Hello all :)
So I have a custom post type used by a plugin - lets call it CAKE.
In the archives, there are several sub sections of CAKE - lets call them CUSTARD, CREAM and SAUCE.
And CUSTARD has 2 sub categorys - lets call them HOT and COLD
Now when viewing CAKE archive at http://www.mywebsite.co.uk/cake it uses my custom template file archive-cake.php but when you view any of the sub sections of it, for example CUSTARD at http://www.mywebsite.co.uk/cake/custard it just uses the standard archive template (archive.php) - how can I get them to use my custom template?
ADDITIONALLY - in my header.php I'm using if ( is_post_type_archive('cake') ):
to add a something to the header for cake archive pages, but again the sub-pages of cake such as custard aren't responding to this.
I'm working local so can't provide real links - sorry.
In summary:
http://www.mywebsite.co.uk/cake uses archive-cake.php but http://www.mywebsite.co.uk/cake/custard uses archive.php, so how do i get http://www.mywebsite.co.uk/cake/custard to use archive-cake.php
And how do I get http://www.mywebsite.co.uk/cake/custard to respond to is_post_type_archive('cake')