Ok. So I've been searching high and low and can't seem to find a way to do this. Here's my problem. I have a domain that is pointed to my WP site so I can't use plug-ins. I've tried embedding scripts but that doesn't seem to work in individual pages as it gets changed if I try.
I'm not changing my site just to get a streaming player to work. There's got to be a way to just embed a flipping HTML5 (or any other player) without having to hack the quackin thing. Why is this restricted?
I've read the posts and gone through a ton of sites but nothing can seem to embed without using a plugin. Again, I can't do that because my domain points to my WP site. I can't even chose plungins in my dashboard.
I've gotta think there's an easier way to get this done.
My site is http://www.thefive10.com. I've put some players that pop out but I'd rather have that pop out player just appear in the page itself and not have to pop out.