I am using a plugin wordfence which is excellent. Few days ago it warns me twice that my HTML, PHP,files ,core etc. has been severely changed; and they fixed eveything again. But, now when I check wordfence I saw that I have 2 themes which is not correct. I am using ofonly Twenty-eleven theme. But, according to wordfence, I have also twenty-thirteen themes too. Who put this theme in my site? I don't know. Besides that, today I visitmy account in Wordpress. com . Surprisingly I saw that I have 35 pages (articles). İn reality I have only 33 articles. Two more articles comes from where? I don'T know. How can I stop hackers to reach my website? Do I have opprtunity to find them? I will delete all of my articles from this website; and keep my website inactive. May be in that way I can prevent their actions. Do you think it works? Please, help me to solve this problems. İt makes me fed-up.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Ayşe Nuray Ünyay
ayruncom on "about hacking my web site (ayrun.com)"