryvariable = $cat;
$args = 'cat=10' . $categoryvariable . '&orderby=date&order=ASC';
query_posts( $args );
add_action('genesis_before_loop', 'child_before_loop');
add_filter( 'genesis_seo_title', 'child_header_title', 10, 3 );
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I have also used this code below for categories only which works
function child_before_loop () {
global $query_string;
if( is_home() )
query_posts($query_string . "&cat=10");
add_action('genesis_before_loop', 'child_before_loop');
add_filter( 'genesis_seo_title', 'child_header_title', 10, 3 );
[And again...]
so the challenge is how to call cat10 posts and page id 19 at the same time.
sure it must be simple but I am not seeing it.